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8th August 2007, 08:56 AM
We are all very quiet. What you up to? that shed kidnapped you all????

8th August 2007, 09:22 AM
:D Yep :D

Each night I go out and put another coat of wipe on poly on my workbench top. Each morning I go out and look at it for a couple of minutes..

How are you settling in Toni?


8th August 2007, 09:32 AM

Three weeks till the next wedding, (eldest and last to go! yahooo!) you think there's time to do anything else??

P (having only lived with girls, I think I qualify for this forum!)
:D :D :D

8th August 2007, 10:04 AM
Partner with MS and very little time or energy to do the things I want at the moment :no:. I'm not gone just up to my ears in alligators and trying to drain the swamp :-. I check in whenever I can for a nice break to see what others are doing.

We'll be back :2tsup: with more and hopefully better from time to time.

Wild Dingo
8th August 2007, 03:20 PM
Well... since it keeps raining around here every time I try to make my way out there to say gidday its a drama of getting warm clothes on finding the raincoat and wellies then the mad dash which with me bung knee means a slow drippin wet meander then its drip drip drip in the cold shed... sorta disheartening... mmm must make sure I get a heater in me next shed along with power of course :B

Only thing Ive done lately was a bunch of welding havent touched the woodworkin stuff for some weeks now which means Im going through some serious withdrawls!!! :C

So whacha been up to Toni? :;

8th August 2007, 04:07 PM
Hi Toni, I see you havent changed your location to Townsville, is part of you still in Winton?

I havent been in the workshop for a while, have only had one day off work in last 2 1/2 weeks and then we had visitors. Itching to get back to the wood pile, although it will be to work on the house. Hubby has been out cutting logs for the veranda, so I guess we have some cementing coming up.

Wendy is there a pic on here somewhere of your new workbench?


8th August 2007, 04:42 PM
Alligators !:oo: :oo: Egads!!!!!

Poor Midge! How many times have you tried to hide away in your workshop unsuccessfully :)

Wot's rain Dingo :rolleyes:

Hi Donna, It's nearly ready for a photo :)


9th August 2007, 10:13 AM
Hi everyone :)

I've finished the black forest clock, ( I hope the mods don't mind me posting the same pic in 2 threads)
I'm now making another one out of real wood and slightly larger

finished off 3 trinket boxes ( will post photos soon)

also made an oval basket, a nested bowl, and a golfing plaque, sounds like a lot but they're all small quick projects to cut, all now need to be glued and finished.


9th August 2007, 10:17 AM
That clock is amazing Spring. Did it take a while? Looking forward to your photos.

Coat number four went on the workbench top yesterday. It's starting to get a sheen and some deepening lustre action happening.:D Tonight I will sand lightly with 800 and put on another coat. I think 8 coats should be enough.


9th August 2007, 11:46 AM
just lurking.
don't forget the place mats for the bench !

10th August 2007, 09:15 PM
What I have been up to. Driving 7 kids to school pick up 7 kids to school do mum messages and then bookkeeping for dad's business so much not time for me at all. Hoping to figure out a way that I can get some time for me. However tonight I got a pen done felt great

11th August 2007, 10:00 AM
Thanks Wendy, I didn't keep a precise record when I made the clock, I did a bit here and there over about a month, but there's really only a few days work in it if you worked at it all day.I'm keeping better records with the one I'm doing now.

spring :)

5th September 2007, 11:35 AM
Here are the trinket boxes, photos of the bowl, basket and plaque are in the scrollers forum.

6th September 2007, 09:00 AM
wow that is beautiful indeed

6th September 2007, 03:55 PM
Thanks Toni :)

6th September 2007, 05:06 PM
I hope to post pictures of my work bench tonight as promised, and a couple other of projects :)

I read the first message and have to agree that Yes, the shed has really claimed me :oo: :D


7th September 2007, 10:22 AM
We are all very quiet. What you up to?

My "proper" woodwork projects have lapsed since we got an early burst of spring and I spent some time doing garden jobs and painting inside.

Oh I also entered a 100km mountain bike race in November so I have had to devote a big swag of child-free shed time to training.

I did manage to finish cleaning up all the recycled Spotted Gum I acquired and now it's stashed under the house.

I am somewhat reluctant to admit this but I bought a whitewood chest of drawers for the living room :B. Waiting to make one just wasn't going to happen any time soon. Got some stain and Danish Oil ready to put on but have been waiting until I get around to sanding it properly. Have already wiped a thin coat of Estapol onto all the drawer insides and sanded smooth to seal the timber. I'm also getting new handles from Hafele who very helpfully sent me a sample for no charge :).

Going to the woodwork show with father-in-law this arvo so hopefully that will give me some inspiration :D. Before I go I want to clean up a bomb-site of a kitchen, bake a cake and do some more sewing of a roman blind I am making for daughter's room.

Have a good weekend all!


7th September 2007, 11:59 AM
Sorry for the delay, I fell asleep on the couch last night :-

Finally got the pictures sorted.

1. First up is the Artwork I now have in my still-party renovated Laundry.
Couldn't think of a more appropriate picture for the Laundry than one of Mud :)

2 & 3. The tambor door for the ironing centre. 4 coats of Wipe of poly on the slats which are at present just stapled to the calico back. The next step will be to add glue and then build the unit around the roller door.

4 & 5. The silverash and jarrah workbench top. Ended up with only 6 coats of wipe on poly, but this will be easy to sand back and recoat when needed. The toolwell is brilliant. I used a piece of ply and as it's removeable, is very easy to clean it out when I can't find my tools in it anymore. The big benchstop is great, but after having used the bench for a couple of weeks, I find I now need to build a benchstop on the other side as well. I haven't decided on where to site the vice yet, other than thinking I really should do something about it sooner than later :rolleyes: :)


7th September 2007, 09:23 PM
Lovely lovely job on the workbench :2tsup:

Like the tambor door - might implement one or two of these for our kitchen reno (a long way in the future). How do you get the glue in?

I went to the woodwork show today and bought lots of framing supplies - a mat cutter and rule and point driver and points and framing tape etc. Plus some purpleheart which I want to use as accents on boxes and frames etc.


8th September 2007, 12:38 AM
Hi Spring, nice clock, you have a lot more patience that I do :D

Ruffly, I really like the idea of the toolwell in your bench, did you come up with that idea?

We are all very quiet. What you up to? that shed kidnapped you all????I wish that I could get in the shed, but, I have to admit that like most good women, I know my place belongs in the kitchen :B

:no: :no: not likely

.. waiting for this to dry out so I can finish removing the wood stove and modernise

8th September 2007, 09:30 AM
Thanks Steph

The workbench has been well worth the wait. I love using it and find I am careful of what happens to it, but don't mind the scratches, nicks and dents that occur. The one rule I do follow is not to do any finishing on it, especially if using shellac. Two drops of shellac on it = a bald spot :(

Thanks Tam

The tool well idea I got from many sessions of researching workbenches here and in a multitude of books. The boards of silverash also helped with implementing the idea as one board was a lot shorter than the others so it unless I'd joined in another piece, a tool well would be the easiest thing to do. I do wish that I'd put the tool well one board back closer to the middle of the bench as that would make life easier in working on small items. The benchstops came from the same thing where the timber was shorter than the general length. It's great being able to work on all 4 sides of the bench too. I think the bench will be a Mark I and in time I'll probably relegate this one to elsewhere and build another one.

The tambor door - the staples allow for the calico to be pulled back slightly so I'll do this on each side of the staples when applying the glue - I'll take pictures too. The staples are definitely not strong enough by themselves for the door.

Speaking of time and shed work etc, how on earth do you juggle everything we have to do as mothers, wives, girlfiends and ourselves?? Do you find yourself not doing some things as often as you'd like to make time for something you really want to do?


8th September 2007, 10:50 PM
Spring your trinket boxes are lovely. The designs look like they are based on lacework.

Wendy your bench looks great. I wont be making one for me though until I put the roof on the house, cant afford to get sidetracked.:roll: My friend has a roller door like yours in her kitchen which covers the coffee/toaster area of the kitchen, which keeps it looking neat.

Tamariska, I moved our wood stove out of the way to paint our floor, hubby was horified that I had shifted it by myself, but it was an easy task using a couple of pipes underneath and rolling it.

I find it hard juggling work, building, woodwork, craftwork, husband etc. Of course the first thing that misses out on my time is the housework:U

Woodwork is something I have to apply myself to with no other interuptions, like I cant do it for an hour a day or anything, its gotta be all or nothing, like set up and do as much of the job as i can, cause if I get interupted for a day, the project is more than likely to start the dust collecting thing:B And the dust collecting thing can go on for several years. Hmmm... speaking of which...there is this bed I started making my son...


8th September 2007, 11:33 PM
Tamariska, I moved our wood stove out of the way to paint our floor, hubby was horified that I had shifted it by myself, but it was an easy task using a couple of pipes underneath and rolling it.

Thanks for that flynnsart. I had heard of the pipes, but wasnt too sure of how heavy the stove was, (and if it would stay on top of the floorboards.)
I ended up reducing it to component parts yesterday, basically, because even if I got it out of the kitchen, we would have had to try to negotiate it down 5 steps off the back porch (not something I would wish to try :grin: )

11th September 2007, 02:10 PM
Hi all,
Haven't visited the site for a while (working in Dubbo, live in Yass - not much time for anything when I get home).
My project at the moment is finalising the power to the shed!
Everything is all hooked up and ready for the man from the council to give the ok to switch on the power - but my brother in law (electrician) has gone on holidays and need him to meet with the council man.
Its been over 18mths in the making...a few more weeks won't kill me - though the current use of a single extension cord over 70m to the shed might - hence no real woodwork projects until I can have all my gear hooked up properly to 240v!!
If anyone's interested, I've put in 3x 15A circuits (each runs a designated 15A pwr point - one for dust extractor, one for welder, one for whatever I feel like!!) and about 10x 10A dbl pwr points on 3 separate circuits.
Nothing is gonna blow...nothing!!
Planned woodwork projects at this stage are: finishing off workbench (finally will install the record vice I've had lying around for the last 3years - makes a good doorstop) and perhaps the poker table featured in Australian wood smith (no. 44).

11th September 2007, 02:28 PM
:DGreen with envy, we have been living off power cords for 7 years.


11th September 2007, 02:36 PM
Hi Leanne,

I don't know how you can be so patient. HWMNBO still teases me about having to wait for my shed to be finished for only 6 months:rolleyes: I hope the approval goes through without a single, further delay for you.

Tameriska - did the floor dry out?

Donna - totally agree, an hour of woodwork, while better than nothing, goes by way too quick. A whole block of time is indeed great, especially with no interruptions.

Tambor Door update :( I was making good progress on the tambour door and the ironing unit on Sunday, until I lifted the door. It is so heavy! There's no way it's going to work as the door for the ironing centre. It would probably end up pulling the whole unit off the wall. I don't think it will even roll around the very small corner area either. I think it would slump under the weight and jam. I can't see my MIL being able to use it, considering how ill she has been.:( Sigh, back to the drawing board for this idea. Now to design a unit to use the existing door.


11th September 2007, 02:56 PM
tameriska and Donna - thank you :)

Wendy, the workbench top looks great, I love the finish you've acheived. :2tsup:


11th September 2007, 05:22 PM
Tameriska - did the floor dry out?
Ummm, lets just say that I'm still waiting.
I ended up with about 1" water deep in the kitchen, so, timber floorboards and limestone walls may need some time to recover :((

Oh well, It'll just give me more time to work out how I want to build my cupboards :U

Skew ChiDAMN!!
11th September 2007, 06:28 PM
Hi girls... errmm... Whoops! Hang on while I go put my frilly knickers on...

Tambor Door update :( I was making good progress on the tambour door and the ironing unit on Sunday, until I lifted the door. It is so heavy! There's no way it's going to work as the door for the ironing centre. It would probably end up pulling the whole unit off the wall. I don't think it will even roll around the very small corner area either. I think it would slump under the weight and jam.

Wendy, have you given any thought to using a counter-weight? You could use a bit of sash-cord from the middle of the top slat of the tambour, through a pulley at the back of the cupboard and then to a heavy weight which you could "adjust" for best performance. Much like a sash window. :)

The weight could be hidden behind a false back, or simply drop down inside a length of PVC pipe or wooden "tube." This'll also work to prevent both the cupboard being front heavy and the tambor from slumping under it's own weight.

An alternative is to have the tambour roll in from the side, but then you really need to mount it on a drum/axle arrangement like a garage roller-door. Not exactly space saving, although very effective if done properly. :rolleyes:

11th September 2007, 06:41 PM
Tam -:oo: that's one heck of a lot of water to dry out/away!!!! :cool:

Thanks Spring - it was worth the year's wait for the bench.

7 years!!!!! :o:o:C

Skew - I had thought of trying to use springs, but a counter sash weight would be much better. Thanks :)


11th September 2007, 08:06 PM
Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.........

The artwork looks great with it's very flash frame & now Daph thinks she is an artist :o Yeh, thanks for that!:doh:

The bench looks FANTASTIC!!.......... Just a small favour to ask, can you come & build mine for me? :wink: :U :U :U :U

12th September 2007, 09:30 AM
Thans Major, Just between Daph and I, I do think she is an unrealised artist for that photo :U

Build your bench!!!!! :o Now that could be a lot of fun. Teaching Major how to bodgy a bench together - did you notice there are no pics of the base of the table :B

Re the Tambor door - it would have to be a counter weight hung horizontally and it would have to be no wider than 8 mm thick to fit into the hidden back section.

hey Tameriska - have you decided on a plan for your kitchen yet?


13th September 2007, 10:41 AM
Hi All :U

I haven't been doing much in the way of woodturning recently as I've travelled this wonderful country of ours for a holiday with my children and grand children. Travelled from Darwin to Brisbane and back, emm about 8,000km in all this time round which resulted in lots of sitting, lots of gazing out the car window and some visiting towns we only get to see when on 'the road'. We did it by car this time, it took us 5 days each way with a month in between. We're off again middle of October but I'll be hoping a plane for that trip, only about 4 hours, which seems much more reasonable, eh. I can't wait to get my hands on those grand children again:2tsup:

Now I've recovered from the trip I collected some wet Casuarina Pine and some sort of Rosewood [not sure on that one] yesterday from the local caravan park and I'm going to 'play' for hours and hours:-

If something nice comes from these efforts, I'll post them for you all to look at:D

Have a good one



18th September 2007, 02:28 PM
Lead would probably be the weigh (Oops sorry for pun) to go, for your tambour door, dont know how you would work out the weight needed, suppose trial and error.


18th September 2007, 02:32 PM
did you notice there are no pics of the base of the table :B


Come on Wendy dont be shy, show us your legs!:p

18th September 2007, 03:00 PM

18th September 2007, 03:03 PM

A piece of 5mm steel plate should do the trick.
