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Thread: iTunes scripts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Cranbourne West

    Default iTunes scripts

    I have a rather large (30000+ songs) music collection on my computer and HAVE to use iTunes to manage it as the only portable device that can handle it is an iPod classic.
    Many of the songs do not have lyrics and I would like to create a playlist of these songs.
    I have found a script that locates songs WITH lyrics and creates a playlist called Has Lyrics.
    Can anyone here tell me how to modify it to locate songs without lyrics and create a playlist called No Lyrics.
    Will I have to compile it after the edit, or can I just save it as a .vbs file?

    The Script:
    ' ===================
    ' HasLyricsToPlaylist
    ' ===================
    ' Version - July 13th 2013
    ' Copyright © Steve MacGuire 2010-2013
    ' Please visit Scripts for iTunes for Windows for updates

    ' =======
    ' Licence
    ' =======
    ' This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
    ' of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
    ' version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    ' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    ' without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
    ' See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    ' Please visit GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF) to view the GNU GPLv3 licence.

    ' ===========
    ' Description
    ' ===========
    ' Creates a playlist listing all tracks with lyrics from the selected tracks or playlist
    ' Adapted from

    ' =========
    ' ChangeLog
    ' =========
    ' Version - Initial version

    ' ==========
    ' To-do List
    ' ==========
    ' Add more things to do

    ' =============================
    ' Declare constants & variables
    ' =============================
    Option Explicit ' Declare all variables before use
    Const Kimo=False ' True if script expects "Keep iTunes Media folder organised" to be disabled
    Const Min=0 ' Minimum number of tracks this script should work with
    Const Max=0 ' Maximum number of tracks this script should work with, 0 for no limit
    Const Warn=500 ' Warning level, require confirmation for procssing above this level
    Dim Intro,Outro,Check ' Manage confirmation dialogs
    Dim PB,Prog,Debug ' Control the progress bar
    Dim Clock,T1,T2,Timing ' The secret of great comedy
    Dim Named,Source ' Control use on named playlist
    Dim Playlist,List ' Name for any generated playlist, and the object itself
    Dim iTunes ' Handle to iTunes application
    Dim Tracks ' A collection of track objects
    Dim Count ' The number of tracks
    Dim M,P,S,U,V ' Counters
    Dim nl,tab ' New line/tab strings
    Dim Quit ' Used to abort script
    Dim Title,Summary

    Dim FSO ' Handle to FileSystemObject
    Dim Library ' Location of main library
    Dim Org ' Media organisation flag
    Dim Root ' Root of media library

    Playlist="Has Lyrics"
    Title="Has Lyrics To Playlist"
    Summary="Check for files with lyrics and, if found, create/refresh a playlist called" & vbCrLf & Playlist & " into which to place the results."
    Set FSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' =======================
    ' Initialise user options
    ' =======================
    Intro=True ' Set false to skip initial prompts, avoid if non-reversible actions
    Outro=True ' Produce summary report
    Check=True ' Track-by-track confirmation
    Prog=True ' Display progress bar
    Debug=False ' Include any debug messages in progress bar
    Timing=True ' Display running time in summary report
    Named=False ' Force script to process specific playlist rather than current selection or playlist
    Source="Library" ' Named playlist to process, use "Library" for entire library


    ' ============
    ' Main program
    ' ============

    GetTracks ' Set things up
    ProcessTracks ' Main process
    Results ' Summary

    ' ===================
    ' End of main program
    ' ===================

    ' ===============================
    ' Declare subroutines & functions
    ' ===============================

    ' Note: The bulk of the code in this script is concerned with making sure that only suitable tracks are processed by
    ' the following module and supporting numerous options for track selection, confirmation, progress and results.

    ' Reset play/skip counts/dates and bookmark positions
    ' Modified 2011-11-13
    Sub Action(T)
    StartEvent ' Time potentially slow event
    If U=0 Then
    Set List=iTunes.LibrarySource.Playlists.ItemByName(Playlist)
    If Not List Is Nothing Then List.Delete ' Delete old playlist if it exists
    Set List=iTunes.CreatePlaylist(Playlist) ' Create new playlist
    End If
    U=U+1 ' Increment updated tracks
    StopEvent ' Show event time
    End Sub

    ' Custom info message for progress bar
    ' Modified 2012-04-05
    Function Info(T)
    Dim A,B
    A="Unknown Artist"
    B="Unknown Album"
    On Error Resume Next
    With T
    A=.AlbumArtist: If A="" Then A=.Artist : If A="" Then A="Unknown Artist"
    B=.Album : If B="" Then B="Unknown Album"
    Info="Checking: " & A & " - " & B & " - " & .Name
    End With
    End Function

    ' Custom prompt for track-by-track confirmation
    ' Modified 2011-11-13
    Function Prompt(T)
    Prompt="Add file at:" & nl & nl & T.Location & nl & nl & "to " & Playlist & " playlist?"
    End Function

    ' Output report, based on Report
    ' Modified 2013-07-13
    Sub Results
    If U>0 Then List.Reveal
    If Not Outro Then Exit Sub
    Dim T
    If Quit Then T="Script aborted!" & nl & nl Else T=""
    T=T & P & " track" & Plural(P,"s","")
    If P<Count Then T=T & " of " & count
    T=T & Plural(P," were"," was") & " processed of which " & nl
    If V>0 Then
    If Playlist="" Then
    T=T & V & " did not need updating"
    If (U>0)+(S>0)+(M>0)<-1 Then
    T=T & "," & nl
    ElseIf (U>0)+(S>0)+(M>0)=-1 Then
    T=T & " and" & nl
    End If
    If U=0 Then T=T & "none were added"
    End If
    End If
    If U>0 Or V=0 Then
    If Playlist="" Then
    T=T & U & Plural(U," were"," was") & " updated"
    T=T & U & Plural(U," were"," was") & " added"
    End If
    If (S>0)+(M>0)<-1 Then
    T=T & "," & nl
    ElseIf (S>0)+(M>0)=-1 Then
    T=T & " and" & nl
    End If
    End If
    If S>0 Then
    T=T & S & Plural(S," were"," was") & " skipped"
    If M>0 Then T=T & " and" & nl
    End If
    If M>0 Then T=T & M & Plural(M," were"," was") & " missing"
    T=T & "."
    If Timing Then
    T=T & nl & nl
    If Check Then T=T & "Processing" Else T=T & "Running"
    T=T & " time: " & FormatTime(Clock)
    End If
    MsgBox T,vbInformation,Title
    End Sub

    ' Custom status message for progress bar
    ' Modified 2011-10-21
    Function Status(N)
    Status="Processing " & N & " of " & Count
    End Function

    ' Test for tracks which can be usefully updated
    ' Modified 2013-07-13
    Function Updateable(T)
    If T.Location="" Then ' Missing files can't be processed by this script
    M=M+1 ' Increment missing tracks
    If Prog Then PB.SetDebug "<br>Missing file!" : WScript.Sleep 500
    Else ' No updating values which won't change
    Updateable=(T.Lyrics & "")<>""
    End If
    End Function

    ' ============================================
    ' Reusable Library Routines for iTunes Scripts
    ' ============================================
    ' Modified 2011-11-13

    ' Format time interval from seconds to hh:mm:ss
    ' Modified 2011-11-07
    Function FormatTime(T)
    If T<0 Then T=T+86400 ' Watch for timer running over midnight
    If T<2 Then
    FormatTime=FormatNumber(T,3) & " seconds"
    ElseIf T<10 Then
    FormatTime=FormatNumber(T,2) & " seconds"
    ElseIf T<60 Then
    FormatTime=Int(T) & " seconds"
    Dim H,M,S
    S=T Mod 60
    M=(T\60) Mod 60 ' \ = Div operator for integer division
    'S=Right("0" & (T Mod 60),2)
    'M=Right("0" & ((T\60) Mod 60),2) ' \ = Div operator for integer division
    If H>0 Then
    FormatTime=H & Plural(H," hours "," hour ") & M & Plural(M," mins"," min")
    'FormatTime=H & ":" & M & ":" & S
    FormatTime=M & Plural(M," mins "," min ") & S & Plural(S," secs"," sec")
    'FormatTime=M & " :" & S
    'If Left(FormatTime,1)="0" Then FormatTime=Mid(FormatTime,2)
    End If
    End If
    End Function

    ' Initialise track selections, quit script if track selection is out of bounds or user aborts
    ' Modified 2011-11-13
    Sub GetTracks
    Dim Q,R
    ' Initialise global variables
    nl=vbCrLf : tab=Chr(9) : Quit=False
    M=0 : P=0 : S=0 : U=0 : V=0
    ' Initialise global objects
    Set iTunes=CreateObject("iTunes.Application")
    Set Tracks=iTunes.SelectedTracks ' Get current selection
    If iTunes.BrowserWindow.SelectedPlaylist.Source.Kind<>1 And Source="" Then Source="Library" : Named=True ' Ensure section is from the library source
    'If iTunes.BrowserWindow.SelectedPlaylist.Name="Ringtones" And Source="" Then Source="Library" : Named=True ' and not ringtones (which cannot be processed as tracks???)
    If iTunes.BrowserWindow.SelectedPlaylist.Name="Radio" And Source="" Then Source="Library" : Named=True ' or radio stations (which cannot be processed as tracks)
    If iTunes.BrowserWindow.SelectedPlaylist.Name=Playlist And Source="" Then Source="Library" : Named=True ' or a playlist that will be regenerated by this script
    If Named Or Tracks Is Nothing Then ' or use a named playlist
    If Source<>"" Then Named=True
    If Source="Library" Then ' Get library playlist...
    Set Tracks=iTunes.LibraryPlaylist.Tracks
    Else ' or named playlist
    On Error Resume Next ' Attempt to fall back to current selection for non-existent source
    Set Tracks=iTunes.LibrarySource.Playlists.ItemByName(Source).Tracks
    On Error Goto 0
    If Tracks is Nothing Then ' Fall back
    Set Tracks=iTunes.SelectedTracks
    If Tracks is Nothing Then
    Set Tracks=iTunes.BrowserWindow.SelectedPlaylist.Tracks
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    If Named And Tracks.Count=0 Then ' Quit if no tracks in named source
    If Intro Then MsgBox "The playlist " & Source & " is empty, there is nothing to do.",vbExclamation,Title
    End If
    If Tracks.Count=0 Then Set Tracks=iTunes.LibraryPlaylist.Tracks
    If Tracks.Count=0 Then ' Can't select ringtones as tracks?
    MsgBox "This script cannot process " & iTunes.BrowserWindow.SelectedPlaylist.Name & ".",vbExclamation,Title
    End If
    ' Check there is a suitable number of suitable tracks to work with
    If Count<Min Or (Count>Max And Max>0) Then
    If Max=0 Then
    MsgBox "Please select " & Min & " or more tracks in iTunes before calling this script!",0,Title
    MsgBox "Please select between " & Min & " and " & Max & " tracks in iTunes before calling this script!",0,Title
    End If
    End If
    ' Check if the user wants to proceed and how
    If Q<>"" Then Q=Q & nl & nl
    If Warn>0 And Count>Warn Then
    Q=Q & "WARNING!" & nl & "Are you sure you want to process " & Count & " tracks"
    If Named Then Q=Q & nl
    Q=Q & "Process " & Count & " track" & Plural(Count,"s "," ")
    End If
    If Named Then Q=Q & "from the " & Source & " playlist"
    Q=Q & "?"
    If Intro Or (Prog And UAC) Then
    If Check Then
    Q=Q & nl & nl
    Q=Q & "Yes" & tab & ": Process track" & Plural(Count,"s","") & " automatically" & nl
    Q=Q & "No" & tab & ": Preview & confirm each action" & nl
    Q=Q & "Cancel" & tab & ": Abort script"
    End If
    If Kimo Then Q=Q & nl & nl & "NB: Disable ''Keep iTunes Media folder organised'' preference before use."
    If Prog And UAC Then
    Q=Q & nl & nl & "NB: Disable User Access Control to allow progess bar to operate" & nl
    Q=Q & "or change the declaration ''Prog=True'' to ''Prog=False''."
    End If
    If Check Then
    End If
    If R=vbCancel Then WScript.Quit
    If R=vbYes or R=vbOK Then
    End If
    End If
    If Check Then Prog=False ' Suppress progress bar if prompting for user input
    End Sub

    ' Return relevant string depending on whether value is plural or singular
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Function Plural(V,P,S)
    If V=1 Then Plural=S Else Plural=P
    End Function

    ' Loop through track selection processing suitable items
    ' Modified 2011-11-06
    Sub ProcessTracks
    Dim C,I,N,Q,R,T
    If Prog Then ' Create ProgessBar
    Set PB=New ProgBar
    PB.SetTitle Title
    End If
    Clock=0 : StartTimer
    For I=Count To 1 Step -1 ' Work backwards in case edit removes item from selection
    If Prog Then
    PB.SetStatus Status(N)
    PB.Progress N-1,Count
    End If
    Set T=Tracks.Item(I)
    If Prog Then PB.SetInfo Info(T)
    If T.Kind=1 Then ' Ignore tracks which can't change
    If Updateable(T) Then ' Ignore tracks which won't change
    If Check Then ' Track by track confirmation
    StopTimer ' Don't time user inputs
    Select Case R
    Case vbYes
    Case vbNo
    S=S+1 ' Increment skipped tracks
    Case Else
    Exit For
    End Select
    End If
    If C Then ' We have a valid track, now do something with it
    Action T
    End If
    If T.Location<>"" Then V=V+1 ' Increment unchanging tracks, exclude missing ones
    End If
    End If
    P=P+1 ' Increment processed tracks
    If Quit Then Exit For ' Abort loop on user request
    If Prog And Not Quit Then
    PB.Progress Count,Count
    WScript.Sleep 500
    End If
    End Sub

    ' Output report
    ' Modified 2011-10-24
    Sub Report
    If Not Outro Then Exit Sub
    Dim T
    If Quit Then T="Script aborted!" & nl & nl Else T=""
    T=T & P & " track" & Plural(P,"s","")
    If P<Count Then T=T & " of " & count
    T=T & Plural(P," were"," was") & " processed of which " & nl
    If V>0 Then
    T=T & V & " did not need updating"
    If (U>0)+(S>0)+(M>0)<-1 Then
    T=T & "," & nl
    ElseIf (U>0)+(S>0)+(M>0)=-1 Then
    T=T & " and" & nl
    End If
    End If
    If U>0 Or V=0 Then
    T=T & U & Plural(U," were"," was") & " updated"
    If (S>0)+(M>0)<-1 Then
    T=T & "," & nl
    ElseIf (S>0)+(M>0)=-1 Then
    T=T & " and" & nl
    End If
    End If
    If S>0 Then
    T=T & S & Plural(S," were"," was") & " skipped"
    If M>0 Then T=T & " and" & nl
    End If
    If M>0 Then T=T & M & Plural(M," were"," was") & " missing"
    T=T & "."
    If Timing Then
    T=T & nl & nl
    If Check Then T=T & "Processing" Else T=T & "Running"
    T=T & " time: " & FormatTime(Clock)
    End If
    MsgBox T,vbInformation,Title
    End Sub

    ' Start timing event
    ' Modified 2011-10-08
    Sub StartEvent
    End Sub

    ' Start timing session
    ' Modified 2011-10-08
    Sub StartTimer
    End Sub

    ' Stop timing event and display elapsed time in debug section of Progress Bar
    ' Modified 2011-11-07
    Sub StopEvent
    If Prog Then
    If T2<0 Then T2=T2+86400 ' Watch for timer running over midnight
    If Debug Then PB.SetDebug "<br>Last iTunes call took " & FormatTime(T2)
    End If
    End Sub

    ' Stop timing session and add elapased time to running clock
    ' Modified 2011-10-08
    Sub StopTimer
    If Clock<0 Then Clock=Clock+86400 ' Watch for timer running over midnight
    End Sub

    ' Detect if User Access Control is enabled, UAC prevents use of progress bar
    ' Modified 2011-10-18
    Function UAC
    Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE=&H80000002
    Const KeyPath="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
    Const KeyName="EnableLUA"
    Dim Reg,Value
    Set Reg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") ' Use . for local computer, otherwise could be computer name or IP address
    Reg.GetDWORDValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,KeyPath,KeyName,Value ' Get current property
    If IsNull(Value) Then UAC=False Else UAC=(Value<>0)
    End Function

    ' ==================
    ' Progress Bar Class
    ' ==================

    ' Progress/activity bar for vbScript implemented via IE automation
    ' Can optionally rebuild itself if closed or abort the calling script
    ' Modified 2011-10-18
    Class ProgBar
    Public Cells,Height,Width,Respawn,Title,Version
    Private Active,Blank,Dbg,Filled(),FSO,IE,Info,NextOn,NextOff,Status,SHeight,SWidth,Temp

    ' User has closed progress bar, abort or respwan?
    ' Modified 2011-10-09
    Public Sub Cancel()
    If Respawn And Active Then
    If Respawn=1 Then
    Show ' Ignore user's attempt to close and respawn
    Dim R
    StopTimer ' Don't time user inputs
    R=MsgBox("Abort Script?",vbExclamation+vbYesNoCancel,Title)
    If R=vbYes Then
    On Error Resume Next
    Quit=True ' Global flag allows main program to complete current task before exiting
    Show ' Recreate box if closed
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    ' Delete temporary html file
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Private Sub CleanUp()
    FSO.DeleteFile Temp ' Delete temporary file
    End Sub

    ' Close progress bar and tidy up
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Public Sub Close()
    On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors caused by closed object
    If Active Then
    Active=False ' Ignores second call as IE object is destroyed
    IE.Quit ' Remove the progess bar
    End If
    End Sub

    ' Initialize object properties
    ' Modified 2011-10-16
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Dim I,Items,strComputer,WMI
    ' Get width & height of screen for centering ProgressBar
    Set WMI=GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Set Items=WMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48)
    'Get the OS version number (first two)
    For Each I in Items
    Set Items=WMI.ExecQuery ("Select * From Win32_DisplayConfiguration")
    For Each I in Items
    If Debug Then
    Height=140 ' Height of containing div
    Height=100 ' Reduce height if no debug area
    End If
    Width=300 ' Width of containing div
    Respawn=True ' ProgressBar will attempt to resurect if closed
    Blank=String(50,160) ' Blanks out "Internet Explorer" from title
    Cells=25 ' No. of units in ProgressBar, resize window if using more cells
    ReDim Filled(Cells) ' Array holds current state of each cell
    For I=0 To Cells-1
    NextOn=0 ' Next cell to be filled if busy cycling
    NextOff=Cells-5 ' Next cell to be cleared if busy cycling
    Dbg="&nbsp;" ' Initital value for debug text
    Info="&nbsp;" ' Initital value for info text
    Status="&nbsp;" ' Initital value for status text
    Title="Progress Bar" ' Initital value for title text
    Set FSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' File System Object
    Temp=FSO.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "\ProgBar.htm" ' Path to Temp file
    End Sub

    ' Tidy up if progress bar object is destroyed
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    End Sub

    ' Display the bar filled in proportion X of Y
    ' Modified 2011-10-18
    Public Sub Progress(X,Y)
    Dim F,I,L,S,Z
    If X<0 Or X>Y Or Y<=0 Then
    MsgBox "Invalid call to ProgessBar.Progress, variables out of range!",vbExclamation,Title
    Exit Sub
    End If
    If Z=NextOn Then Exit Sub
    If Z=NextOn+1 Then
    Step False
    If Z>NextOn Then
    F=0 : L=Cells-1 : S=1
    F=Cells-1 : L=0 : S=-1
    End If
    For I=F To L Step S
    If I>=Z Then
    SetCell I,False
    SetCell I,True
    End If
    End If
    End Sub

    ' Clear progress bar ready for reuse
    ' Modified 2011-10-16
    Public Sub Reset
    Dim C
    For C=Cells-1 To 0 Step -1
    End Sub

    ' Directly set or clear a cell
    ' Modified 2011-10-16
    Public Sub SetCell(C,F)
    On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors caused by closed object
    If F And Not Filled(C) Then
    ElseIf Not F And Filled(C) Then
    End If
    End Sub

    ' Set text in the Dbg area
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Public Sub SetDebug(T)
    On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors caused by closed object
    End Sub

    ' Set text in the info area
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Public Sub SetInfo(T)
    On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors caused by closed object
    End Sub

    ' Set text in the status area
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Public Sub SetStatus(T)
    On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors caused by closed object
    End Sub

    ' Set title text
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Public Sub SetTitle(T)
    On Error Resume Next ' Ignore errors caused by closed object
    IE.Document.Title=T & Blank
    End Sub

    ' Create and display the progress bar
    ' Modified 2011-10-17
    Public Sub Show()
    Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER=&H80000001
    Const KeyPath="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN"
    Const KeyName="iexplore.exe"
    Dim File,I,Reg,State,Value
    Set Reg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv") ' Use . for local computer, otherwise could be computer name or IP address
    'On Error Resume Next ' Ignore possible errors
    ' Make sure IE is set to allow local content, at least while we get the Progress Bar displayed
    Reg.GetDWORDValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,KeyPath,KeyName,Value ' Get current property
    State=Value ' Preserve current option
    Value=0 ' Set new option
    Reg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,KeyPath,KeyName,Value ' Update property
    'If Version<>"5.1" Then Prog=False : Exit Sub ' Need to test for Vista/Windows 7 with UAC
    Set IE=WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application","Event_")
    Set File=FSO.CreateTextFile(Temp, True)
    With File
    .WriteLine "<!doctype html>"
    .WriteLine "<html><head><title>" & Title & Blank & "</title>"
    .WriteLine "<style type='text/css'>"
    .WriteLine ".border {border: 5px solid #DBD7C7;}"
    .WriteLine ".debug {font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 8.5pt;}"
    .WriteLine ".empty {border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #FFFFFF;}"
    .WriteLine ".filled {border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #00FF00;}"
    .WriteLine ".info {font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 8.5pt;}"
    .WriteLine ".status {font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt;}"
    .WriteLine "</style>"
    .WriteLine "</head>"
    .WriteLine "<body scroll='no' style='background-color: #EBE7D7'>"
    .WriteLine "<div style='display:block; " & Height & "px; " & Width & "px; '>"
    .WriteLine "<table border-width='0' cellpadding='2' width='" & Width & "px'><tr>"
    .WriteLine "<td id='Status' class='status'>" & Status & "</td></tr></table>"
    .WriteLine "<table class='border' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='" & Width & "px'><tr>"
    ' Write out cells
    For I=0 To Cells-1
    If Filled(I) Then
    .WriteLine "<td id='p' class='filled'>&nbsp;</td>"
    .WriteLine "<td id='p' class='empty'>&nbsp;</td>"
    End If
    .WriteLine "</tr></table>"
    .WriteLine "<table border-width='0' cellpadding='2' width='" & Width & "px'><tr><td>"
    .WriteLine "<span id='Info' class='info'>" & Info & "</span><br>"
    .WriteLine "<span id='Debug' class='debug'>" & Dbg & "</span></td></tr></table>"
    .WriteLine "</div></body></html>"
    End With
    ' Create IE automation object with generated HTML
    With IE
    .width=Width+30 ' Increase if using more cells
    .height=Height+55 ' Increase to allow more info/debug text
    If Version>"5.1" Then ' Allow for bigger border in Vista/Widows 7
    End If
    .navigate "file://" & Temp
    '.navigate ""
    On Error Resume Next
    .statusbar=False ' Causes error on Windows 7 or IE 9
    On Error Goto 0
    .visible=True ' Causes error if UAC is active
    End With
    ' Restore the user's property settings for the registry key
    Value=State ' Restore option
    Reg.SetDWORDValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER,KeyPath,KeyName,Value ' Update property
    Exit Sub
    End Sub

    ' Increment progress bar, optionally clearing a previous cell if working as an activity bar
    ' Modified 2011-10-05
    Public Sub Step(Clear)
    SetCell NextOn,True : NextOn=(NextOn+1) Mod Cells
    If Clear Then SetCell NextOff,False : NextOff=(NextOff+1) Mod Cells
    End Sub

    ' Self-timed shutdown
    ' Modified 2011-10-05
    Public Sub TimeOut(S)
    Dim I
    Respawn=False ' Allow uninteruppted exit during countdown
    For I=S To 2 Step -1
    SetDebug "<br>Closing in " & I & " seconds" & String(I,".")
    WScript.sleep 1000
    SetDebug "<br>Closing in 1 second."
    WScript.sleep 1000
    End Sub

    End Class

    ' Fires if progress bar window is closed, can't seem to wrap up the handler in the class
    ' Modified 2011-10-04
    Sub Event_OnQuit()
    End Sub

    ' ==============
    ' End of listing
    ' ==============
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  3. #2
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    back in Alberta for a while


    can you do it by subtraction?

    1. you have listing of every tune you have = Set A
    2. you can create a playlist of every tune with lyrics = Set B
    3. Set A MINUS Set B =Set C -- every tune without lyrics
    regards from Alberta, Canada


  4. #3
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    Cranbourne West


    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    can you do it by subtraction?

    1. you have listing of every tune you have = Set A
    2. you can create a playlist of every tune with lyrics = Set B
    3. Set A MINUS Set B =Set C -- every tune without lyrics
    There is no filter in iTunes to search for tunes with, or, without lyrics, hence the need for a script.

    If you have iTunes try and create a playlist for songs without lyrics, let me know how you get on.
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  5. #4
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    Sorry, John I did not express the idea very clearly.
    Every one of your 30000 tunes is uniquely identified in some way -- most probably by the file name or meta data.

    The script you have will identify, and presumably tag, every tune with lyrics.

    If you move every tune with lyrics to a new folder, then what is left will be tunes without lyrics. These files can then be tagged as "no lyrics".

    I don't have or use iTunes
    regards from Alberta, Canada


  6. #5
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    Yes, I have been doing that, but whenever I add lyrics to a song I have to run the whole process over again. It would be much easier to run a script that creates a playlist of songs without lyrics than to be tagging and untagging songs.
    Thanks for the suggestion, it is a good workaround until I can find a script that does that I need.
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  7. #6
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    partway through that script is the passage:
    Select Case R
    Case vbYes
    Case vbNo
    S=S+1 ' Increment skipped tracks
    Case Else
    Exit For
    End Select
    End If
    If C Then ' We have a valid track, now do something with it
    Action T

    End If

    I strongly suspect -- but don't know for sure -- that variable C is being used to flag a tune with lyrics.
    swapping the C=True for C=False, and vice versa MIGHT generate a "no lyrics" playlist.

    It's a very long time since I did any serious programming, so don't edit your only copy of this script.
    regards from Alberta, Canada


  8. #7
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    Thanks Ian, I will give it a try.
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  9. #8
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    Sorry Edit did not work.
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  10. #9
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    Eww, Visual Basic.... not a language I use.
    How about this then, there is a function called "Updateable" which has a check for something called "T.Lyrics", and says that a track is "updateable" if it has lyrics:

    Function Updateable(T)
    If T.Location="" Then ' Missing files can't be processed by this script
    M=M+1 ' Increment missing tracks
    If Prog Then PB.SetDebug "<br>Missing file!" : WScript.Sleep 500
    Else ' No updating values which won't change
    Updateable=(T.Lyrics & "")<>""
    End If
    End Function

    Try changing the line near the end to:

    Updateable=(T.Lyrics & "") = ""

    Also, the lines near the top like

    Playlist="Has Lyrics"
    Title="Has Lyrics To Playlist"
    Summary="Check for files with lyrics and, if found, create/refresh a playlist called" & vbCrLf & Playlist & " into which to place the results."

    should be changed to specify "Without Lyrics", or whatever you like I guess.

    I can't guarantee this works either, it may, or it may reformat your hard drive, or invoke nasal demons.


  11. #10
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    How are you editing the file?
    are you using a visual basic editor?

    The last C=True may need to stay as it is

    what I assuming is that the statement
    If C Then ' We have a valid track, now do something with it
    Action T
    is a test that translates to
    if the value of variable C is equal to True, then do Action T.

    Now the value of C is set by the lines
    Case vbYes
    Case vbNo

    however, I don't know what Case vbYes refers to.
    But for the script to work, there must be a value somewhere within the track header that indicates the presence of lyrics.
    regards from Alberta, Canada


  12. #11
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    if you're looking at the ProcessTracks subroutine, then "Case VBYes" is simply fired when the "yes" is clicked in the earlier MsgBox command (R=MsgBox(Q,vbYesNoCancel+vbQuestion,Title)). That is only fired if "Check" is true, otherwise it defaults to setting C=true.

    Indents really help.

    Sub ProcessTracks
        Dim C,I,N,Q,R,T
        If Prog Then ' Create ProgessBar
            Set PB=New ProgBar
            PB.SetTitle Title
        End If
        Clock=0 : StartTimer
        For I=Count To 1 Step -1 ' Work backwards in case edit removes item from selection
            If Prog Then
                PB.SetStatus Status(N)
                PB.Progress N-1,Count
            End If
            Set T=Tracks.Item(I)
            If Prog Then PB.SetInfo Info(T)
            If T.Kind=1 Then ' Ignore tracks which can't change
                If Updateable(T) Then ' Ignore tracks which won't change
                    If Check Then ' Track by track confirmation
                        StopTimer ' Don't time user inputs 
                        Select Case R
                            Case vbYes
                            Case vbNo
                                S=S+1 ' Increment skipped tracks
                            Case Else
                                Exit For
                        End Select 
                    End If
                    If C Then ' We have a valid track, now do something with it
                        Action T
                    End If
                    If T.Location<>"" Then V=V+1 ' Increment unchanging tracks, exclude missing ones
                End If
            End If 
            P=P+1 ' Increment processed tracks
            If Quit Then Exit For ' Abort loop on user request
        If Prog And Not Quit Then
            PB.Progress Count,Count
            WScript.Sleep 500
        End If
    End Sub

  13. #12
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    General flow:
    ' Main program
    ' ============
    GetTracks               ' Set things up
    ProcessTracks             ' Main process 
    Results                 ' Summary
    So it runs GetTracks, then Processes them, then reports on it.

    The tricky part is that some of this is coming from iTunes, so it's unknown unless you have that installed (and I would never do that, sorry).

    Simplifying this and removing optional things, the code looks more sensible:
    Sub ProcessTracks Dim C,I,N,Q,R,T N=0 Clock=0 : StartTimer For I=Count To 1 Step -1 ' Work backwards in case edit removes item from selection N=N+1 Set T=Tracks.Item(I) If T.Kind=1 Then ' Ignore tracks which can't change If Updateable(T) Then ' Ignore tracks which won't change C=True End If If C Then ' We have a valid track, now do something with it Action T End If Else If T.Location<>"" Then V=V+1 ' Increment unchanging tracks, exclude missing ones End If End If P=P+1 ' Increment processed tracks Next StopTimer End Sub
    So the key checks that this code does are in the T.Kind=1 and Updateable(T). If you look at the Updateable subroutine, it distils to
    Updateable=(T.Lyrics & "")<>"" which just checked if the Lyrics is not empty.... so reversing that check alone should work....
    Updateable=(T.Lyrics & "")=""
    exactly as @ian says.... of course making sure to name your new playlist appropriately, again as @Ian deciphered. So can you elaborate on WHY that didn't work, or what it actually did???

  14. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    How are you editing the file?
    are you using a visual basic editor?
    Ummm, no, I'm using Notepad.
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  15. #14
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    Thanks for all your input guys, this is really doing my head in.
    To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional

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  16. #15
    Join Date
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    One of the things we need to know is

    1) what are "lyrics"? Are "lyrics"
    a) an associated text file with the words in a song?
    b) a tune with vocals?

    2) how does the script know a tune has "lyrics"? is it
    a) because the user has previously run the script and a set a Lyric.tag to "yes"
    b) because iTunes has gone on line and searched other user's settings?
    c) some other method?

    logically, the script needs to be reading a value somewhere in the meta data to know if a tune has "lyrics"
    regards from Alberta, Canada


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