View Full Version : Has anyone tried one of these?

13th June 2008, 05:06 PM

13th June 2008, 09:40 PM
:o WOW

Manuka Jock
13th June 2008, 09:53 PM
Yep , I was impressed too ,
but that started to wane as I read this ;


Sounding Bowl Copyrights

Copyrights on Sounding Bowls have been established since 1987.
Worldwide copyrights were established in 1991.
These were renewed in 1994, 1997, 1998, and annually since.

There have been attempts to produce Sounding Bowls by other woodturners. These have not approached the quality of make, looks, sound or results of an original. I take such things seriously. There is the matter of my livelihood, but this is not all. Read the user feedback page and you will gain some idea of the work that the Sounding Bowls are doing.
Parodies risk ruining the good work being done by Sounding Bowls.
If you are a woodworker and would like to make a Sounding Bowl for your own use please contact Tobias ([email protected]) for a copyright licence. If you would like to make a Sounding Bowl for anyone else to use only a copyright licence will protect you from possible serious consequences. Under certain circumstances such a limited licence may be considered on charitable grounds

Rather an odd stance for a woodturning musician methinks

13th June 2008, 10:13 PM
Yep , I was impressed too ,
but that started to wane as I read this ;


Sounding Bowl Copyrights

Copyrights on Sounding Bowls have been established since 1987.
Worldwide copyrights were established in 1991.
These were renewed in 1994, 1997, 1998, and annually since.

There have been attempts to produce Sounding Bowls by other woodturners. These have not approached the quality of make, looks, sound or results of an original. I take such things seriously. There is the matter of my livelihood, but this is not all. Read the user feedback page and you will gain some idea of the work that the Sounding Bowls are doing.
Parodies risk ruining the good work being done by Sounding Bowls.
If you are a woodworker and would like to make a Sounding Bowl for your own use please contact Tobias ([email protected]) for a copyright licence. If you would like to make a Sounding Bowl for anyone else to use only a copyright licence will protect you from possible serious consequences. Under certain circumstances such a limited licence may be considered on charitable grounds

Rather an odd stance for a woodturning musician methinks

Don't be scared by this.
If you want to make one do it. I think it is fair enough that you don't make them as a comercial product or to make money. This would be wrong. How ever to make one for fun or for a friend, this would be harmless.


John H
13th June 2008, 10:21 PM
Doesn't the owner need to have a Patent to protect against people making their own?

I mean, if you make your own it won't look exactly like those ones so copyright wouldn't apply.

13th June 2008, 10:29 PM
looks easier to make than a guitar

Manuka Jock
13th June 2008, 10:30 PM
They are Bowl Harps .
One of the earliest stringed instruments .

Add a neck , lengthen the strings , put a lid on the bowl .........
He has a bloody cheek , to copyright something that has been around for thousands of years .
And the copyright office needs sorting out too .

13th June 2008, 11:09 PM
Copyright is not a patent you only need to change the design to render the copyright null & void

joe greiner
14th June 2008, 10:05 PM
Copyright generally applies to creative works, which may include sculpture. To the extent that these are sculptures, and represented ONLY as such, there may be protection. A DESIGN patent protects the appearance of a commercial product. A UTILITY patent protects the structure of a commercial product. In either case, private production for non-commercial use, in most jurisdictions is a valid defence against an infringement action.

Note: I'm not a patent attorney, nor do I play one on television, but I have stayed at Holiday Inn Express.


15th June 2008, 05:51 AM
TM, I don't remember ever seeing these before now. Pretty interesting.
As far as the copyright is concerned... cheeky is right. I wouldn't be afraid to make one, if I knew how, for my own or as a gift. I think he'd have a hard time enforcing the CR. These things have been around for a long time.

15th June 2008, 09:44 AM
its a copyright not a patent.
All that means is don't make a replica or copy of his.
Make it with a diffferent appearance and its quite legit.

15th June 2008, 10:06 AM
For those who don't want to risk being sued :rolleyes: or who can't afford the two thousand quid, here are a couple of other variants (from http://www.physics.unc.edu/~mcneil/string00.html) the website is dated 2000.



(I like the timber ones better)



Manuka Jock
15th June 2008, 10:26 AM
Yes , I like the wooden ones better too .
It is the material that was used in the past by the ancient makers :)
Plus , variation of timber and shape adds to the range of harps

Gil Jones
16th June 2008, 01:29 PM
I turned one from Black Cherry last year (just the bowl part), and sent it to my Brother (the violin and fiddle creator). He made and installed the twangy parts.
I turned it green, and let it dry to an oval shape, and it is not for sale :rolleyes:

Manuka Jock
16th June 2008, 06:27 PM
Top looking harp that Gill , nice timber too :)
How does sound when you play it ?

Planning for the oval distortion , now thats a cunning move mate :2tsup:

joe greiner
17th June 2008, 12:38 AM
Turning it green is the same as planning for oval distortion. Nice looking instrument, Gil. I'd bet it sounds good too.


Gil Jones
17th June 2008, 05:19 AM
Thanks, I have not heard it played yet. Considering that I can not play it, I told my Brother to keep it. Maybe one day I will hear it, but he lives 1,100 miles from here. The warp was just something that I figured would happen as the wood cured, and to 'turned' out OK.

Rum Pig
17th June 2008, 08:58 AM
Looks good Gil :2tsup:

When I get a bit more confidence I might have a go.:)
Do you think he will come looking in Humpty Doo to see if I have copied his design:rolleyes:

Gil Jones
17th June 2008, 12:27 PM
Thanks RP!
Doubt it...do you care?