View Full Version : new motor on lathe

8th December 2002, 11:17 PM
Could someone explain the consequences / ramifications of putting a 2HP motor on my currently 1HP generic lathe?

Would it spin faster? Have more grunt? shake the lathe apart?

There is nothing wrong with it at present, I was just exploring the thought.


Bruce Bell
9th December 2002, 07:16 AM
It would give you more grunt thus enabling you to turn larger pieces that would enevitably lead you to putting something out side the capabilities of the lathe then it would start falling to bits with thins like bearings eyc failing.

Have fun work with what you have and save up to buy a great lathe down the track that way you wont be wasting your hard earned money with the likely hood of no return for it

Enjoyng theThrill of Making the Chips Fly.