View Full Version : Keel Construction

9th June 2005, 10:39 PM
I'm looking for a method to cut the wood for a keel. He is my problem. The ash I received from the mfg. is cut exactly to the rectangle size required. I need to put a 15 deg. angle on both sides the entire lenght of 16 ft. How can I go about doing this without compromising the width and height dimension? I would have used a table saw if there was extra stock and I am not confident that I can plane the entire lenght accurately. Any suggestions? This is being used on a canoe I'm restoring.

Thanks, Bob

9th June 2005, 10:55 PM
Hand plane Bob. Not a problem. Just mark the final thickness on the bottom, the shape on the ends and work it down with a plane. You can't take the full thickness off with one stroke of the plane so it's just a matter of keeping at it. Besides, it's not super critical that it be perfect, though you'll be surprised at how easy it is and how quickly it comes down. You'll find it's more scary than a problem (I know, I did it with a 20' boat). Use your no 4 to get it down, finer work can be done with a block plane, but the no 4 will probably do it. Be brave son, have a go :D


9th June 2005, 11:01 PM
Hand plane Bob. Not a problem.

I'd plagiarise the rest of Richard's post too, but someone would probably wake up!


P :D

10th June 2005, 04:02 AM
Thanks for the encouragement. I'll give planing a try an write back with the results.
