View Full Version : New member

26th November 1999, 12:01 PM
I been watchin youz guys for weeks now and yez seem like a pretty reasonable bunch. I have decided to give of myself to your forums when ever the need arrises.

My occupation is Wise Guy if youz know what I mean. But it strikes me that this Bulletin Board has more than it's fair share of wize guys already. So as far as youz are concerned I am just another concerned citizen, partaking in the inocent past time of woodwork.

My passion is making creative spindle turned pieces if timber that feel good in the hand and can be swung with ease. Yet still be strong enough to do a beautiful job of cranial or knee-cap reconstruction on its intended recipient.

I look forward to partaking in the witty banter and exchange of ideas with youz all.


Don't mess with me! I know where yez live and I might just pay yez a visit. Capish?

Great Poo Bear
26th November 1999, 07:17 PM
Whooooaaa hevvey dewd. Hey scary mr knuckles I send you big bear huggies to help you be a bit litened up.

Love from th 10 acker wood an Poo Bear.

27th November 1999, 10:19 AM

As a wise guy I am deeply committed to my work and proud of what I do. I have ripped the limbs from Teddy Bears like you with gay abandon (I say gay in the true sense of the word). This I have done for lesser statements than what youz have just said to me.

However as just another concerned citizen, partaking in the innocent past time of woodwork, I accept your big bear huggies in the spirit with which they were intended, and I shall leave your limbs intact.

I think I like you. You remind me of Machine Gun Mavis who also did have a soft heart until the Koogan Brothers cut it out.

Your new friend and protector.

Don't mess with me! I know where yez live and I might just pay yez a visit. Capish?

Don K
27th November 1999, 04:02 PM
Greetings Knuckles

It is Don Kannoly here. I had no realization of the fact that you were so interested in woodwork. I have seen some of your alleged collection of beautifully turned blunt instruments and they are a credit to you.

You have my blessing to pass on any knowledge you wish about woodworking to the general public, through the means of this Bulletin Board.

I am pleased to see that you have made a friend of Poo. I have had him under my watchful eye for a number of years and I can say this. In a world such as we frequent this bear is truly goodness in the first order.

Be kind to him and I will see that no one knocks the Poo out of you.

Kind regards.
The Don

There is no such thing as the mafia.

4th December 1999, 03:34 PM
My Dear Don Kannoly.

It gratifies me greatly, that you, The Don, have seen fit to give to me your blessing to pass on my woodworking knowledge to the general public.

That you should take such an interest in my creative side is not a real surprise to me, as you have often described the way in which I dispatch my duties for you as creative. So I would sumise that you could think the same about my woodworking.

I take now a sacred oath to protect the Bear at all costs and from all comer's and I will not allow anyone knock the stuffings out of him or heap poo in him, etc.

Once again God Father, I thank you for your interest and your blessing.

I am touched.

5th December 1999, 12:30 AM

I agree. You are touched.


5th December 1999, 09:24 AM
Neil (ubeaut)

Yes seem to have a liking for living dangerously. Have you ever heard of the word "Vendetta", it rolls off the tongue beautifully, a wonderful and extreme fun word. Heed my word.

Knuckles http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/frown.gif

Don't mess with me! I know where yez live and I might just pay yez a visit. Capish?

5th December 1999, 11:33 PM

You idiot, half of the woodies in Australia know where I live. The important thing is that I know who you really are where you live.

Your secret is safe with me for now but behave yourself or the world will know the truth about you and The Don.

Keep playing it nice and being just another concerned citizen and you can stay. Get out of line and you will be banned.

Very Sincerely
Neil Ellis
Don't mess with me or you will be terminated from this Bulletin Board. Capish, pizano?