View Full Version : Blatant Gloat

8th November 2004, 04:04 PM
Hei Guys,
Dragged my butt out of bed this morning at 7am to go meet some treeloppers that were bringing down a jarrah tree.
Scored three slabs about 600mm across and about 500mm long (fun to unload alone) and filled the trailer with assorted logs from about 200mm to 400mm thick - the tree loppers even cut the timber to the size I wanted and helped me load the trailer.

Could have got more but I only have an ungated 6x4 trailer and it was a round trip of about 80k's - was rather a shame to see some nice timber go through the chipper.

Kev Y.
8th November 2004, 04:09 PM

not that I am jealous... :p

8th November 2004, 04:51 PM
What........ no room inside the car? What about on the roof?

anyway I am sure it will go to a good project, any ideas?

reegards tony

8th November 2004, 05:10 PM
Hei Tony,
I loaded the trailer in order of size and after I'd finished they cut the stump lower and there was another 600mm slab - that went inside the car which is an old express van.
I thought about loading the van as well but I have to unload alone and we will be moving in the next six to twelve months so what ever timber I collect I will have to move.

As for plans, not sure yet. Apparently end grain turning is not the done thing but I'd like to make a nice large platter.

This timber came up out of the blue, I got a call about 2pm yesterday, I rang some people in my turning club but they all thought it was too far - it was about 35km each way which is only 20 minutes on the freeway.

8th November 2004, 07:48 PM
Well i am suew that what you have will be sufficient to make various pieces of furniture.Good wood is getting harder to come by, especially the larger sizing. All the best.

regards tony

8th November 2004, 08:12 PM
Hei Tony,
You should call a few tree loppers in your area, they either have to cart the wood away or feed it through a chipper so most of them are happy for you take it.