View Full Version : Top Gear

6th August 2007, 09:32 PM
Does anyone else in here watch Top Gear. I look forward to Monday night tv now just for the 1930-2030 timeslot on SBS. Tonights show had me in tears with the caravaning, and they set the world record for fastest car indoors in a F1 car :rolleyes:.

Corbs (looking forward to next week now when they will make their own car):D:2tsup:

Wood Butcher
6th August 2007, 09:37 PM
Most definately watch it every week. Even put the kids to bed a little earlier so I don't miss the beginning. Had fits of laughter tonight, but am wondering if the caravan catching fire was a put on or real??

6th August 2007, 09:42 PM
but am wondering if the caravan catching fire was a put on or real??

Set up for sure. First they backed into the other tent, and that tent later caught fire because Stig threw the burning cushion into it. Very funny:D

Skew ChiDAMN!!
6th August 2007, 09:48 PM
I don't think the fire was planned in the initial stages... but I also doubt that the servo stanchion episode was either. However, once that damage was done the rest became inevitable. What else could they do with it, with a $0 resale value...? :D

I'm only surprised they didn't torch the Kia too, but I guess there wasn't enough room in the camera van to get them back home. :p

6th August 2007, 09:55 PM
Top Gear producers had contacted the brigade several weeks before filming - and paid about £1,000 to have six crew members and an engine on standby for the stunt.

The BBC said that viewers would not have been misled as it was obvious that the sequence was "slapstick" with a "sitcom ending".

The stunt, filmed at a campsite in Tolpuddle, formed part of a sequence called Four Go Mad In Dorset.

It was broadcast as part of a Top Gear episode in July last year.

The film also featured the three presenters being stopped by police after causing a lengthy tailback as they try to turn the caravan on a main road, crashing the caravan into a bollard and backing the caravan into a tent.

The climax of the show, which regularly attracts audiences of around 5.3 million, comes when Clarkson attempts to cook the chips inside the caravan while May and Hammond sit outside.

Clarkson yells: "How do you put a pan fire out?"

Then he tells them: "It's no longer a pan fire, it's a van fire."

There is an explosion and the men start trying to put out the flames with foam mattresses, which also catch light.

Then the fire engine arrives to deal with the "emergency".

The final scene shows the trio driving off towing the burnt-out shell.

A Dorset Fire Service spokeswoman said: "They wanted us to make it look real. We treated it as a genuine fire."

A BBC spokeswoman said: "It was Top Gear taking a comedy look at caravanning. Of course the fire service was on site. We wouldn't contemplate starting a fire without having relevant safety measures in place."

The revelation comes after criticism of editorial standards at the BBC.



Skew ChiDAMN!!
6th August 2007, 09:57 PM
Wowser. :p

6th August 2007, 09:57 PM
My favorite in this series so far is still the amphibious vehicle challenge when the hilux was parked next to the wharf upside down, and then at the end when he tried to start it to prove his was still the best vehicle... and it didn't start:doh:

6th August 2007, 10:29 PM
Great show. I have a "best of Top Gear CD" with the destruction of the Hilux episode - it's a ripper. I like the way they chose a diesel to make sure they could keep starting it.

6th August 2007, 10:49 PM
My fav was when Clarkson in an Audi challenged the Power rock climbers to a race to the top of Verdun Gorge in France.

Best bit of telly i have seen since Baseclimb. The best part was the 5 pound bet to race back to the bottom, and the power climber took off and base jumped. Awesome stuff:2tsup:


Start at 4 minutes to go straight to the rock climbing race

Skew ChiDAMN!!
6th August 2007, 10:56 PM
Best episode by far, IMHO, was their conversion of a Reliant Robin into a Space Shuttle. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN3JjUUdjWU) :2tsup:

6th August 2007, 11:14 PM
Never miss it. Tonight was a hoot. Before tonight, my favorite was the 70s super car episode where they each had to buy a supercar for less than 10,000GBP (I think) and then drive it across the country to a Peppermint Hippo. None made it.

7th August 2007, 02:09 AM
Never miss it.

I was recently given a couple of TG dvds for my birthday.........if you get a chance, get hold of their "winter olympics" dvd.....I'm still trying to over seeing a rocket powered Mini going down a ski jump, a new Jag attempting to have a race on ice with a speed skating champion and if you've seen the soccer games played with 5 a side in Suzukis, then imagine what happens when they try ice hockey.

Stu in Tokyo
7th August 2007, 02:31 AM
I just love that show, I only get to watch it in 10 minute snips on YouTube, but it is worth it, top show! :2tsup:

7th August 2007, 06:39 AM
and I thought that only swmbo and me watch it.:)
We couldn't stop laughing at the caravan segment, do you think any of the lads had ever caravaned before?

Cliff Rogers
7th August 2007, 09:50 AM
Missed it last night, we went out for dinner in Cairns instead.

Wood Butcher
7th August 2007, 10:04 AM
Was driving around this morning dropping kids off and SWMBO said that she wanted one of those signs things they put in the back window of the caravan! She wants to be able to tell drivers behind her to bugger off when they stay too close!

7th August 2007, 10:30 AM
Great show.
Hamster's lucky to be alive after that jet car crash:
Richard Hammond's Car accident (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-C7iqskb5A). There's pics here (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2007020802,00.html) if you don't want to download a 9 minute video.
I like Clarkson's reaction (http://www.mikesdriveway.com/misc/hammondcrash.mpg) afterwards. Would you want to work for him after seeing that? :oo:

Big Shed
7th August 2007, 10:32 AM
Was driving around this morning dropping kids off and SWMBO said that she wanted one of those signs things they put in the back window of the caravan! She wants to be able to tell drivers behind her to bugger off when they stay too close!

One thing that was really noticeable was the distance between the cars in the queue behind the caravan. Pommie drivers must be better behaved than us Aussies!
It also took them a long time to start blowing the horn when they were waiting for the 33 point turn maneuver!

7th August 2007, 10:58 AM
Almost never miss it ytube has some real good clips like the Rover Tank challenge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p_j-wPyl2c
Train crash
or what would happen if you drove behind a 747 while it was running

Shame Ozzie Peter Wherret isn't still doing his shows today

7th August 2007, 11:21 AM
Shame Ozzie Peter Wherret isn't still doing his shows todayI think the drink driving busts, and the whole 'dressing up in womens clothing' thing kind of killed his career.

I'd sort of rather forget about him after all that.:wink:

7th August 2007, 11:51 AM
I think the drink driving busts, and the whole 'dressing up in womens clothing' thing kind of killed his career.

I'd sort of rather forget about him after all that.:wink:

Gee forgot about all that :oo::oo:

I knew he got roasted for dumping on manufacturers and was sued once or twice especially the P76 series.

7th August 2007, 12:13 PM
You might be able to forgive him the drink driving, but how could you take the guy seriously with the thought in your mind that he might be wearing crotchless knickers and a bra underneath his get up. :yuk:

I think he's found that some things are best kept to yourself. :rotfl:

10th August 2007, 03:03 PM
He tripped over his ego and retired to North Queensland.


10th August 2007, 03:40 PM
I've noticed that the channel 9 show - I think it's called The Car Show or Test Drive - are trying to imitate Top Gear. Irreverent attitude, light hearted approach to some of the segments. Trouble is Glenn Ridge is no Jeremy Clarkson and without the personalities, the budget and the range of vehicles it will always be second rate. I think TG is SBS' top rating show outside of soccer and cycling and so it should be.

Fat Chili
10th August 2007, 09:32 PM
I reckon that the Bugatti Veyron is one of Top Gears best tests to date :2tsup: .


I just can't imagine doing 407.5 km's an hour....

Jack E
11th August 2007, 12:23 AM
Set up for sure. First they backed into the other tent, and that tent later caught fire because Stig threw the burning cushion into it. Very funny:D

What makes you think Hammond is The Stig?

I always thought it was Damon Hill.

Cheers, Jack

Jack E
11th August 2007, 12:43 AM
My fav was when Clarkson in an Audi challenged the Power rock climbers to a race to the top of Verdun Gorge in France.

I love Audi's. The lovely people at Audi in Townsville were kind enough to give us the 2 litre turbo A4 for a weekend test drive a while ago.

I now know two people in Townsville with RS4's and have decided that is our next car:)

That is, as soon as I get off the island I currently live on which has about 8km of bitumen :(

Cheers, Jack

11th August 2007, 12:58 AM
What makes you think Hammond is The Stig?

I always thought it was Damon Hill.

Cheers, Jack

Just like Trevor Marmalade was always suspected to be the original Pluck a Duck, Richard Hammond is also tipped to be the Stig:wink:

Wood Butcher
11th August 2007, 08:30 AM
Only thing its that I have seen episodes where Richard, James and Jeremy are standing on the side of a track watching the Stig drive past

11th August 2007, 06:15 PM
I can tell you that the Stig is not Richard Hammond, James May or Clarkson.
There was a write about him in one of the newspapers here in pommie land a year or so ago and he was unmasked.
I don't remember his name but he was a racing driver. Definately not the Hamster though.
My wife and I love the show. Have you seen the one where Hammond was hypnotised. It was hillarious.

Cliff Rogers
11th August 2007, 11:30 PM
There was more than one, The Stig (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stig).

Fat Chili
14th August 2007, 01:49 AM
I can tell you that the Stig is not Richard Hammond, James May or Clarkson.
There was a write about him in one of the newspapers here in pommie land a year or so ago and he was unmasked.
I don't remember his name but he was a racing driver. Definately not the Hamster though.

Are you thinking of Perry McCarthy?

The Stig - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stig

16th August 2007, 01:07 AM
I've just returned to the UK for a bit (20 years in Oz) and Top gear was the main reason I came back.

No I lie it was for the Archers............

Anyway to my dismay Top gear seems to be on holiday at the moment, they do play re runs but they are so old I even saw them in Australia !

Dave :no:

16th August 2007, 08:51 AM
No I lie it was for the Archers............

Dave, you shouldn't 'dis' The Archers, I have listened for the last 30 years both while in the UK and now online in Aus ! I suppose it reminds me of my childhood growing up on a farm in what was then semi rural SE Essex.

Top Gear is also must watch TV.

As I get older the more I think that I agree with the views on that BBC series "Grumpy Old Men".


16th August 2007, 05:35 PM
The links above, ie. the 747 one by wheelin and the Bugati Veyron by Fat are corkers :2tsup:

16th August 2007, 07:03 PM
Dave, you shouldn't 'dis' The Archers, I have listened for the last 30 years both while in the UK and now online in Aus ! I suppose it reminds me of my childhood growing up on a farm in what was then semi rural SE Essex.

Ah but I'm not mike, I may even beat you in the time stakes 43 now started age 5 ish, I am such a tragic that I even did a webpage http://www.dbcourt.co.uk/Movies/the_archers.html

Honestly that Brian Aldridge! and will Will find a new love?..........


Dave :2tsup:

Chris Parks
24th August 2007, 12:04 AM
I have most of the episodes on my computer, this is reputedly the most pirated show in the world and all episodes are available on line. I reckon the funniest....well they are all so funny even my wife watches it. One of the first I saw had Clarkson drive up in a Maserati Bi-Turbo, he got out, did a spiel on how he hated the thing and dropped a steel skip on it from a crane, exit one flat Bi-Turbo. Did you see the one when they jumped the double decker bus? or drove the Rolls into the swimming pool, the latest is they drove to the North Pole in late model Hi-Luxes. This special must be the reason for the lateness of the new seaon as it took a long time to do. The new season starts in October on the Beeb.

24th August 2007, 01:43 AM
I want one of those HIluxes, they are awsome. :-)
It has become my favourite episode now.

24th August 2007, 10:42 AM
:C:C No more Top Gear last show the other night

:p:p not to worry Ray gets e-mail of latest signed up too get news letter

24th August 2007, 10:45 AM
:C:C No more Top Gear last show the other night

:p:p not to worry Ray gets e-mail of latest signed up too get news letter

Thats why youtube was invented:2tsup:

9th September 2007, 02:20 PM
Mising Top Gear check out their Frankfurt review and some of the wierd and cool looking machines

12th September 2007, 09:31 AM
Top Gear host has another crash

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44108000/jpg/_44108641_hammond1_203bbc.jpg Hammond suffered serious brain injuries in last year's crash

Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond was involved in another car accident at the weekend - less than a year after nearly losing his life in a 288mph crash. The 37-year-old skidded off the track during a 24-hour Le Mans-style race at Silverstone on Saturday, the BBC said.
The host was not injured and continued the race once his vehicle - a BMW 330 DTi Sport - was repaired.
Hammond has downplayed the incident, dismissing his second crash in 12 months as "a bit of a collision".
"Reports of my shunt this weekend have been greatly exaggerated," he continued.
http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/shared/img/o.gif http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/start_quote_rb.gif Jeremy and I did not enjoy a 'comforting' hug. I would rather be hugged by a threshing machine http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/img/v3/end_quote_rb.gif

Richard Hammond

"During one of my driving stints, a much faster car tried to overtake and there was a bit of a collision. It was nobody's fault.
"I managed to limp the car to the side of the track and wait for a truck to take me back to the pits, where it was quickly fixed."
Hammond and fellow presenters James May, Jeremy Clarkson and masked driver "The Stig" had been taking turns at racing the £100,000 car.
"During the race, at night, Richard was driving and another car shunted him off the track," said the BBC's spokesman.
"Richard wasn't hurt at all but the car was damaged. It was taken back to the pits and repaired before Richard carried on with the race."
Complete recovery
Hammond also denied reports that Clarkson had given him "a 'comforting' hug".
"I would rather be hugged by a threshing machine and he would rather hug a chainsaw," he joked.
http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/44109000/jpg/_44109497_clarkson1_bodygetty.jpg He was sharing the driving with his co-hosts Clarkson and May

Last September Hammond crashed while driving a jet-powered car at speeds up to 300mph at Elvington airfield, near York.
He was airlifted to hospital where he was treated for swelling to the brain and bruising, but eventually made a complete recovery.
The Health and Safety Executive identified failings by the BBC over the crash but found no grounds for prosecution.
Hammond has since taken part in another high-speed stunt for the BBC show, driving a Bugatti Veyron as it raced a Typhoon fighter jet at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire.
A BBC spokesman said this weekend's incident was not comparable to last year's accident.
The race, he said, was "a public event any amateur could enter".
"Normal safety procedures were in place," he added.

12th September 2007, 05:49 PM
interesting that, I haven't heard a whisper about it in the main stream media here. From the article you would assume it was headline news.

Richard Hammond is presenting a series on the air rescue team that picked him off the ground after his big wreck. It's showing on the BBC daily at the moment.

It's pretty good TV really following the accident victims during and after the accident.



12th September 2007, 08:34 PM
I'm not sure if this one has been posted here, but for those who missed it try,
YouTube - Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear Car Shooting!

Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear Car Shooting!


23rd October 2007, 08:59 AM

23rd October 2007, 07:20 PM
The latest series of Top Gear is worth waiting for, Hammond and May (he already was) have gone a bit long haired and errrr interesting. Richard seems to have aged a bit after his crash. But who could blame him for that.

In the last episode they revisited the turn a car in to a boat challenge and made a better attempt at it they even managed to cross the channel to France in Clarksons effort.

Australia will probably see it some time in 2009 I expect :o



Chris Parks
27th October 2007, 12:38 AM
I couldn't believe it and don't know if I can bring myself to accept the fact that they actually drove a UTE across the english channel for god's sake with an outboard strapped to the back of it.

27th October 2007, 01:18 AM
ah yes but it was a Hilux ute

28th October 2007, 08:28 AM
ah yes but it was a Hilux ute

Actually, it was a Nissan :)

Wood Butcher
28th October 2007, 09:53 AM
For all of us poor saps in Oz, Top Gear is back next Saturday night at 7:30. Afterwards is The long Way Round, where Ewan McGregor and mate motorbike across Europe.

28th October 2007, 11:36 AM
For all of us poor saps in Oz, Top Gear is back next Saturday night at 7:30. Afterwards is The long Way Round, where Ewan McGregor and mate motorbike across Europe.

The Long Way Round show (series?) will be worth catching, the other one (Race to Dakar I think) was a beauty.

Looked up shooting & Top Gear on You tube ( I think the link posted may be invalid, can't remember) & had a good laugh. Boys stuff :2tsup: :D :D

28th October 2007, 08:43 PM
Actually, it was a Nissan :)

Damn your right too, the first one was a Hilux wasn't it !

The episode were they tried to kill a Hilux was good.

30th October 2007, 01:20 PM
Damn your right too, the first one was a Hilux wasn't it !

The episode were they tried to kill a Hilux was good.

Yep...the first attempt was a Hilux. The "Toy-boat-a" ! That was a classic episode.

3rd November 2007, 09:53 AM
http://www21.sbs.com.au/topgear/images/home/next_episode_heading.gif Series 6 - Episode 6

Saturday 3 November at 7.35pm SBS TV

The biggest Top Gear challenge ever! In the past, an Aston Martin DB9 raced against a 200mph train to Monte Carlo, then a Ferrari raced against a plane to Switzerland – with the cars winning on both occasions – so then, is a car is faster than a boat? A new road map has been launched in England which shows every speed camera in the country. The trio looks at a new Mercedes S class which features infra-red headlights. The new Alfa Romeo Brera is displayed in the studio. It could be the best-looking car that money can buy today. The other car on display is the Aston Martin DBR9 with an all carbon fibre body so it weighs nearly a ton less than the standard DB9. It is given a test on the track by The Stig.

10th November 2007, 08:10 PM
In last Sunday's episode (UK) the the crew crossed Botswana in 3 older cars. To prove the point that you don't always need a 4x4.

James May in a 1985 Mercedes Benz 230E, Richard Hammond in a 1963 Opel Kadett (named Oliver) and Clarkson in a 1981 Lancia Beta Coupe. The first to breakdown had to drive a (1960's) VW Beatle for the rest of the way.

It was all very staged I'm quite sure, but it was great too watch one of the best episodes yet IMHO.


19th November 2007, 04:38 PM
November 19, 2007 - 11:51AM

SBS will produce a "quintessentially Australian" version of the top-rating BBC motoring program Top Gear to hit local screens next year.
Australia is the first country in the world to secure the rights to make a local version of the show, which mixes performance cars with comedy and celebrities.
"This is fantastic news for SBS, for Top Gear fans and for Australian audiences," SBS director of content Matt Campbell said.
"Top Gear is a unique show and one of the BBC Worldwide's biggest global properties."
The British show is known for test driving and brutally appraising the world's most popular cars and performing breathtaking stunts.
Mr Campbell said the Australian version would add local flavour to the successful formula. ( Can see it now nothing but Ford vs Holden with a smater of Japanese)

"In making it we won't simply replicate the UK series with an Australian version of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond or James May," he said.
"SBS plans to make a program that is uniquely and quintessentially Australian."
SBS, which has screened the program since 2005, has also extended its commitment to the UK version for the life of the series.
BBC Worldwide Australasia's head of sales Julie Dowding said the deal was very exciting.
"We are very proud that the first global deal for a local version of Top Gear has been done here in Australia," she said.
Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson added: "I'm delighted that Top Gear is going to Australia. Maybe the first guest could be Jonny Wilkinson," referring to Britain's rugby player and World Cup hero.
The series will be produced by Freehand Productions, BBC Worldwide's Australasian partner, which will transmit on SBS in 2008.