Every year 15 Victorians are killed and at least 2,000 are seriously injured carrying out Do-It-Yourself (DIY) work. The home, yard and garden are the sites of 30% of all emergency department presentations for injury to Victorian adults. Evidence suggests that home injuries result in more lost days from work than workplace injuries.
This quite comes from this web page,http://www.monash.edu.au/miri/resear.../diyfacts.html which also provides links to 2 (quite good) pamphlets for DIY safety.
One pamphlet is for the DIYer ad the other is for managers.

The pamphlets were prepared by the Monash University Injury Research Institute which does long term research on DIY injuries and safety.

The brochures are aimed at providing information to home handypersons, retail and hire outlets, and workplace managers.
I also had in mind men's sheds and wood work clubs - just print them off and have them around for members to look or to give to new members could be useful.

If you want to read more about DIY this interesting a readable article makes for sobering reading and watch out for those ladders!