If you thought 3d printers were the next best thing for the home DIYer since sliced bread, you may need to think twice.

An open source desktop wire EDM? I actually wished something like this existed.

Watch the video first:

(No, this not another 3d printer video but I can see why the title is clickbait for people interested in 3d printing because they are most likely going to be the early adopters).


The startup cost for the kit is high for now and we need to print the structural parts and buy a 10 gallon aquarium but I can quickly see how many Chinese companies can jump on this bandwagon and cut costs down to what a premium 3d printer costs today.

A link to their official website: https://rackrobo.io/products/BWV1

We will need to see how much of this project actually makes it to the open source space and to what extent other 3rd party suppliers can sell the kits to fill in the gaps.

If anyone started with 3d printers about a decade ago and watched the various translations of RepRap…Prusa…Marlin…etc it didn’t take long for the average hobbyist to justify buying one.

On the other hand I believe desktop CNC concepts around the 3020/3040/6040 routers were a bad idea after I personally ventured with it.

But wire EDM is different what we are seeing so far is a prototype (I actually consider it a well polished final product even at this stage when comparing with other projects I have seen).

Not a sponsored post, I am just genuinely excited after seeing a slightly fresher idea after getting board with seeing advertising for 3d printers now that every man and his brother makes one [emoji846]

Read the full thread at metalworkforums.com...