View Full Version : filling a ditch in backgarden

8th February 2006, 03:57 PM
After we bought our house I discovered a ditch (it was covered with grass and discovered it when I mowed )

Anyway it is ditch that drains the water from the overflow pipe of the water tank and also overflowing water from a small reserve tank. This ditch goes to the back of the garden then to a ditch on the other side of our back fence.

Can I fill it with large stones then top up with soil, creating a fall to the back is very difficult for me (medical reasons) I live 25k from the nearest suitable person (drainer/plumber) able to dig the trench, and I got the impression he did not want to do the job, so I thought that if I did the above, any water ON the lawn that did not drain through would dry anyway, as it does in the ditch now.

Thank You for any advice.

8th February 2006, 04:21 PM

That would be ok just get some tar based building paper for over the stones the same as they use over the transpiration trenches for septic systems. This is to stop the dirt filtering down through the stones and blocking it up.

You could probably also use weed mat to put over the stones, that would work just as well.

8th February 2006, 04:36 PM
thank you for your response.

john macklin

8th February 2006, 04:41 PM
Could you stick a bit of ag pipe in the trench before backfilling?

8th February 2006, 04:45 PM
Could you stick a bit of ag pipe in the trench before backfilling?

Or your neighbours cat?

Al :rolleyes: :cool:

8th February 2006, 05:11 PM
What a coincidence. You have a ditch to fill and I have a mother-in-law that won't leave me alone.......;)

Just kidding. Lucky she doesn't know how to use the internet....:D

8th February 2006, 06:10 PM
What a coincidence. You have a ditch to fill and I have a mother-in-law that won't leave me alone.......;)

She would be a Ditch Witch then?

The preferred way would be some ag-pipe in sock, covered with 10mm agggregate and your topsoil. If not, then just the aggregate (10/20mm pebbles) covered with some sort of weedmat then your topsoil/turf. Either way, without using stormwater pipes, you can still expect the area to get somewhat boggy.
