View Full Version : Cyclone

Finger Dicer
20th March 2005, 05:35 PM
Can anyone point me in the direction of Sturdees cyclone plans.

This sounds like a must solution to my dust problems

I had a look at the Triton Club users site but the links to the newsletters dont appear to work.

All help is greatly appreciated in advance. :)

20th March 2005, 05:55 PM
Can anyone point me in the direction of Sturdees cyclone plans.

Finger Dicer,

I think I can. :D :D :D :D

I just had a try in downloading the October 03 newsletter from the Triton woodworking club (http://www.tritonwoodworkers.org.au/). No problems at all.

Try the above link, and if it doesn't work, let us know and I'll post the details here as well as repost Hem's schematic diagram that is on this board but not in the newsletter.

BTW if you haven't got a Triton dust bucket you can make them from empty plastic paint buckets, as I've just done last week.


Finger Dicer
21st March 2005, 03:47 PM
Cheers Sturdee, it downloaded this time. No idea why it didnt the first time round. I have the schematic as well so all is well.

Cyclone building will commence this weekend :)

Finger Dicer
21st March 2005, 03:50 PM
One question...if I used a 40mmm piping rather than 25 to 40, would there be any significant difference in performance. I assume that somwhere there is a simple formula for calculating these things but I have yet to find it.

The vacuum cleaner I have has a 60mm hose so I was wondering if going down to a 25mm pipe may not allow it to circulate air properly. :confused:

21st March 2005, 05:18 PM
Don't know if it makes a difference as I only used cheap little vacs. Maybe Wayne Davey can help here.

However not knowing if it makes a difference I would try it with the small size pipe, and use your existing hose between the vac and the cyclone and get another smaller diameter hose for between the cyclone and your suction wands etc.


Finger Dicer
21st March 2005, 07:17 PM
Roger that :D. Will no doubt be stealin SWMBO's vacuum at some point this weekend. Will let you know how we get on .

Wayne Davy
21st March 2005, 09:41 PM
Finger Dicer,

Not to sure about the pipe size changes but I think I would try it as Sturdie has suggested.

As for a "simple" formula - nope, not that I am aware of. There are a lot of factors that you would need to take into account to calculate ie Motor size/rpm, impeller (fan) size/type, air resistance of the Vac bag, pipe sizes, how many bends in pipe and angles, etc, etc, etc.

btw Regarding the Vac pipe being 60mm, I take it that is outside diameter. Measure the inside diameter as the corrugated vac pipes are smaller than pvc on the inside compared to pvc.