View Full Version : Wood heaters

1st August 2006, 05:55 PM
I am not sure if this is the right spot. However I am after a design to make a wood heater for my shed. I was told you can weld car tyres together etc. Does anyone have a design for something



Wood Butcher
1st August 2006, 06:15 PM
Never seen anyone welding rubber tyres together. but I have seen welding the steel wheels though:p

Seriously, keep an eye out in the trading posts, I have seen pot belly stoves for sale for under $150 sometimes. Might be a hell of a lot easier.

1st August 2006, 06:19 PM
I am not sure if this is the right spot. However I am after a design to make a wood heater for my shed. I was told you can weld car tyres together etc. Does anyone have a design for something


this can happen but i wouldnt want to be in the house/shed for the night unless you of course wanted to meet the intensive ward staff at the closest major hospital near you

Auld Bassoon
1st August 2006, 06:31 PM
I've seen wood heaters made up from welded steel car wheels, truck (cast iron) brake drums, and all sorts. For the $ and hassle, why not get a $99 Bunnies cast iron outdoor wood burning stove, fabricate a door and a flue, and you'd be in business.

I've thought about doing just that, except that in my small (2 car garage) shed, no matter where I put the thing, the flue would be a pain, and so would rubbing up against it every time I went past :eek:

3rd August 2006, 02:21 PM
The cast iron brake drums from an old truck are best, if your handy with a welder its good little afternoon job.

Sorry I haven't got any photos, but it's pretty straight forward, a pair of drums welded together to form the fire box and another pair welded together to form a base, cut a whole in the side for a door and a whole in the top for a flue.

Because the top is flat it's perfect for cooking a nice shed stew in the camp oven.

3rd August 2006, 05:20 PM
Old tyres welded togethere would be a once only heater!
Keep your eye on the "Trading Post". I was able to pick up a freestanding Coonara type heater complete with stainless steel flue for $100. Installing was easy. Stoke 'er up. Snug as a Bug!

3rd August 2006, 05:50 PM
I just finished making a heater out of an old twin tub spin dryer. All I did was rip the thing out of the machine, put wire in 4 of holes, made up a cube from odd bits of wood. drove nails thru the tops of the 4 posts and hung the metal cylinder (already has lots of air holes in it) from them. I put a metal base on it so that any embers dont drop onto the floor of the shed and it works really well.

4th August 2006, 12:26 AM
Sounds cosy, especially with Shed Stew, but don't most sheds keep Dangerous Goods in them? Not to mention the dangerous gases that can kill you if you happen to nod off due to their effect. Blistered paint on the car . .

The oil-filled radiator type of heater give off a cosy hweat, and have a timer on them etc. Right now they seem to be a good clean cheap option, and safe as well. Pack it away if you need the space, unlike a flued stove.
