View Full Version : Mirror, Glue, and Wood

18th April 2006, 04:50 PM
A project I am planning includes the use of narrow, bevelled lengths of mirror. If I can get the short pieces of mirror will I face a problem with modern, off-the-shelf wood glues?
Old glues and old mirrored glass did not mix. The glue created a chemical reaction and, at best, crazed the lining of the mirror.
If I proceed as planned, I'll not be able to repair problems once the project is put together in it's final form.
Does that all make sense??

soth :confused:

ps: Sorry. The basic construction will be various woods, shaped and glued, and no other support (nials, screws, dowel).

18th April 2006, 09:15 PM
Use silicon sealant ,a couple of spots per mirror. Should be ok . That's what the shower screen/mirror installers use .

18th April 2006, 09:36 PM
Thanks Peter.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
18th April 2006, 11:51 PM
Not just any Silicon will do... have a look at the selection in Bunnies and you'll notice that some are marked to the effect of "mirror friendly." They're the ones you want; the others will cause discolouration/wrinkles in the silvering.

19th April 2006, 08:40 AM
Aaaahh Skew. Well done Mate. I'd probably have missed reading for the important notice.

19th April 2006, 02:00 PM
It was brought to my attention the other day that Selleys have some new Liquid Nails variations out. One of these is specifically for Mirrors & Glass


19th April 2006, 05:27 PM
you could use one of the double sided tapes.

Scotch VHB is very strong and very thin.
