
I have placed posts regarding the fact that the timber joists and bearers under our house particularly as it goes under the house from the garage ceiling appears damp/ darker with blackish areas...

I admit I'm a bit of a chemical fobe particularly with a baby girl and one on the way so I would like to think that unlike my neighbours place that has been treated with arsenate of lead powder, engine oil and creosote ours hasn't..

Being the dodgy scientist after 4 IPL beers I am I have so far attempted to scratch the darker areas back with 120 grit.. After 6 swipes the timber appears fresh and light colour.. I then sprayed some oil based gold spray paint over an appearingly blackish area- my theory is that if it is creosote treated in s few days the creosote will show through the paint...

Any other dodgy ideas how to diagnose if engine oil or creosote is on the timber???? Break a bit off, place it in water and look for a coloured film on the surface?? Ummmmmmm.


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