View Full Version : What can I Turn For My Grandma

5th November 2007, 11:38 PM
hey fellas.

Last friday my Grandma passed away:Cry:. its been a pretty hard time for us all. her funeral is on thursday.
My mum, sister and myself were in Port Mac when mum got news that grandma had to be airlifted to John Hunter Hospital. Mum left for newy straight away and left me and my sis at port ( u/13 state champs - indoor hockey - where my sis was playing and i was employed by Hockey NSW as assistant Umpire Manager ). she later drove back with dad ( who stayed behind to oversee the remainder of our pool being built:D ) and told us at midnite approx that she passed away at 1/4 to 8.

we were all kept pretty busy over the w/e but it was still hard. we got home on sunday night and went to see grandad and thats when it really sunk in and hit us hardest.

anyway - she is going to be cremated and put into a thingo in our backyard inside our pool fence to watch us swim etc. as part of my contribution to her memorial, i'm turning her a peice. I dont know what but i will.

But seeing as though it will be outside - what can i finish it with. i'm thinking a nice bowl or goblet, maybe even a box. i might even build a roof to put over it all ( there will be a big pot thingo which she will be put into )

so any ideas on finishes and what to make???


ps. my sister one her division and made the state team:cool:. now i'm going to have to make it this w/e at my state champs cos she set the standard:2tsup:

Cliff Rogers
5th November 2007, 11:51 PM
Bummer Stirlo.... don't rush it, think about it for a while...

Is there something she liked?

Is there something that reminds you of her?

5th November 2007, 11:56 PM
Hi Stirlo, my condolences. I am doing a fountain for the same reason, for my parents, but it will be carved sandstone. If you are not making the urn (the big pot thingo) yourself and you do not want to consider stone, a Japanese style little temple in the garden might be the most appropriate wood thing to do. Otherwise it should be just a little memento from yourself, your heart will tell you what to do.

6th November 2007, 12:01 AM
Hi Stirlo,

My sincere wishes that this time goes easy for you and your family.

You mentioned the pool area and your Grandma watching over you. How about a turned piece with a window in it, e.g. resin or clear epoxy?


6th November 2007, 12:06 AM
Thanx guys

Bummer Stirlo.... don't rush it, think about it for a while...

Is there something she liked?

Is there something that reminds you of her?
well she liked all my stuff because she was my grandma. i dont think i pen ( she used hers alot and always loved to see my new ones ) would be very good out side. i will think about it for a while because we will put her to rest on her birthday in just over a month.

Hi Stirlo, my condolences. I am doing a fountain for the same reason, for my parents, but it will be carved sandstone. If you are not making the urn (the big pot thingo) yourself and you do not want to consider stone, a Japanese style little temple in the garden might be the most appropriate wood thing to do. Otherwise it should be just a little memento from yourself, your heart will tell you what to do. sorry to hear about your parents
stone sounds great but its just not something i could do and i want what ever i make to be perfect. the temple idea i might look into.

Hi Stirlo,

My sincere wishes that this time goes easy for you and your family.

You mentioned the pool area and your Grandma watching over you. How about a turned piece with a window in it, e.g. resin or clear epoxy?

thats an idea but the urn we are getting is stainless steel and is pointed at the top and sticks out of the ground because its engraved with words and a pic or something to that effect.

i shall keep thinking about it:)

6th November 2007, 04:05 AM
How about a nice turned vase to put flowers in now and then, have an insert on the top with multi holes for the flowers to arrange, Sorry about your loss..LB

6th November 2007, 06:50 AM

This is a difficult one. But rest assured what ever you do your Grandma would have approved of it.

Take your time and think it through and as its been said follow your heart.

6th November 2007, 08:11 AM
Sorry for your loss Stirlo grandma's are precious

don't rush it and let your heart lead you.


6th November 2007, 08:46 AM
Really sorry to hear of your loss, stirlo. My Gran died when I was about your age and I still feel the loss.

One thing that I did when Gran died was to find a photo of her that captured a special moment (in Gran's case it was at a party with friends and she was just looking really happy) and put it in a special frame that I made.

Perhaps if you find that special photo you could embed it in a resin window and set that in a bowl or vase that you turn. Then her photo could be looking at you guys. But as the others say - don't rush it too much and listen to your heart.

Richard Findley
6th November 2007, 09:34 AM
Hi Stirlo,

I'm never good in these sad situations, never know what to say! I'm much better in happy ones:B! All the best to you and your family.

What ever you make, and these guy's have given some good suggestions, you need to put plenty of finish on to protect it from the elements... over here that means mostly rain but over there I guess sun is the main problem... which can be worse for wood:doh:! I favour an oil finish, and lots of coats put on over several days/weeks. This would also need reapplying at least once a year, possibly twice.

The idea of building some sort of shade/canopy over it is good and will help to protect it!

As the guys said, take your time and I'm sure it'll be great, whatever you decide to make.

Best wishes, again,


6th November 2007, 10:29 AM
Stirlo, my condolences.

Perhaps you could make a time capsule. This could be stored near her urn and successive generations could open it to find out about her. Put in some photos, a story or two etc. Everyone can drop in a small memory with a story attached.

6th November 2007, 10:34 AM
thanx for the ideas guys and your condolences:)

DJ’s Timber
6th November 2007, 11:02 AM
Condolences Stirlo

A picture of your Gran in a frame sounds good, like Groogy's idea too

6th November 2007, 11:08 AM
Sorry for the loss to you and your family, Stirlo. Grandma's are special. You'll do right, when you've thought it through.
Take care

6th November 2007, 11:16 AM
My condolences as well stirlo
How about 4 turned colums of diffrent woods to support a cover, or 6-8 short colums of diffrent woods to go aound the urn .

Rgds Mate

6th November 2007, 11:33 AM
thanx again guys.

i had actually thought of that russel and it sounds like a good idea

6th November 2007, 12:31 PM
Condolences Stirlo, I've lost both of my Nans so know what it's like.:C

How about a box or container of your choice where you can put all the things / photos etc. that remind you of times when your Grandma was alive. I think this might be a positive way of remembering her and being able to pass on those stories later in life.....


6th November 2007, 05:54 PM
G'Day Stirlo

Sorry to hear of your loss, I'm sure what ever you decide Grandma would approve, perhaps you could dedicate your game to her.

Good Luck

6th November 2007, 05:58 PM
Hey Stirlo - sorry for your loss.

I like Ashore's idea:2tsup: - you can even turn the cover as well???

6th November 2007, 07:50 PM
G'Day Stirlo

Sorry to hear of your loss, I'm sure what ever you decide Grandma would approve, perhaps you could dedicate your game to her.

Good Luck
my sisters team won their division and the team decided to give one to my grandad because grandma was helpinmg them in spirit. then the boys team paired withg the girls sent a huge bunch of flowers to my grandad and another lot to us. this w/e tournament will be dedicated to grandma too, black bands will definately be worn!

Hey Stirlo - sorry for your loss.

I like Ashore's idea:2tsup: - you can even turn the cover as well???

probably not the cover:shrug: some laminated or doweld hard wood most likely sitting on the turned posts:)

Condolences Stirlo, I've lost both of my Nans so know what it's like.:C

How about a box or container of your choice where you can put all the things / photos etc. that remind you of times when your Grandma was alive. I think this might be a positive way of remembering her and being able to pass on those stories later in life.....

a box sounds good. but i dont know if it would be turned or not. i've never made a turned one and i want it to be perfect and i dont get a whole lot ofd time in which to practice:)

6th November 2007, 08:04 PM
Mate I am sorry for your loss. Mate follow your heart you will know what suits grandma the best

dai sensei
6th November 2007, 09:05 PM
Sorry to hear about your grandma Stirlo. Some good ideas from above, but as others have said, go with your heart.

6th November 2007, 10:58 PM
Sorry for your loss Stirlo. The turning is a good idea. :)


6th November 2007, 11:54 PM
Sad news Stirlo. I doubt it would matter what you turn - if she is on your mind when you make it, you will always think of her when you see it and she would love it regardless.

7th November 2007, 12:47 PM
My condolences to your family

Here is something I have done in the past

7th November 2007, 12:55 PM
Why not turn a nice picture frame and put her photo in it

11th November 2007, 05:17 PM
this w/e at my state champs well we won and i made the state team ( only the 2nd side tho:? ). i think she must have been watching over us :cool:

11th November 2007, 05:46 PM
G'Day Stirlo

Congratulations, sure Grandma would be very proud.
