View Full Version : how do you make a lamp

16th April 2006, 10:52 PM
turned something today and dad said it would look good as a lamp so i was planning on turning down a camphor base.

i've never made a lamp before and was wondering what you have to do and what you need to do it.

What do you turn? is it just the base and the stem or do you have to do the top as well? and what about heights and diameter of bases and all that stuff?

also, where can you get the stuff from and what prices am i looking at? i searched cts website and found nothing.

to see the potential stem see here (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=30751)

if you have done it before can you post pics ( if you still have the piece )



17th April 2006, 11:09 AM
You can make a lamp out of most anything, just bore a hole through the middle and add the necessary hardware. I assume you are questioning where to get the hardware. Do a simple search for "Lamp hardware" and google will find an abundant number of suppliers.... http://www.acrosstheboardwoodwork.com/lamp_parts__lamp_hardware.htm
This looked like a place with All you could ever want.

I have a 18" long 10mm drill bit that I use to bore a hole down the middle of a piece to mount the stem and hardware. Secret to a non drifting bore is to first bore with a short bit and be sure it is EXACT and plumb & square & all the other terms for perfectly aligned. Then when you re-mount and start with the long bit, don't drill with too much pressure as it will bow and drift, but take your time and pull out to remove chips OFTEN, very frequently.... Take your time and you should have a good bore. Often it is best to start from both top & bottom with the short bit then try to connect the two holes, should they drift a little perhaps 1/2 the distance would allow for correction.

Another method (prior to turning) is to take two pieces of wood stock and cut a slight kerf down the middle. Laminate the two with the kerfs facing each other. Mount on the lathe with the kerfs as the center , turn the shape etc. then later when you bore the hole it will follow the kerf down the center. don't want laminated wood, then Bore the hole before turning, Should it drift off center you can mount the piece with the hole on center and turn the shape around the bore. Plug the hole with a dowel on each end so the spur and tail centers can locate properly.

I hope this has been informative.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
17th April 2006, 02:04 PM
I've also seen some lamps where the cord runs direct to the fitting, outside the stem. They don't look too flash though.

17th April 2006, 02:12 PM
after boring etc. do you just have to run something like this thru it?

Skew ChiDAMN!!
17th April 2006, 02:26 PM

The wire's removed from the socket, fed through the bore and then reconnected. Get your dad to do this... that way, if it blows the fuse you can have a good snigger at his expense instead copping a whack around the ear. ;)

17th April 2006, 02:30 PM
thanx skew...cool

17th April 2006, 03:15 PM
Have a look at Peninsula Woodturners site :- http://home.vicnet.net.au/~pwguild/
Lots of projects including table lamps.

17th April 2006, 03:20 PM
Have a look at Peninsula Woodturners site :- http://home.vicnet.net.au/~pwguild/
Lots of projects including table lamps.thanx fror the link.quick look at some projects and ideas start popping into my head.....its bookmarked and i'll revisit it later for sure.!

17th April 2006, 07:09 PM
Hey Stirlo,
The lamp kits are available by mail order at Carroll's Woodcraft Supplies CWS (http://au.store.yahoo.com/cws-store/index.html)
and includes the lamp holder, flex/lead, plug and nipple and are available at good prices.

You may also find a supplier in your local area.

Lamps can be spindle turned (as in ed 150 of Woodturing mag) or with the base faceplate turned and the pillar turned as a spindle, similar to a candle holder. Before you begin I suggest that you drill out the centre hole for your lamp flex/lead. It may save tears later if an accident occurs due to a wayward drill bit and your 90% completed lamp disintergrates.:eek:

Give it a go they are easier than it looks.

18th April 2006, 02:34 AM
after boring etc. do you just have to run something like this thru it?

Couldn't figure out exactly what at that site you were referring to. But in the bore (How the lamp cord gets from the base to the business end) There needs to be affixed a threaded tube that the socket and fixtures attach. This tube can either be long enough to reach from top to bottom (If your bore is straight and large enough) or be epoxied into the top of the hole with enough exposure to screw on the socket base and fixtures.

Around here these fixtures and lamp parts are available at local hardware stores. Check with your local establishments. Most propriaters are knowledgable of the componants you will need, (you will be surprised with the number of different little componants in a typical lamp.) Tubes, washers, nuts, socket base, furrels, socket, Harp, Harp base, finial, wire, plug.... On and on..... remember the Harp is what holds the lamp shade and of course the harp base holds the harp and that fit on the tube before the socket base and so forth.

Wood worrier
18th April 2006, 03:02 AM
Try this link, http://www.recordpower.co.uk/index.pl?s=knowledge&dc=16&dp=56 It describes the long hole boring process which you must master if you want to produce decent lamps. Good luck ....:o

18th April 2006, 01:29 PM
Couldn't figure out exactly what at that site you were referring to. .

the lamp cord thats $12...first or second thing down.

it looks like this one http://cws-store.yahoostore.com.au/cgi/index.cgi/shopfront/view_by_category?category_id=1107144862

18th April 2006, 02:21 PM
$12 for a lamp cord and socket seems a bit steep for prices around here. I'd head for the Hardware store and ask around. Internet buying is often a lot more costly than need be.

18th April 2006, 02:25 PM
here i am thinking that it would be more expensve locally......i'll check out bunnies and home harware and see what they have cos after all bunnies is meant to have your needs for every project even though i have never seen a pen kit ( maybe i dont look hard enuf)

18th April 2006, 06:21 PM
For larger lamps it's often hard to get a good sized lump of timber, so you can turn the spindle and base out of separate pieces and dowel them together.

(Edit: turn a bead at either of the joining sides to hide the join.)

18th April 2006, 06:27 PM
For larger lamps it's often hard to get a good sized lump of timber, so you can turn the spindle and base out of separate pieces and dowel them together.

(Edit: turn a bead at either of the joining sides to hide the join.)

yep....i was planning on doing that. mainly because, i dont have a piece big enuf for a one piece, and so i can use 2 dif woods