View Full Version : Avacardo bowl

31st May 2015, 05:49 PM
I was given some avacardo and today was its day. This was 3 branches.
it ended up 240 diameter and 115 deep. It's had 2 coats of shellac.
Sorry 2 photos are upside down.
Thanks for looking.

31st May 2015, 07:22 PM
Hi charlie,
Looks good mate, is it 3 pieces or just one ?
You must be game putting your fingers inside that one
Well done :2tsup:

31st May 2015, 08:04 PM
Hi charlie,
Looks good mate, is it 3 pieces or just one ?
You must be game putting your
fingers inside that one
Well done :2tsup:
It's a fork of the tree one big branch into two smaller branches.
Had to run it over the jointer to get a flat so it would sit level on the faceplate .
only bit me once , no blood or damaged fingers with this one!
I wouldn't like to turn one smaller than this.