View Full Version : 16" radiata winged bowl

Skew ChiDAMN!!
5th April 2007, 04:31 PM
I've made referrences to this $#%^in' thing in a couple of other posts, so I guess I should show the final result. It really should have a bit more sanding, but with the dramas I had I thought "enough's enough" and it can stay as it is. The pix don't do it justice, but my pix never do. :shrug:

Made from a 16" offcut of a 16"x4" laminated pine beam and finished with Rustin's Danish Oil. It's surprisingly light; although I deliberately left the wing and rim chunky (thin pine breaks too easily and just doesn't look right in my books) the bottom was turned down to around 3-4mm thickness.

Makes a lovely drumming sound when turned upside down. :D

Cliff Rogers
5th April 2007, 04:39 PM
...with the dramas I had I thought "enough's enough" and it can stay as it is. .....
Looks pretty good from here. Good on ya for finishing it I reckon. :2tsup:

5th April 2007, 05:05 PM
nothing wrong with that ...looks nice:2tsup:

Brown Dog
5th April 2007, 05:12 PM
looks good Skew, winged bowls are something I would like to tackle soon. I think they just look kool:cool: and your's is fine example.


Terry B
5th April 2007, 05:24 PM
Crapiata can be made to look great. Good job Skew.:2tsup:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
5th April 2007, 06:35 PM
Good on ya for finishing it I reckon.

I didn't really have any say in that, other eyes saw it on the lathe and started dropping not so subtle hints. :rolleyes: Oddly enough, it may only be radiata but now I'm getting rather heavy hints from other lady folk that they want one too!

I can't complain... it has been a while since I've seen any squabbles over ownership of any of my pieces and it does feel good. :wink::D

5th April 2007, 07:16 PM
wow, its not a pen or goblet :D.

seriously nice work mate:2tsup: unlucky about your fingers though ( it was a finger wasnt it? )


DJ’s Timber
5th April 2007, 07:22 PM
That puny little thing dislocated your finger :q :U

Looks good mate :2tsup:

now I'm getting rather heavy hints from other lady folk that they want one too!

Does that mean we will see a rush of these made now :roll:

5th April 2007, 09:01 PM
You're a brave man Gunga Din.

I take it you didn't glue sacrificial bits on it?

Skew ChiDAMN!!
5th April 2007, 09:33 PM
I take it you didn't glue sacrificial bits on it?


A bit embarassing, considering I always advise others... :-

5th April 2007, 10:03 PM
Yeah, well, who was it who said consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds?

joe greiner
5th April 2007, 11:27 PM
Well, I think it's better than just "pretty good." Very nice crisp edges; also the droops at the corners.

I must have missed the news about finger(s) bustup. Hope repairs are well along or done.

Emerson; but he qualified it as a foolish consistency.


5th April 2007, 11:39 PM
Hi Skew, I like that style of turning. A little more interesting than a normal bowl. Have you done many in that style before?

What are the dark lines in the laminations? Dark glue?

Mobil Man
6th April 2007, 01:21 AM
Nice job, Skew. Keeping the edges even is the hardest part for me. I turned one from a 1x12 just for the heck of it & see if I could do it. The wife's question, "What's the reason for it. What's it good for?" A challenge, even if we use it for a worthless frisby, it's the challenge, & constantally remembering those wings. Sorry to hear of you're accident. Don't remember reading anything on here about it, but then, I wouldn't post it either.:no: Just hope you're doing better.:2tsup: Keep up the good work.

6th April 2007, 10:46 AM
Nice one Skew. When I had a go at turning a bowl from these beams I found the glue between the laminates tended to blunt the chisels and also if not careful it would smug into the pine when sanding. Did you find this.


Gil Jones
6th April 2007, 11:07 AM
Skew, that square winged bowl is a truly lovely piece of work!!
Good on ya for staying with it :hooray:

6th April 2007, 11:28 AM
Nice work, got a bit of pine lying around, just might inspire me to do something similar..but then again...

Skew ChiDAMN!!
6th April 2007, 04:14 PM
A little more interesting than a normal bowl. Have you done many in that style before?

What are the dark lines in the laminations? Dark glue?

I turned one small winged bowl, way back when I first heard of the concept ('cos I just had to give it a try :wink:) and several goblets with the wings curved up the other way... sort of like petals cupping the bowl. Not enough to be blase about it, but more than enough to know that I need to be in the right frame of mind else I just hurt myself. :-

Yeah, the dark lines are glue; I didn't glue it up, it's an offcut from what they sell for load-bearing construction nowadays. I suspect it's a formaldehyde glue, but that is only a suspicion.

"What's the reason for it. What's it good for?" A challenge, even if we use it for a worthless frisby, it's the challenge, & constantally remembering those wings.

That's something I hear quite a bit... I like turning fancy goblets. :rolleyes: "Waddya mean 'What's it good for," woman? It got me out of your hair for a couple of hours didn't it?" :D

When I had a go at turning a bowl from these beams I found the glue between the laminates tended to blunt the chisels and also if not careful it would smug into the pine when sanding. Did you find this.

It definitely bluntens the chisels quickly. :( I didn't notice any problem with the glue smearing, but I kept the RPM as low as possible while sanding... and did the last few grits by hand. (When whirly, whizzy, bitey things have a go at me, I tend to rethink my approach. :wink:)

Being Radiata I had some minor problems with tearout, so before sanding I gave it a wash of Danish Oil and a light going over with a bull-nosed scraper to clean up. This may've helped prevent the glue from smudging.