View Full Version : The curse of Sheddie strikes again

5th April 2012, 10:53 AM
Well, here i am albeit with only my left hand operative. 5 days trapped in our wonderful public hospital system - underfunded, understaffed, underpaid and overworked.
I just set a couple of rods in the river out front on saturday arvo. There is a dead she oak in the spot overhanging the river. I get a prun ing saw to trim off some dead branches. Unbeknown to me the river bank was seriously undermined and it gave way when i put my weight on it. I fell backwards into the river about 3 metres and landed on a bloody big sharp boulder and smashed my scapula (shoulder blade). I was alone, head in the water in absolute agony. stupidly i panicked and put my weight on my right side and heard some ominous grinding in the shoulder which was accompanied by further excruciating pain. The dog took off and hid from the screaming. The land lord had gone out and swmbo was at work. Dragged my wet self out of the river up to the house and rang swmbo. 50 agonising mi nutes later im in the emergency de;artment carpark sucking morphine up and getting very trippy.Don't recall the next 12 hours but home now very sick and sore. the fracture extends into the joint - surgery won't fix it - and the combined wisdom of the 4 orthopaedics at the hospiatal say that it is going to be long and painful recovery process. no fishing, no guitar, just painfilled boredom and sleepleess nights. typing this with my left hand and thats enough for now.

5th April 2012, 11:03 AM
Oh Mike, what a story!

Get better mate - sounds like you need to start reading a long book - have you tried War and Peace?

5th April 2012, 11:51 AM
Oh sweet jeezuz! That is fookin terrible Mike!

I am a kayak fisherman and I don't know what I would do if I couldn't fish!!!! :oo:

Mate, get a good book, lots of DVD's and load up the pain killers on the couch.

I broke my shoulder 20 years ago in a push bike accident and I would recommend a good Physio, once you can get that thing moving although painfull...get it moving and build up the muscles. I found swimming and water excercises were the go for me.

Good luck man :2tsup:

5th April 2012, 01:10 PM
Sorry to hear Mike. No fishing doesn't sound good. Get well.

5th April 2012, 01:56 PM
Mike if it was raining virgins as a mate would say you'd end up with :rolleyes:

Well your doing all right for a bloke in agony to have done what you did dragging yourself out there..........Now why the hell where you pruning a tree you've given up woodwork:?

The fishing gear suppose its all still down there too.:doh:

Oh R&R and others have said books n DVD's

5th April 2012, 02:06 PM
What a bummer. No you know what's either. Rekon a good book and a very good 25yo single malt scotch will deaden the pain.

7th April 2012, 01:44 AM
Send SWMBO off to get you an electronic book reader - Kindle, Sony Ebook, what ever. Much easier to handle with only one functional hand, don't loose your place if dropped a short distance or otherwise left lying about. Lighter than most library books too.

Heaps of free books online if you look around.

7th April 2012, 10:04 AM
So Mike, did you get a nibble?

(sorry to hear it mate, ,ouch!)

Cliff Rogers
7th April 2012, 10:42 AM
Bugga. :(

7th April 2012, 11:28 AM
Mike, next time you go outside the "safe" confines of your house, you should be wrapped up in cotton wool!:;

7th April 2012, 12:46 PM
ps. there were 2 very nice bream on the lines when swmbo pulled them up late sat nite. the landlord ate ém. now on endone for pain as the other stuff made me sick. had to go back to hospital yesterday. not to good i'm afraid. decribed as avery bad break with a long and painful recovrry.:(:(
bye for now.
thanx all for kind thoughts.

12th April 2012, 09:59 PM
ps. there were 2 very nice bream on the lines when swmbo pulled them up late sat nite. the landlord ate ém. now on endone for pain as the other stuff made me sick. had to go back to hospital yesterday. not to good i'm afraid. decribed as avery bad break with a long and painful recovrry.:(:(
bye for now.
thanx all for kind thoughts.

Damn thats a bummer , I hope you got a rental discount from your landlord for the bloody fish.
Any way glad you are ok and hope things get better for you.
Just did a stint in hospital myself , not the place I like to be .
Rather be fishing and crabbing.

12th April 2012, 10:13 PM
I got put on endone at some time but it made me sick wanting to vomit all the time. Only took it twice, Just went to panadine for pain. Get better soon and get those fishies. And the timber you were after.

Scribbly Gum
16th April 2012, 07:02 PM
Saw Sheddie today, and he is bearing up remarkably well. I can see that he will become an avid reader over the next couple of months until he can start physio. Saddest thing is, he has a beautiful little Mercury outboard that will taunt him until he is back in the boat again.
Beautiful coffee today Mike.
Mucho Gratias my friend

beer is good
16th April 2012, 08:40 PM
Get well soon Mike. Just imagine how the fish stocks will be building up while you're recuperating.

16th April 2012, 09:11 PM
thanks mates. mullet and bream jumping outside my lounge room window. (never seen bream do that before) anyway the buggers are torturing me.:~..hurry up physio...:-

great to finally meet Tom and his SWMBO Barb.

16th April 2012, 09:33 PM
There are people around the world use there feet to paint drive fly why not you use em to fish :p you could dangle the toes in with bait strapped to them.

16th April 2012, 10:12 PM
There are people around the world use there feet to paint drive fly why not you use em to fish :p you could dangle the toes in with bait strapped to them.
Yeah, right!!! :no: the way things have been goin lately i'd loose ém to a passing bull shark..:(:rolleyes:

16th April 2012, 10:14 PM
There are people around the world use there feet to paint drive fly why not you use em to fish :p you could dangle the toes in with bait strapped to them.
Yeah, right!!! :no: the way things have been goin lately i'd loose ém to a passing bull shark or large hungry mullet..:(:rolleyes:

Cliff Rogers
16th April 2012, 11:53 PM
Anything ya catch using yer feet fer bait probly isn't worth cooking... maybe OK in a crab pot... :think:

What ya catch, not ya feet. :rolleyes:

22nd April 2012, 08:33 PM
That's a bugger! :oo:

What's the long term out look for complete healing and movement?


22nd April 2012, 09:09 PM
That's a bugger! :oo:

What's the long term out look for complete healing and movement?

Foolong term use will be somewhat restricted as arthritis will develop pretty quickly due to bone damage in the joint. Have to increase the fish oil intake which means i'm gonna have to kill more fish :D
Off the endone as of 5 days ago. rather the pain than feelin like a nauseated zombie 24/7 :no: