View Full Version : Vicmark jaws on a Bonham chuck

26th February 2010, 08:59 PM
Hi all

I know this is a topic that has been raised a few times, but I now have the definitive info:

Vermec (Vermec (http://www.vermec.com)) makes adapter plates that will let you mount Vicmark VM90/100 jaws on a Bonham or Nova scroll chuck. See


Apparently all the chucks use the same centres for the mounting holes, but the different brands use different sized locating collars between the jaw carriers and the jaws.

Vermec's adapters are $35 per set plus postage.

I have been trying for a while to work out if I could use my VM100 pin jaws on the Bonham 100mm chuck - hopefully by this time next week I will be able to report that the adapter plates work.

cheers, Colin

27th February 2010, 06:18 AM
Yep. Have used them to put VM Shark jaws on an SN2.

Mounting holes have to be drilled out a mm for that move.