View Full Version : African blackwood

2nd June 2010, 10:51 PM
hello everyone,
this is my first post in the forum. i am cory dale- a bagpipe maker in brisbane.
i have recently come into contact with a large scale producer of african blackwood. i am planing a large order of musical grade wood shortly. i would like to know if there would be interest enough to bring in a good amount of turnery grade blackwood and if so, what sizes would people be interested in and for what projects. i can say that the cost of this wood would be substantialy cheaper than you would find anywhere in australia.
i looke forward to hearing everyones thoughts-
cory dale

2nd June 2010, 11:08 PM
hi cory
not sure what others would like to see in sizes but 20 x 20 x 150 for pen blanks would get alot of interest depending on the end cost ! or if you didnt want to cut down to that size some small boards suitable for the members to cut up themselves thats my thought if you do send me a pm i may be interested depends on costing

dai sensei
2nd June 2010, 11:25 PM
I'd be interested in some for finials, legs etc, say 50 sq. That way I can also cut it down. Larger Xsects also Ok. Lengths, what ever is easiest for import.

Price dependant of course :rolleyes:

tea lady
3rd June 2010, 12:12 AM
Finial sizes I guess. But maybe bigger stuff to, that could rim a bigger bowl or platter. :think: Or enough for a rather large bowl or platter? :rolleyes: Maybe not. :D Bits for jewelry.:2tsup:

Would also love to see some of your possesses in making bagpipes. Recently had my curiosity piqued in making a wooden transverse flute which I haven;t got to yet. But I'm sure I'll wreck a few bits of wood trying. :D ), so am curious about bag pipe making too. :cool::U

3rd June 2010, 03:11 AM
I would be interested in a few peices, 70x70x? I have been dabling in recorder making, I have also been asked to make a replacement pipe chanter for a friend, just because I have scottish heritage and I am a woodturner he thinks it should come naturaly. I do have the brken one to copy so we will see what evolves.

QC Inspector
3rd June 2010, 04:54 AM
Dang! :doh: Wrong country :aro-u: or I would get in on this for future ornamental turning stock (which would be for the biggest it comes in so I could cut it to suit).


John Lucas
3rd June 2010, 06:52 AM
I was looking for a 2 pieces1 1/2 inches thick by 8" square to make a high end box for a $100,000 pearl necklace for a jewelry maker friend. I was still searching for the wood when that project fell through. I'm not sure what he came up with as a replacement for that box. It would have been a fun project.

3rd June 2010, 07:39 AM
Welcome to the forum Cory,

Excellent first post offering us a deal like this.

You know we now all want to see pictures of your handiwork and workshop!:)

A work in progress wont go astray either!

3rd June 2010, 08:21 AM
Dale Bagpipes (http://www.dalebagpipes.com.au/)

There is a few You tube videos as well on playing them.

3rd June 2010, 08:37 AM
G'day Dale and welcome to the shed!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

I used to play the bagpipes but it was so long ago I've forgotten how to!

You might also place this info in the Musical Instruments section.

3rd June 2010, 09:31 AM
Hi Dale and welcome aboard.

I guess the bottom line is the $$$. If you could give us some indicator on pricing per kg or volume or whatever. :2tsup:
This would assist many of us in deciding what sizes etc we can order.

3rd June 2010, 05:34 PM
heres an example of cost- (moderators please forgive me if im breaking some rules by this post- but i dont have acess to a lot of wood workers and want to gauge how popular blackwood would be for turners)
a piece of 54x54x300mm musical grade blackwood would be $30, so thats going to be considerably less for turnery grade stuff. i bought a piece of blackwood smaller than this from melbourne once and it came to $90...
anyway, i realy need sizes of common projects that blackwood would be good for- ie bowl blanks , or handles etc so i can acutaly get a better idea of the cost.
since this post may be against forum rules in some way- please e-mail me at [email protected]

i will post some photos of my work in the instrument section shortly.

3rd June 2010, 07:26 PM
Dale, welcome aboard. I would be interested in any pieces with a cross section of 40x40, or 10x40 and a length greater than 100mm. Also would be interested in a piece of musical grade the same as what you have specified there. I can see myself making some lovely knife handles out of this. :U

I would imagine getting pieces as big as economically possible would be the way to go. Then you can break it down as required and sell based on a cubic meter price perhaps? I doubt you would lose money importing any, as there is always people looking for exotic stuff like that.

Looking forward to seeing what becomes of this. Cheers, Tom.

3rd June 2010, 11:43 PM
Bagpipes .... strangling a turkey and calling it music ;-}

That aside, if you convert to cubic metres:

"54x54x300mm musical grade blackwood would be $30"

then we can do our own sums. I'd be interested.

4th June 2010, 06:23 PM
I'd be interested in a few bits as well, depending on final pricing , etc.

4th June 2010, 09:41 PM
as mentioned earlier i would be interested in some for pen blanks