View Full Version : Newbs and bead practice - no waste!

26th May 2010, 09:58 AM
Here's one for the newbs that think bead turning practise is just wasting wood :no:. Needed a handle for the lid of a 'pallet challenge' box I'm making and a normal finial would be so very wrong for it - too late for the forum box challenge and I only have until Sunday to finish it in time for the Club 'pallet challenge' :o. Only tools used were a spindle gouge and small parting tool. Once the beads are shaped and sanded, drill just through the end bead then part it off with the spindle gouge so you don't get any tear out and repeat for each bead - very quick once you get the hang of it :;. I used a 2" sanding pad mounted in a chuck on the lathe to sand an angled flat on each end of the beads then glued each bead together with PVA in the style of a 'rubbed joint'. The wood for this one was very soft low-grade pine but it slices clean and the end result will do the trick. Add a bit of colour with a felt pen and even if nobody else does, my grand-daughter will love it :U

26th May 2010, 10:42 AM
Nice one Vern; v. cute worm.

26th May 2010, 10:57 AM
Hi Vern,
Very nicely done. You are a very Clever Fellow

The R/W/Redline is still going strong, very hard to convince the Others how good it is.
But that is their problem.
One of our Club Members came back with the Rhynodry. Not to bad, but nowhere as good as the Wet.
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Ed Reiss
26th May 2010, 12:04 PM
Ha...cool toy TT, grandaughter should enjoy it :2tsup:

26th May 2010, 12:11 PM
Ha...cool toy TT, grandaughter should enjoy it :2tsup:Not actually a toy - wouldn't last 2 seconds with the little darling :C - it's a handle to go on the lid of a box. The two holes the nail heads are in are for dowels to attach it to the lid which will also give it a bit more strength.

26th May 2010, 02:46 PM
Cool thingy Vern. What size it is? I think my wife has some of those on her tomato plants.

26th May 2010, 03:44 PM
neat trick Vern :2tsup:

Will file that one away. Dead useful in for the right project.


tea lady
26th May 2010, 05:55 PM
:2tsup: Would be quite good for one of these fall-down-when-you-press-the-base toys too.:cool:

26th May 2010, 06:23 PM
a wood worm , very niffty but keep it away for your timber stash

Mrs Woodpecker
26th May 2010, 06:33 PM
Just beautiful Vern. What a great practice idea. :2tsup::2tsup:
Cheers, Shirley

Cliff Rogers
26th May 2010, 07:46 PM
:D :2tsup:

26th May 2010, 08:04 PM
a Handle! What a neat idea!:):2tsup:

26th May 2010, 10:20 PM
Pretty grubby job, I say.:D:p:p

Neat idea!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

26th May 2010, 10:54 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone - but wait 'til you see the box! :o

:2tsup: Would be quite good for one of these fall-down-when-you-press-the-base toys too.:cool:Lost me :C - Please explain?! :;

tea lady
27th May 2010, 12:53 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone - but wait 'til you see the box! :o
Lost me :C - Please explain?! :;

:C What? My eloquence not understandable.:rolleyes::D

Like this collapsing cat toy. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~pwguild/p-ct-ty.htm (http://home.vicnet.net.au/%7Epwguild/p-ct-ty.htm)

27th May 2010, 09:11 AM
:C What? My eloquence not understandable.:rolleyes::D

Like this collapsing cat toy. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~pwguild/p-ct-ty.htm (http://home.vicnet.net.au/%7Epwguild/p-ct-ty.htm) Hmmmm :think: - with the angled faces of the beads jostling around, he'd come up with a different 'curl' each time you reset it - could be fun. That should keep you busy on the weekend TL :;:U

Ed Reiss
27th May 2010, 12:20 PM
Not actually a toy - wouldn't last 2 seconds with the little darling :C - it's a handle to go on the lid of a box. The two holes the nail heads are in are for dowels to attach it to the lid which will also give it a bit more strength.

:doh:if I had read your original post correctly, I would have known that...another senior moment !!

Sawdust Maker
27th May 2010, 10:20 PM
very innovative :2tsup:

tea lady
28th May 2010, 01:36 AM
Hmmmm :think: - with the angled faces of the beads jostling around, he'd come up with a different 'curl' each time you reset it - could be fun. That should keep you busy on the weekend TL :;:U:rolleyes::p

Allen Neighbors
28th May 2010, 12:57 PM
That's a heck of a use for a stick of beads!! Looks like fun, and I can believe the young-un really will go for it! Well done!