View Full Version : Woodrat

Shane Watson
26th June 2001, 04:35 PM
Quite a bit back the topic of the woodrat was talked about. You know the fancy jointing setup that specalises in dovetails using the router.
Well John Lucas of Woodshopdemos.com has been lucky enough to score himself one to use in return for a fair online evaluation/demo. Anyone who is interested can go directly to Johns web page or follow this LINK (http://www.woodshopdemos.com/wr-1.htm) to go directly to the first page of the review.

Keep checking back for updates each week if your interested in seeing what this puppy can do.

Personally I still can't see the value of it when you have to rely on a pencil mark for accuracy........ http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/confused.gif

Anyway check it out!!


Shane Watson..

Combine Love & Skill & You Can Expect A Masterpiece!

26th June 2001, 05:53 PM
I had a look through the site and it struck me as being an overengineered underachieving piece of equipment, after spending $1079.00 plus freight and import duty on the beast you have to go home and build some more to get it to work. Something horribly wrong their and I would not like to part with that may dollars and have to finish the job.
It appears from the narrative that over 80 degrees F the operator has troubles http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/tongue.gif , no good to you Shane except in mid winter at midnight http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/biggrin.gif.
For that money I could have a Leigh and an Incra or either of the above and a damned good router and seletion of CMT bits.
Thanks but no thanks.
Interesting to hear others views.........

Shane Watson
28th June 2001, 09:03 AM
Yeah, I gotta agree somewhat Iain. Oh and its 7.30am and the temp here is already +70 degree F, Humidity is showing at 95%, but I think that ain't accurate!! http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/confused.gif If John ain't used to temps over 80F in summer, then I want to live there! http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif

The points you bring up are valid. Although I believe woodrat is working on a woodrat jnr that will apprantly bring the price down, but at what cost, what will they leave off the machine to bring the cost down.... I would imagine if someone wanted to get one of these things, they would most likly shell out the extra for the fully optioned model anyway.

Anyway, I gotta add that I still can't see how such an engineering marvel can't be designed just a little better to eliminate the use of a pencil mark. Afterall it seems the pencil marks are what dictate the accuracy.... For a machine over the one grand mark, it just seems like a big kick in the teeth. I mean what about us people that could never colour with-in the lines! http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/biggrin.gif Can you imagine the joints... And yeah then theres all the extra componants that you are required to construct yourself, just so's it can be installed! Surly, again, for that price they could include all neccessary componants required to assymble the thing.

But I for one will be following John Lucas's review to read his thoughts and comments. I may be totally mislead with my thoughts on the thing & it would be nice to be wrong on this one ( but I don't think I am http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif ) I have seen the video and was sooo not impressed. Now maybe if it only cost say a couple hundred, then maybe, just maybe.... http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/rolleyes.gif

There you go Iain. You can't go feeling all lonely now! http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/tongue.gif


Shane Watson..

Combine Love & Skill & You Can Expect A Masterpiece!

Shane Watson
3rd July 2001, 11:16 AM
For anyone interested, There is an update on Woodshopdemos.com.... BUT the engineering marvel broke...Mwahahaha... so theres nothing to see....Not a very good start to marketing the thing..


Shane Watson..

Combine Love & Skill & You Can Expect A Masterpiece!

Shane Watson
9th September 2001, 10:40 AM
Apprantly not everyone agrees with me! How can this be so...... http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/confused.gif
An email I recieved today:

Mr Watson

I logged on to your forum today for the first time with the hope that I could share the knowledge of others with perhaps a lot more experience than myself.

Well, what a waste of time!. If you could only see youself as I do. Your apparent lack of knowledge regarding the "Woodrat" is so blatently obvoius as to be sad. Have you ever even used one?. If you have then your capacity to learn must be severley hampered by your ego.

Anyone that attempts to make themselves look big by belittling someone else is surely a small small person.

A very satisfied Woodrat owner.

Dan Faux

As this email directly relates to this thread I felt it fitting that it was posted here for all to read an alternate opinon.


Shane Watson..

Combine Love & Skill & You Can Expect A Masterpiece!

9th September 2001, 11:02 AM
Probably been drinking too much of that infamous warm beer...
There is also a jig in the USA which is called the Katie (sp) jig. I don't know if this is similar but I gained the impression that it was a bit like a Gifkin with big handles. I can't find the site now.
Back to your email, you can't help being a poor, illiterate colonial peasant who lacks any talent.
Maybe you should head across to poverty rock and learn some real skills http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/biggrin.gif (like how to use a pencil)

Just found the Katie jig, have a looksee http://www.katiejig.com/about.html

I must admit that I have no passion for a lot of British product as I have found the quality to be inferior, drive a Landrover and you will see what I mean, dreadful electrics. I have found that a lot of equipment is innacurate, poorly constructed, outdated and overpriced as well as unreliable.
This is a generalisation and not specifically targetting the very pricey Woodrat, and I reiterate, AU$1100.00 plus duty and freight is a lot to outlay when Leigh is available for $800, a Gifkin for $360.00(?).

[This message has been edited by Iain (edited 09 September 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Iain (edited 09 September 2001).]

John Saxton
17th October 2001, 09:04 PM
Just taking the time out to re-visit this site that you put up Shane and the criticism by that bloke might be borne out by his having spent a lot of money that has to be justified.
For mine it still falls short of the Leigh in some regards,but it does have its good points though the plastic lock levers that John broke is a shortcoming.

There is a market for most jigs produced for the WW industry but financial constaints will dictate how they are accepted particularly in volume as the manufacturers would wish for.A product will only sell based on good marketing,price,and the ability to be utilised where a saving is found.

I have seen this demonstrated at the Perth WW show and was impressed, but not at the RR price as laid out here in Oz.
If this had been on the local market at the time that I bought the Leigh some years back I doubt whether I would have changed my mind in regards to purchase.

Woodstock are promoting the Woodrat in their latest spring brochure but without a price tag.
I would be interested to hear how much interest is being generated here in Oz in the Woodrat but if this BB is any indication it may be some time before we get a reasonable response.
Cheers http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif


18th October 2001, 07:17 AM
Bear in mind Johnno, the criticism of the post was from a native of the British Isles who is using a British Product amde in Britain.
They are inclined not to look beyond there own sphere and think the rest of the world is producing inferior products, yet all one has to do is look at any British made car, thats why we drive a Landcruiser and not a Landrover....

18th October 2001, 12:59 PM
I have a British made car, its a 1951 riley
and it starts every time,its even got overhead cams.some cars are made and some are not,the body and roof are at least 50%


24th May 2003, 10:46 PM
I have a WoodRat and I have to say that it has been worth every penny. I don't use my Leigh Jig anymore as it is useless in comparson. You can't make a cupbord door with for a start!

Contrary to what's been stated, the Rat takes very little time to set up and you don't need to build anything exept a very simple wall plate. You bolt it together with allen keys, fix your router and you're away!

25th May 2003, 04:43 PM
And where do you live Herbie ??

26th May 2003, 10:47 AM
It has to be said: "Golly gosh"

It looks like an upside down router table with a sliding router carriage - nothing very special about it. If it had a rrp of say $300 to cover the extrusion, finger nail brush and other plastic odds and ends (and a couple of stadler hb's) it may find a place in more peoples sheds - I'd hate to be the marketing manager though. After much thought I've come up with a bit of a slogan to help them on their way:

"I think I smell a rat"

26th May 2003, 11:20 AM
So in summary:
owners love it
non-owners are sceptical
:D what a shock!!

Which means the wee rat has a marketing problem to overcome.

For an independant informed opinion I look forward to Johns review, a non-owner who has used it.

Anymore school yard name calling and you'll all be picking up papers at recess :p

John Saxton
27th May 2003, 11:09 PM
What is indicative here is that though the Woodrat has been around for some time now there a very few if any indepth views regarding the operation and the versatility and ease of use.

Until such as a comparison with costs/use is voiced it remains circumspect at best ...and I guess only time will tell.

28th May 2003, 04:05 AM
kenmil, I'm from Britain. The 'Rat is very well regarded here and it gets a fair amount of press in the UK magazines. For in depth views, you can check out the Links page on their web site (woodrat.com) and also their users forum.

I feel strange having butted into an old post on a forum based on the other side of the World, but like Mr. Faux, I felt compelled to stick up for my trusty WoodRat!

I checked the price from Carba-Tec (Aussie Dealers) and it IS higher than we pay here, due to shipping I guess. I still reckon it's good value though because it replaces numerous jigs as well as your router table. I'll shut up now, as I'm not trying to sell it.:)

28th May 2003, 06:06 PM

Like others, I have a real problem with spending that amount of money, only to have to create/build some part of it before it works. I also have a problem with having to rely on pencil marks and the flimsiness of its plastic parts. All in all, it looks rather cheap and nasty.(in the photographs)

Shane Watson
28th May 2003, 08:05 PM
My point exactly Ken...Lets not forget the ugly conversion rate we have with the poms...