View Full Version : Anyone recommend a small, accurate table saw?

22nd May 2005, 01:12 AM
Recommend an accurate small table saw
<hr style="color: rgb(192, 170, 148);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> What i would like to obtain is a small (7.25") table saw to make small boxes and the like. Any ideas?

Also need breathing mask - over nose and mouth (not full face) has to be positive air displacement kind (I have 1 lung that works sometimes). And it also needs to fit around a bloody big head (sigh) 28".

Umm, the idea is to let me make things whilst keeping them small and manageable. Using all hand tools all the time is not an option.

Sigh, gone are the days of chainsaws, sledgehammers and bridge spikes - now that was woodworking.