View Full Version : Best wishes for 2011

1st January 2011, 01:37 PM
Particularly to TTIT and other forum members up in the floods.

Hope your wood stashes are all high density and don't float away :no:

1st January 2011, 02:35 PM
I'd like to second Ern's good wishes.

1st January 2011, 02:41 PM
I suppose the up side is that if the stash does not float away at least it can be re-dried.

Anyway all the best for the New Year. :2tsup:

1st January 2011, 04:02 PM
Imagine trying to make an insurance claim on the 'wood bank'. Erk.

Also the best of luck to Ed and other forum members in the NE of the US with the heavy snowfalls you've had.

Sawdust Maker
1st January 2011, 08:07 PM

Hope the stubby is in the attic :2tsup:

All those with adverse weather conditions - we are thinking of you
chin up and look after the wood

but look after yourselves first

Hope 2011 gets better for you

2nd January 2011, 02:40 AM
im only about 4hrs drive from vern
but looking at the pics im thinking its not looking good for vern or anyone else out there :(
hmm poor vern with his stubby and to his huge egg collection as it was getting near or just over 400 eggs from different timbers from around the world
i was talking to him at the prossy turnout and he even showed me a spreadsheet of the egg collection noting common name botanical name coutnry of origin and the provider of the piece as well showing those that were finished ,those just turned not yet finished and those to turn (still block form )
wonder what kind of figure the insurance could come up with if any