View Full Version : YOYO instrutions. ((DUM Question. Remember me. I am back. LOL)

25th October 2012, 11:19 AM
Hi Guys,
My son saw the yoyo kit, Oh that be easy. Well the kit arrived and i am bugger no instructions. How do you make the yo-yo kit? can anyone direct me to the instructions for him?
thanks Toni

25th October 2012, 11:49 AM
Ball Bearing Yo Yo Kit Instructions PK-1057 - Pen Making Supplies (dot) com - Pen Kits, Pen Parts and Accessories (http://penmakingsupplies.com/Instruct/PK1057_YoyoKitIns.php)

25th October 2012, 12:20 PM
oh, so I need bushes. Bugger. trust me not to enough to do it. :/

25th October 2012, 01:07 PM
Toni try bushes you already have like Sierra etc or turn a tappered bush from wood yourself.

robo hippy
26th October 2012, 05:07 AM
I have made a few, and main tip I can give is to weigh the halves of the yo-yo before gluing them together. No matter how close the profiles are, they need to weigh exactly the same, down to 0.01 grams or less, if you want them to spin proper.

robo hippy

26th October 2012, 07:07 AM
I have made a few, and main tip I can give is to weigh the halves of the yo-yo before gluing them together. No matter how close the profiles are, they need to weigh exactly the same, down to 0.01 grams or less, if you want them to spin proper.

robo hippy

I've never turned a yo-yo but have a couple for doing tricks (I learnt when a friend gave me one for my 21st birthday). Yep - balance is the most important thing, dget that right and your away, get it wrong and - well...