View Full Version : Woodfast vs Vicmark vs Stubby

27th May 2000, 01:11 PM
Here in Canada, I've seen the Omega "Stubby" S750 and it's seems a solid machine for everyday turning. I've not seen the Woodfast or the Vickmark in person. All of my time is taken designing, cutting, and turning segmented vessels. Looking for a heavy, short bed, min 20" swing, variable speed. Expect to pay 5-6K (Canadian dollars)for a lathe. Stubby is sold here, the other two would come from the U.S.
Question is ..what is your opinion on these three lathes? Do they have good reputations in your country. Is there a "best" of the three makes?
Thanks for your input, John

27th May 2000, 07:45 PM
John ..... John.

You got 5-6K to spend on a lathe? Forget the lathe give me the dough and I will make you an investment or two. However if yous still has your heart set on the lathe. Get the Omega. It beats the pants off the rest especially if you intend to do big bowls and heavy stuff.

This is a recomendation straight from the heart of a guy who does heavy stuff all the time.

I wish yez luck with the aquisition of your new lathe and remember if yez happen to change your mind I will be happy to look after the 5-6 large for yez.


Don't mess with me! I know where yez live and I might just pay yez a visit. Capish?

27th May 2000, 09:40 PM
Isn't it amazing how well Australian and New Zealand lathes and woodturning gear does in the States? Great to see!

29th May 2000, 06:58 PM
Hello John,
Our club the Woodturners Society of Queensland purchased a Vicmarc VL 300 in January this year, It looks good and solid.
Everybody that has used it is more than happy with it, including Jean Francois Escoulen who gave a demonstration on it back in February.
Vicmarc hav a web site at http://www.vicmarc.com/

Hope this helps

29th May 2000, 09:11 PM
G'day John

Here is what used to be the woodfast web site. We have taken them off our site, so this is the only way you can view it. http://www.ubeaut.com.au/wdfast1.htm

This is the address for the Omega site http://www.omegatool.com.au/ Their lathe is definately much better than their web site.

I have used all three brand lathes and if I had the money and the need for another lathe there would (for me) be no competition. I would go for the Stubby without hesitation. The top of the line Vicmarc for second then a toss up between another Vicmarc & Woodfast for third.

Nice to speculate when it isn't your money, thank goodness I am extremely happy with what I have now, otherwise I might have to go on a massive spending spree.

Hope this helps.

Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

30th May 2000, 10:18 AM
Thanks very much. The only thing that holds be back from buying the Stubby is "IF" it ever needs service your a loooong way to go for parts. There is a lathe made right here in Ontario. It's called a Oneway, maybe some of you have heard of it. It's one of the best in North America, perhaps #1. I battled over this decision between it and the Stubby. In a business you must go with what's best for business and the future of said business.
Thanks to for bring that to mind.."If your in OZ buy the Stubby, if your in Canada buy the Oneway" Damn smart, that guy.
Thanks again, John

30th May 2000, 07:19 PM
Hi! John,
I agree with Knuckles, GET THE OMEGA. I have an OMEGA and recon it was the greatest move in wooturning I ever made. Three other members of our Club have OMEGAs as well, the Club bought one for its workshop.
....... and I don't even get any commission on sales.
Good luck!