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  1. Help with slab
  2. sticking pavers with silicone?
  3. How do I waterproof a leaking Pebblecrete covered slab?
  4. How much roadbase to order?
  5. Advice on mortar for repointing Victorian terrace
  6. lime based mortar
  7. Mortar mix for Besser blocks
  8. SLAB FOR CARPORT - Questions
  9. Help me with my Garden Shed
  10. Formwork to leave in the ground
  11. Should DIY Blocklaying work be allowed in Australia?
  12. Garden shed slab
  13. Piers and pier footings
  14. Core fill 100 series blocks
  15. waterproof bomb shelter
  16. House Value
  17. Wall chasing.
  18. fill in mortar lines/ type of sand?
  19. Hydrapave
  20. Slightly dodgy core filling.....should I be concerned?
  21. filling mortar lines? already painted surface
  22. cutting bond beam / window install
  23. wet saw down vertical wall
  24. Bagging technique
  25. Has anyone ever?
  26. Dry-stack block wall- core filled
  27. Rotary laser level
  28. What Now
  29. terrazo grinder on slate
  30. levelling 30-60mm, plastic membrane?
  31. Laying pavers
  32. T wall section. Want to knock 1 edge away
  33. levelling 50-60mm -- then tiling
  34. Level uneven slate floor.
  35. Bond Beam??
  36. Recommendations for Driveway
  37. Rendered overhead beams in pergola
  38. cavity under shower base -help!
  39. Damp chimney, unused
  40. cracking in a small garden wall
  41. Water Seaping Through Connecting Contrete Join
  42. Blueboard Installation Help
  43. Mortar
  44. Wrong slope to garage floor, how to fix?
  45. Crack in render - drainage related?
  46. Retaining Wall and Slab advice
  47. What's the going rate to lay a block wall?
  48. Chimney Stack
  49. raised garden beds
  50. Re creating/repairing californian bungalow render effect.
  51. Lime in Mortar Needed?
  52. Aggregate Driveway issues
  53. outside slab/ inside floor level ?
  54. Low spots in shed slab?
  55. Flexible formwork
  56. How long for mortar to set so supports can be removed?
  57. Fireplace/Hearth help!
  58. Internal garage slab - waterproofing
  59. Staining (deliberate dying) of marble
  60. New steps - Think I stuffed them
  61. Slab or Floorboards in Vic Terrace
  62. Matching paved section
  63. What size reo spacer?
  64. I took a gamble
  65. Rendered House - Rusting Angle
  66. Need Instructions on how to build bluestone pillars
  67. Acrylic render not taking to external corners
  68. I Learnt something on Saturday...
  69. Faux Render Mouldings
  70. A hole in the slab - what to do?
  71. New slab problem - maybe
  72. Slab/ House set out
  73. How much do pavers bed down?
  74. Concreting against house
  75. Making slabs at home
  76. Antcapping
  77. How much to render
  78. starter bars... must be bent?
  79. What are my options here?
  80. Blue Board Fence Construction
  81. Bick layer cost
  82. Masonry Block - Mortar Mix
  83. Chip on or patch up?
  84. Help for a first time paver
  85. beeswax floor covering
  86. Removing paint from pavers
  87. Help with design for fire bunker
  88. damp musty smell in Bedroom
  89. Wall cladding
  90. Repairing hole in sandstone paver
  91. Building a Sump pit in the garden
  92. Should I Be Concerned About The Rust?
  93. what is the problem for this wall brick?
  94. Can I use H-blocks in a curved wall?
  95. Fix for internal brick wall cracks
  96. Cracks in new bricks
  97. Interesting to see
  98. Recommendations for simple garage extension
  99. Concreting In The Rain
  100. Concreting In The Rain
  101. Concreting In The Rain
  102. White Set Alternatives
  103. House slab question
  104. House slab question
  105. White Set Alternatives
  106. Bunker progress, and a few lessons
  107. garage extension
  108. Tandoori Oven
  109. Paver Laying Rates
  110. Water tank questions
  111. Surface preparation for epoxy flooring
  112. Wrong mortar mix?
  113. Bessa Block Fence
  114. Convert driveway into a slab?
  115. Kango Hammer for Compactor
  116. Fence construction
  117. Paver bases
  118. Rust(?) Stain on Stenciled Driveway
  119. Getting rid of the in-wall AC Unit
  120. rising damp in 1880's terrace
  121. Laying slab with a view to stenciling later
  122. Urgent advice on a garage slab
  123. Cleaning sandstone, presoak recommendations, before pressure washing
  124. Any Old School Plasterers out there?
  125. Help with Wall mounted Water Sandstone feature needed
  126. Surface recommendations wanted for gravel driveway
  127. Bar Chairs at what height for a 100mm slab