View Full Version : OPEN SLATHER...keep it or not

18th November 2005, 05:23 PM
Following the debate in "Nothing to do with woodworking" forum I ask the following;

Do you think the Forum should keep the OPEN SLATHER or not.

The only point though is if you vote to get rid of it and return to how it is then you agree that the moderators can do what they like, hack away and delete posts as they see fit with no toys being thrown out of the cot:) .



18th November 2005, 05:34 PM
Hi all,

Well I reckon it should go. It does seem a little slow around since it came online.:(

I think the moderation in the past has been good. A little too quick to axe weild when religion/politics comes online IMO.:mad:

I also dont like the fact that members contact the moderator to complain instead of having the stomach to post directly onto the thread so that all can see what is happening. (the moderator can read the posts)

Also think that the use of reddies should be used more to control some of the posts.

IE; if you think a post is out of line then state so in the thread and also say that you are posting a reddie. This lets all see and others can decide as well.

I recently posted a reply that I thought was witty and funny however others didnt. These members had the guts to say so in the thread, I reviewed it and apologised. :)

Anyway my 2c



18th November 2005, 05:53 PM
My thoughts on the matter are already well known. No need to elaborate here.

18th November 2005, 06:05 PM
Yes and No

With it we can post stuff that is seen as undesireable in the outside world, like the walking stick I finished recently. :o
We can tell dirty jokes and not have them deleted.

I know its a bad job keeping YOU lot in line and I wouldnt want 's job for quids, well mabey lots of quids. :rolleyes:

We need the balance of the outside lively forum, plus the orange room for the smut.

But, sending ALL so called undesireable posts to the orange room doesnt work.
Undesireable is all down to your own perspective on life, very little shocks me. ( really, :rolleyes: )

I didnt vote as there is no " I like it both ways button "

Al :)

18th November 2005, 06:05 PM
I'm quite happy to see open slather for those that wish to get excited in a non-public manner if they see fit.

Personally though I wish to self moderate my opinion in a public manner.

I don't think open slather is about having guts or not.

So for me I think keep open slather but I will never go there. :)


18th November 2005, 06:06 PM
Well I reckon it should go. It does seem a little slow around since it came online.:( dazzler

Then why are you a regular poster in Open Slather? :confused: :confused:

18th November 2005, 06:15 PM
Keep it, at least it`s somewhere to have a rant without being deleted

E. maculata
18th November 2005, 07:43 PM
It occurred to me to say something to ensure this was sent to the orange zone, but I'm not quite that big a bulstard, cannot believe we're even discussing it, non event for me, I think it has added interest for me in the board.

Kev Y.
18th November 2005, 07:48 PM
At least having THAT forum available to us, we can say what we think with out fear of offending the sensiblities of those of us who have a "thinner than normal" skin when it comes to some topics.

so there:p

18th November 2005, 07:50 PM
Even knows I'm no prude the orange room is not a place I care to visit as I feel it not appropriate for this board but having said that I voted to keep it.
I can get that type of stuff elsewhere if I need to but feel we need an area for some to vent without upsetting the status quo (mmmmmmm good band that :D )

18th November 2005, 08:10 PM
I voted to shut it down. I liked the forum the way it was and I trust and the others to moderate in a fair and just manner.
As most of you will know I don't pull punches and will have a go at one of my online mates in the public view, and I'm not too pig headed to back down and appologise also. I won't go behind anyones back.
For the juniors sake I agree that we should keep it clean, but to those of the skin thickness deprived variety I say "Cant stand the heat then keep away forom the fire you delicate flowers you" http://www.ubeaut.biz/finger2.gif

18th November 2005, 08:17 PM
I didnt vote as there is no " I like it both ways button "

Is this why you are going to the Sexpo tomorrow?

18th November 2005, 08:25 PM
There is also another reason to keep it.
It should reduce the workload for the moderators.

18th November 2005, 08:30 PM
Is this why you are going to the Sexpo tomorrow?

Im not going on my own, do you think Im queer or something?? :eek:

Al :D

18th November 2005, 08:37 PM
See you there, I'll have my usual dress on :rolleyes:

:D :D :D

18th November 2005, 08:39 PM
No, of course not. I wouldn't bugger a poofter but you, no problems.

18th November 2005, 08:43 PM
No, of course not. I wouldn't bugger a poofter but you, no problems.

Interesting. A poll about the orange room is now destined for the orange room. :rolleyes:

18th November 2005, 08:45 PM
It made it to 16 posts. That's not bad.

18th November 2005, 08:46 PM
With you involved, thats true. :rolleyes: :)

18th November 2005, 08:55 PM
OK, now I get it, if we dump Grunt, we dont need the O room.

Al :D :cool:

18th November 2005, 08:58 PM
the orange room is not a place I care to visit ..............................................
I can get that type of stuff elsewhere if I need to :D )

What type of stuff???? You don't care to visit, so how do you know?

Have a look, you may be surprised. Bugger all sex, robust debate on politics, religion, morality, current issues and sport.

Which would you not care for?

18th November 2005, 09:02 PM
OK, now I get it, if we dump Grunt, we dont need the O room.

Al :D :cool:

Should we have a poll?

18th November 2005, 09:05 PM
Ok Grunt we will have a poll as long as you do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

E. maculata
18th November 2005, 09:05 PM
Should we have a poll?
yep and let's have it in the orange zone, that'll ensure the outcome is fair:D

18th November 2005, 09:05 PM
Then why are you a regular poster in Open Slather? :confused: :confused:

Hi Tikki

I post there because I enjoy lively debate. That lively debate has gone to the orange room.

If the orange goes then the lively debate comes back here for everyone.:D



18th November 2005, 09:11 PM
It would be OK if I got the password I asked for some time ago.
if I don't "qualify" I want to know why?

18th November 2005, 09:57 PM
You would qualify. must have missed it. I'd try again.

18th November 2005, 10:04 PM
It's there, people are making use of it, and I can't see any real benefit in getting rid of it.

I vote to keep it: it's a good way of sharing frank and honest opinion.

18th November 2005, 10:13 PM
I didnt vote as there is no " I like it both ways button "

Al :)

Oz your still talking about the poll ther arnt you??

19th November 2005, 08:10 AM
Oz your still talking about the poll ther arnt you??


Al :eek:

19th November 2005, 08:57 PM
What type of stuff???? You don't care to visit, so how do you know?

Have a look, you may be surprised. Bugger all sex, robust debate on politics, religion, morality, current issues and sport.

Which would you not care for?

all the above
its not that hard to work out what gets discussed as per moved posts
Im here for the wood content thanks all the same tho I have dabbled in all the above

19th November 2005, 09:12 PM
Okay......should we ring the bells?????

19th November 2005, 09:56 PM
all the above
its not that hard to work out what gets discussed as per moved posts
Im here for the wood content thanks all the same tho I have dabbled in all the above

Honestly, if thats all that was discussed, I think we'd be bored silly. Every thread would end in do a search.

I originally thought open slather was going to be quite vulgar in terms of language etc. I was wrong. I got a password when the thread I posted to got moved.

Put it this way. There is little in that forum that I didn't see before it was created.

21st November 2005, 07:14 PM
Must be for a select few. I asked for a password but got bugger all. So, can't pass an opinion.

21st November 2005, 07:16 PM
Must be for a select few. I asked for a password but got bugger all. So, can't pass an opinion.

Old pharts arent allowed in, sorry :D
Only use young dudes are allowed in.

Al :D :D

21st November 2005, 08:51 PM
Okay......should we ring the bells?????Yep, I think the vote is clear:
When I checked:
Keep: 30
Ditch: 3

21st November 2005, 09:17 PM
Must be for a select few. I asked for a password but got bugger all. So, can't pass an opinion.
The password was emailed on the 20 of October. If you want it again send me an email.

22nd November 2005, 12:42 AM
Forgive my ignorance but what is the open slather ??? i assume it is for certain people to vent off steam ?? please correct me if i have it all wrong:rolleyes:

22nd November 2005, 07:21 AM
Forgive my ignorance but what is the open slather ??? i assume it is for certain people to vent off steam ?? please correct me if i have it all wrong:rolleyes:
It's for stuff you think might think might offend someone, or likely to lead to replies that do so.