View Full Version : HEALTH ISSUES

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  1. Dodgy Neck
  2. Medical conundrum
  3. #@#!! Gout!
  4. Snoring
  5. Pain with broken arm
  6. Junk food
  7. Tinnitus
  8. zipper club
  9. Flakers awake! - Psoriasis
  10. Kkk
  11. Not prescribed
  12. Useless trade skills AAAAARRGH!
  13. Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn's Disease
  14. Numb
  15. foot odour
  16. Kidney belts
  17. Blood Cells
  18. Flashes in peripheral vision in one eye?
  19. Organ Donation registration
  20. Whats cool about being a man
  21. Too much Vegemite/Marmite?
  22. Get a little prick
  23. Got an enlarged heart? Get it checked out
  24. Still got the boot
  25. LEG PAIN is something SERIOUS
  26. Brain Exercise
  27. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
  28. Secret men's business or my Prostate cancer
  29. Cinnamon & Honey
  30. Cystic Area ?
  31. Shingles whinge
  32. A matter of the heart
  33. Shoulder pain
  34. ovarian cancer
  35. Fainting attacks - vaso-vagal syncope
  36. Hip replacement
  37. bad virus
  38. Shingles
  39. Restless Leg Syndrome
  40. Renal Cell Carcinoma
  41. Salicylate Intolerant
  42. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  43. Bad backs
  44. Bowel Cancer
  45. Not a good day
  46. Cellulitis
  47. Thought this was the appropriate board for this
  48. Grumpy Old Man Syndrome
  49. I fell 300mm
  50. My Health Issues
  51. Young bloke troubles
  52. Dimentia, how do you handle it?
  53. New choppers!!!
  54. colodial silver
  55. Back pain. Oh no. Not again!
  56. Saver Depresion
  57. Meniscus tear
  58. Atrial fibrillation
  59. Government Corruption and the effect on Employees
  60. Bugga
  61. Back Pain & Heart Attack
  62. artme in hospital - heart problem
  63. My battle with prostate cancer continues.
  64. stresed - not sleeping
  65. More problems
  66. Bananas
  67. Ironwoods cancer saga continues....
  68. Got a new hip!
  69. Skin cancer, I have finally found something that works for me.
  70. Take it for what it's worth - gyprock problems brewing
  71. Insomnia
  72. Not a good week
  73. Snoring
  74. Retired
  75. black dog
  76. Think I am going through Menopause
  77. Anybody tried Body Trim
  78. The Retirement Blues
  79. Update on Me- just so you know I am not dead. :)
  80. Knee
  81. The Mind
  82. heart and depression.
  83. Best mate's wife has 6-12months
  84. Another bloke on the scene
  85. Does this sound like Carpal Tunnel
  86. I'm happy
  87. Peripheral Neuropathy
  88. Bowel Cancer
  89. ptc Not been well
  90. The great poo test?
  91. High blood pressure uncontrollable
  92. nutrition
  93. Think I have another kidney stone
  94. Breast Cancer
  95. Im happy part two
  96. oxygen concentrators
  97. Worse than your dust collector
  98. Menieres disease.
  99. Going Blind implications
  100. Prostate Cancer
  101. Cancer - never give up
  102. Forks over Knives
  103. Cataract Prescription
  104. Get a grip
  105. And the news is still great.
  106. On The Mend
  107. Wild Dingo is in Hospital
  108. Wrist fracture, first anniversary
  109. Broken hearted...
  110. Domestic Emotional Violence
  111. A reminder
  112. Why you should be wary about medications
  113. Aspirin good or bad?
  114. My Nemesis
  115. Health and Diets?
  116. My Grand dad used to stand in the lounge room & shout at the TV.....
  117. Eyes going going gone
  118. "Man-Colds": Lozenges v's Whatever it is the Airlines give you(?)
  119. Automatic Defibrillation Devices
  120. Medical charges and Medicare refunds.
  121. Medical charges and Medicare refunds.
  122. Buying medicine online from OS - not spam
  123. What is the best way to take Anginine?
  124. Depression in cricket
  125. Hodgkins Lymphoma
  126. black salve
  127. Gout - Holy crap!
  128. The Black Dog Bites again
  129. open heart surgery
  130. About Chiropractors
  131. It has been six days now
  132. Cochlear Implant
  133. Spine surgery
  134. Sad news
  135. Tooth extraction
  136. Lower back pain: clinical guidelines for diagnosis and treatment
  137. life is a bitch, then you die
  138. Good health the answer
  139. Buying C-PAP PARTS
  140. Another health problem to overcome.
  141. Knee replacement
  142. New Round For Depression Treatment
  143. Think I have proved that gardening is good for you
  144. I get in people's hair
  145. Tinitus
  146. Age does matter
  147. Mortality Reminder
  148. diabetes
  149. Watch out, I'm now on steroids
  150. Getting older