View Full Version : "The Frugal Woodturner" a book by Ernie Conover

31st December 2010, 10:33 PM
I borrowed this from the local library.

I guess it is aimed at novice to moderately experienced turners, although I think it probably has some ideas for the more experienced.

It is very well written and contains lots of useful photos and drawings that explain the text.

It covers such things as , selecting a lathe, selecting tools, making your own tools , making a stand, making chucks, making faceplates, making a steady, even making your very own pole lathe (with photos). It has a really good section on sharpening and heat treatment. One of the best chapters (IMO) explains why and how wood shrinks and cracks. It covers finishes (how to make your own), finding cheap timber and even a few pages on what you probably don't need.

It is all written with the attitude of saving a few bucks and having some fun.

I highly recommend it to anyone that is just getting into the obsession and I think it is also a good read for the already obsessed. (You know who you are!).

I will be returning this copy to Hornsby library in a couple of weeks.

2nd January 2011, 06:56 PM
Thanks for the post Avery.

Have seen a couple of his short vids and he sounded like an informative guy.

joe greiner
2nd January 2011, 11:12 PM
In case you don't already know, Ernie was the manufacturer of the Conover Lathe (Google is your friend). Kit-built, with almost any bed configuration you might need. I've yet to see one in the flesh, but I'd love to have room for one.


2nd January 2011, 11:31 PM

he mentions this in the book and there are photos, he also mentions lathes that his father built.

There is about a 10 page section on making your own spring pole lathe with drawings and dimensions.

4th January 2011, 04:22 AM
Stumbled upon this looking for Conover Lathe info.

Ernie Conover Chat, WoodCentral, December 1, 2004 (http://www.woodcentral.com/chats/chat_conover_41201.shtml)