View Full Version : Eunichs (Unix?)

4th October 2000, 10:47 AM
The Sultans eunich maker hired an apprentice and they were on their way to create some new eunichs.
How do you make a eunich? enquired the apprentice. Simple, replied the master, you sit them on this special stool with a hole in the middle and when the family jewels drop through you take these two bricks and bang them together from either side. The apprentice cringed and said, but doesn't that hurt?. Only if you get your thumbs caught was the reply.

John Saxton
4th October 2000, 08:50 PM
Crikey Iain, I hope you not talking from personal experience!cringe cringe!

[This message has been edited by John Saxton (edited 04 October 2000).]

5th October 2000, 02:48 AM
No Johnno, my thumbs are just fine!