View Full Version : Needle Holder Key Rings

19th January 2005, 04:48 PM
Anyone made these, it's basically a metal tube about 10mm diameter with fittings on the end.
I'm thinking you turn it on a mandrel like a pen, can you get bushes for the pen mandrel or should I should just make a mandrel using a drilll chuck and a bolt.


19th January 2005, 06:33 PM
Make your own bushes from small pieces of Jarrah.
Drill a hole the same size as your mandrel then turn down to the ID of the brass tube.

Carbatec and Timbecon have a selection of bushes for the mandrels, might be one to fit the key ring tube.

Model shops have brass tube the same ID as the mandrels with assorted OD, could use that to make your own bushes.

Kev Y.
20th January 2005, 03:14 PM
Paul.. this maybe something like what you are after.


20th January 2005, 07:46 PM
Thanks Kev,
That's a home made version of the kit I got but something to play with.