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  1. Three rings
  2. I was worried
  3. So?
  4. ford diriver
  5. First job
  6. Psychiatrist
  7. Two psychiatrists
  8. No sleep last night
  9. Farmer's problem
  10. Stolen watch
  11. Why dont Mexicans have Barbeques?
  12. What's red, white, red, white, red, white?
  13. Lets try too outdo Barry Allan Munruben
  14. Mad cow disease
  15. 5 Step Management Course
  16. Farmer's bull
  17. A born loser
  18. Telstra Take Over
  19. Job offer at Kentucky Chicken
  20. Froggy
  21. Airline manners
  22. Eternal life pills
  23. Breaking into $50
  24. Socrates the philosopher
  25. Homesick Scotsman
  26. Nino
  27. Ghost Driver
  28. Nuts
  29. The fighting Irish
  30. One for the English
  31. Football fan
  32. Uncertain
  33. The sword
  34. The ancestor
  35. Toilet humour (but its ok )!
  36. Patrick
  37. Parking problem
  38. Extended lunch hour
  39. 2 short jokes
  40. 39 Things You'd Like to Say Out Loud at Work
  41. Pat, Mick and a Scotsman
  42. joke fourum
  43. Did you ever stop and wonder......
  44. Aldo & Giovanni
  45. Memories That Come Back To Haunt You
  46. My unusual pet
  47. money
  48. New driver
  49. Pet flea
  50. Oldy but goody
  51. Women drivers
  52. card trick
  53. Laughter in court
  54. Coffin splutter
  55. The ultimate blonde joke
  56. Childhood innocence
  57. The story of Ralph and Edna
  58. Funerals
  59. A put-down or what?
  60. Sorting out ants
  61. The Boss
  62. The APEC Story
  63. Happiness
  64. Fairy tale
  65. New Maccas Happy Meal
  66. My diary
  67. Scuba diver
  68. Scuba diver question
  69. Karate expert
  70. A Riddle
  71. How many eggs.
  72. Pay Back
  73. Kamikaze pilots
  74. A few for the kids.
  75. Help Is On The Way
  76. The ant and the elephant
  77. Night out with the boys
  78. The Trustworthy Lawyer
  79. A True Story for the IT Types
  80. Crook carby in the car
  81. Party trick.
  82. A little eye problem
  83. The Haircut
  84. V. nice harry potter puppet show
  85. Pope visits Luciano Pavarotti's Deathbed
  86. An Unusual Funeral
  87. Thought for the day
  88. An Aussie Poem
  89. Grand Final time
  90. Learning Colours
  91. Could this be true?
  92. Karate chop
  93. BBQ Rules
  94. Australian batsman
  95. Safe to swim
  96. Natal Curry Contest
  97. Stiff upper lip
  98. Someone who understands men
  99. Caption this Photo
  100. Wanted - another go.
  101. Dietary Supplement
  102. For the Ladies
  103. Goodbye kiss
  104. Secret to my happy marriage
  105. Darling
  106. Munruben Cattle Ranch
  107. A taste of religion
  108. Effective Anger Management
  109. Allan's geraniums
  110. Barry and Allan dine out
  111. Allan eats out
  112. What we really mean when we say..
  113. Woodies
  114. time off
  115. Accurate weather forecast
  116. Dry weather conditions.
  117. Duck
  118. Thought for the day
  119. The new reporter
  120. Barry the newsman
  121. Sex over 80
  122. Mixed feelings
  123. Best man
  124. Cross eyed dog
  125. Another med joke
  126. Why did the cabinet maker get arrested?
  127. Allan failed the police test.
  128. cannibal joins the police?
  129. We are really good friends/
  130. What a Richard Cranium
  131. Car salesmen
  132. Barry was bragging
  133. Medicare
  134. Irish mothers letter
  135. The hunter
  136. Dance on your grave
  137. MIL visit
  138. Glass of beer
  139. Another MIL visit
  140. Understanding your wife
  141. Water drinker
  142. The Indian
  143. Fastest thing on earth
  144. Doctor John
  145. Sign on a septic tanker
  146. Had a date last night.
  147. Sign on an electricians truck
  148. The Grand Emir is thirsty
  149. Lady and bartender
  150. Sign on plumber's truck