An extremely interesting thread with excellent information on ear muffs.

I trained in the 1970s as a teacher of the deaf and worked in that field for some years. Oh that the
hearing aid technology of today was available back then!!

I am lucky enough to have had the training I did so I am always suspicious of these set-ups in shopping
centres that appear to be more interested in sales than true help, as so many of you have pointed out.

I have some slight hearing loss but I cope with it rather than try to "cure" it with aids.

On the subject of hearing protection I have never used the electronic noise reduction type of muffs. I had
an older pair of muffs from Bunnings that served me well until the material inside disintegrated. I than put
screwed up paper towels in the vacant space and that served me until I bought a new and better set a couple of days later.