View Full Version : Does anyone have a jig for minifix connectors

6th January 2004, 09:18 AM
Has anyone used the minifix connectors to put cabinets together ?
If you have, did you make a jig to allign the holes etc ?
There is a jig from Hafele, but it will set me back around $1000.00, hence the need for an accurate home made jig.
Also any ideas on how to center a hole for the bolts, would be helpfull, other then the typical dowel type centering tools.

I could probably get a picture of the minifix jig from Hafele if needed, but there may be some copyright issues, you never know.


6th January 2004, 08:11 PM
How about
Minifix PDF (http://www.hafele.co.kr/bemarket/product/Furniture/pdf/Minifix.pdf)

Minifix JigIT (http://www.rockler.com/findit.cfm?page=5875)

6th January 2004, 10:04 PM
Thanks for your post.
I have seen the minifix jigIT tool on the rockler site before, I am curious to know if anyone uses these fixings in there cabinet making and how they go about drilling the holes, accurately.


Wood Borer
6th January 2004, 10:49 PM

On the rare occasions I use minifix, I use a jig I made for my router. It consists of a piece of 3 ply screwed to a piece of 42X19 pine.

The router template guide guides the router bit to make the hole for the cam part of the minifix and the pine gives me the accurate distance from the edge. I drill the hole for the screw part using a hand drill.

Cut the 3 ply large enough to clamp to your work and rule/scribe lines on the ply to position the jig exactly where you need it.

Simple and could no doubt be refined but works every time for me. The jig took less than an hour to design and make.

I hope this helps you.

- Wood Borer

7th January 2004, 11:21 AM
Hi Wood Borer,

I haden't thought of using the router for the cam hole. Do you have a picture of the guide you are using ?


Wood Borer
7th January 2004, 11:46 PM

I spend my money on tools and timber so unfortunately I haven't got a camera to take a photo for you. I went out to the shed and found the jig, measured it and drew this picture for you, I hope it attaches OK.

Like I indicated last night, it is nothing spectacular but it works OK for me.

The measurements are fairly accurate but you may need to fine tune them depending on the size minifix, the diameter of your template guide and the diameter of your router bit.

Good luck,

- Wood Borer

Woops Diagram is wrong see next post

Wood Borer
7th January 2004, 11:57 PM

How come you always see the errors after you have posted the diagram?

This is the corrected one.

- Wood Borer

8th January 2004, 02:32 PM
Wood Borer,

Thanks for the diag. It is as I thought.
I managed to get some off cut acrylic (perspex) . I will atempt to use that to make the face plate.
