View Full Version : What is it?

26th December 2014, 03:13 PM
Just wondering if anyone has an idea what this plant is, it dies off in winter comes back with a vengeance in spring, seems to through runners out beneath the surface. A couple of cow cocky mates of mine thought it might be sorghum.

26th December 2014, 08:08 PM
Not Sorghum.

Could it be Johnson Grass?

26th December 2014, 08:41 PM
I can only think of two ways it could have got into the garden, either by a bird's droppings or from a bag of poultry grain mix.

26th December 2014, 09:06 PM
Leaping Green, Green Panic, Guinea Grass. Absolute curse near us, it will swamp everything when it gets going.

Megathyrsus maximus

26th December 2014, 09:34 PM
It could be Johnson grass too maybe...? Sorghum halepense.

I was pretty confident with Leaping Green but now I'm not sure.

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26th December 2014, 10:14 PM
Johnson Grass would be my bet. Terrible stuff. In this area here, I reckon the biggest culprit for spreading it about is the Council grader. It gets picked up on the blade and is carried till it falls off and starts new growth. I am highly allergic to it. If you want to kill me, when its in flower,roll me in it and I will gladly die. My eyes bung up and have a red raw sore throat in less than a minute. Any contact with it gives me great whelts on my skin.
It has tubas under the ground and is very hard to poison. Like all unwanted weeds it will grow well nearly every where.