View Full Version : Think I am going through Menopause

Phil Spencer
20th July 2009, 09:35 AM
Do men go through menopause? My health professional (the vet) thinks I might be, this year I have noticed that I am not really interested in that activity that the moderators don't like mentioned, I would rather read a book or go out into the shed and sharpen something.

Also this year I am not feeling the cold like I have other years I am hot in bed and am still wearing my summer jimjams and have not put the extra blankets on the bed.

This is all very confusing, do men go through menopause or is it all a myth.:C:C

20th July 2009, 11:05 AM
Sounds like you may need TRT (the equivalent of female HRT). Testosterone replacement treatment is well known (http://www.abc.net.au/health/thepulse/stories/2004/12/09/1261255.htm).

The Bleeder
20th July 2009, 11:22 AM
My health professional (the vet) thinks I might be

GO back to him/her and see if they can put you down...:U:U:o

In short 'yes'. Go see your doctor and explain everything to them.

Lots for male conditions have been put down to being a 'wimp'. Don't ignore it, get something done.

Old farmer
20th July 2009, 01:20 PM
"...........this year I have noticed that I am not really interested in that activity that the moderators don't like mentioned, I would rather read a book or go out into the shed and sharpen something."

Phil, I do not mean to be rude and don't take this the wrong way, please, but are you sure you are breathing still????

Phil Spencer
20th July 2009, 01:29 PM
Thing is I have found that my mind is free to think about other things now, like the bevel on a chisel.:?

tea lady
20th July 2009, 01:33 PM
Is your partner happy about the situation? :shrug: I know she has been ill.:?

Phil Spencer
20th July 2009, 01:57 PM
Is your partner happy about the situation? :shrug: I know she has been ill.:?

Think she is quite happy, she has to many of her own problems to worry about. This item was on Catalyst recently it covers exactly what Rhonda is going through.


20th July 2009, 06:42 PM
Yep best get the testosterone level checked out. Its not the issue of missing out on the old slap and tickle, if its too low you will need a dexta scan on your bones (No crude jokes please) to see you are not thinning out. I was lucky, I lifted something heavy and cracked my breast bone so have to take pills to fix the old skeleton.

21st July 2009, 12:10 AM
Geeze Phil, don't listen to all the crap above. Look at yourself in the mirror, notice anything? ..... Mate you've gone queer, now stop bothering us.

Phil Spencer
21st July 2009, 08:45 AM
Yep best get the testosterone level checked out. Its not the issue of missing out on the old slap and tickle, if its too low you will need a dexta scan on your bones (No crude jokes please) to see you are not thinning out. I was lucky, I lifted something heavy and cracked my breast bone so have to take pills to fix the old skeleton.

If I take hormones wil it make my hair grow back?

21st July 2009, 09:17 AM
If I take hormones wil it make my hair grow back?

No, you need a syrup to address that. :U

Phil Spencer
21st July 2009, 10:28 AM
No, you need a syrup to address that. :U
Golden Syrup?:doh:

21st July 2009, 10:30 AM
I wouldnt count on it, I take pills and yes I grow hair, great clumps on my big toes, if you fancy that, go for it.

Phil Spencer
21st July 2009, 10:42 AM
I wouldnt count on it, I take pills and yes I grow hair, great clumps on my big toes, if you fancy that, go for it.

Didn't Fergie have a toe fettish

21st July 2009, 11:51 AM
Golden Syrup?:doh:

Definitely not Golden Syrup, but Syrup of Fig (http://www.businessballs.com/cockney.htm). :U

21st July 2009, 05:12 PM
Yes, I'm going through it at the moment but mine is medically induced as part of my cancer treatment.

But because menopause can cause loss of bone density (osteoporosis) I'm having regular bloodtests and bone scan and attend a men's health clinic. Next bone scan is due tomorrow week to make sure I'm not developing this.

So go and see a doctor and get treated.


21st July 2009, 09:43 PM
Good luck to you sturdee, been there done that and "IM FREE" 5 years on Im free. I wont say its gone, Im just free. And guess what it changes your life for the better. You dont need to take crap from anyone anymore. When you have been through the pit of "why me" and come out the other side, life is sweeter, you have nothing to prove and no one to cower down to, you have been freed of The rubbish of life, you are just you.

Old farmer
21st July 2009, 10:01 PM
Yes, Sturdee, my best wishes, too. My five years was up in September last, so far so good.
rrobor, hope all remains well with you, too.

dai sensei
22nd July 2009, 08:24 PM
Go see your doc and get some blood tests.

I had similar probs, plus some headaches and saw my doc and had heaps of blood tests. My testosterone was basically zero, after more blood tests, ultrasounds and MRI found I had a pituitary microadenoma (small brain tumor). After many specialists, I'm now taking a small pill once a week and hopefully back to normal in 6 months.

23rd July 2009, 07:36 AM
I'm not sure that talking to your doctor is always the answer, although it is a very good starting point. Unless you know a particularly involved MD I find a lot of their answers less than satisfactory. From my perspective being an MD is more of an art form than a science. The chance of finding a good artist in the local supermarket style clinic is pretty low.

There seems to be a lot of information out there for what women can expect as they age, but there is a dirth of information for men. My doctor suggested look it up on the internet, but while there are a lot of ads for viagra there seems to be little practical information on what one can expect in terms of 'decline in performance' as we age.

When is it a problem? Why is it a problem? Is it normal? If it is normal why change it with pills? Is there a normal 'load' by age graph? If I still like looking at the pictures is it OK? Is there a frequency by age graph? If SWMBO is not into it much anymore, is there a sympathetic response?

Should I start taking testosterone and viagra and trade the 56 yo model in for 2x 28 year olds, 3 x 19 ?

Should I just start reading the Kinsey report? :C

Phil Spencer
23rd July 2009, 05:23 PM
I bit the bullet and went of to the doctors, he is having my hormones checked and also I have had an emzine check as I have been getting chest pains and having high blood pressure it seems that I am in some sort of risk group.

What I don't want to do however is have another stint in coronary care, last time they had moved me from the critical care ward into a shared ward, I struck up a conversation with the fellow in the next bed. Had tea together and watched some TV and had a talk, halfway through the night I heard a horrible gasp rang for the nurse and found that the poor bugger had died, sort of put me off staying there. Don't want that experience again.

tea lady
23rd July 2009, 06:52 PM
I bit the bullet and went of to the doctors, he is having my hormones checked and also I have had an emzine check as I have been getting chest pains and having high blood pressure it seems that I am in some sort of risk group.

What I don't want to do however is have another stint in coronary care, last time they had moved me from the critical care ward into a shared ward, I struck up a conversation with the fellow in the next bed. Had tea together and watched some TV and had a talk, halfway through the night I heard a horrible gasp rang for the nurse and found that the poor bugger had died, sort of put me off staying there. Don't want that experience again.:oo: Gee! Understandable you don't want to go there again. Good you are getting checked out. :)

23rd July 2009, 07:03 PM
It's good to hear you're having it all investigated Phil. I've got a set of fleams if you ever feel the need. :thyel:

tea lady
23rd July 2009, 07:06 PM
I've got a set of fleams if you ever feel the need. :thyel:Fleams? :?should I ask what they are or not.:rolleyes: Or just some strange typo? :D

23rd July 2009, 07:20 PM
Not a typo. Fleams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleam).

23rd July 2009, 07:41 PM
Ah the old BP, stick one of these things on my arm and my BP goes up 30 points. Anyways Phil after we pass 50 arnt we are all in some sort of risk group or other, I think the quacks get pleasure in telling us that. Motor on regardless, Last time I was in this old guy said 'Ive had 15 years of them chopping bits out of me, if they were any damn good they would stop me growing them in the first place".

Phil Spencer
23rd July 2009, 08:12 PM
Not a typo. Fleams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleam).

Thanks for thr thought WW afetr reading Wikepedia think I will pass :oo::oo:

23rd July 2009, 08:28 PM
...snip.... Anyways Phil after we pass 50 arnt we are all in some sort of risk group or other, I think the quacks get pleasure in telling us that. Motor on regardless, Last time I was in this old guy said .....

Last time I was in the Dr's office talking of such things he said "You're an old man now. 20 years ago, when your life expectancy would have been less, we wouldn't have been concerned with such things"... old man? moi? 55(and 11 months)?

How do you know when you're getting old? When the barber offers to trim your eyebrows?

Phil Spencer
23rd July 2009, 08:40 PM
Last time I was in the Dr's office talking of such things he said "You're an old man now. 20 years ago, when your life expectancy would have been less, we wouldn't have been concerned with such things"... old man? moi? 55(and 11 months)?

How do you know when you're getting old? When the barber offers to trim your eyebrows?

Feels like I got old over night, don't know where the time went. :?:?

23rd July 2009, 08:49 PM
Fuzzie you have just ruined my day, Ive been getting the eye canopies chopped for a year or so now. Just wait till I get in the chair the next time. Just let him ask and oooh he may get the squirel grip, how dare he.

23rd July 2009, 09:37 PM
How do you know when you're getting old? When the barber offers to trim your eyebrows?

Mate that nothin'. Wait till the young sheila with the snips starts trimming the tops and backs of your ears!!! My better half has conniptions when I tell her I'm just going to dye them like Billy Connolly does his goatee.

I've got one word to say to you Sturdee....stop being an old woman.

tea lady
23rd July 2009, 11:05 PM
Not a typo. Fleams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleam).Gee! Thanks. :rolleyes::D

23rd July 2009, 11:53 PM
Thanks for thr thought WW afetr reading Wikepedia think I will pass :oo::oo:

Spoilsport! http://www.woodworkforums.com/picture.php?albumid=286&pictureid=2653

Phil Spencer
24th July 2009, 10:35 AM
Spoilsport! http://www.woodworkforums.com/picture.php?albumid=286&pictureid=2653

That slide show about Victoria had a good effect!! :2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Phil Spencer
24th July 2009, 03:52 PM
I bit the bullet and went of to the doctors, he is having my hormones checked and also I have had an emzine check as I have been getting chest pains and having high blood pressure it seems that I am in some sort of risk group.

What I don't want to do however is have another stint in coronary care, last time they had moved me from the critical care ward into a shared ward, I struck up a conversation with the fellow in the next bed. Had tea together and watched some TV and had a talk, halfway through the night I heard a horrible gasp rang for the nurse and found that the poor bugger had died, sort of put me off staying there. Don't want that experience again.

Got the test results emzine test was Ok so chest pains are super stress, Hormones are just above the lower limit. The lower limit is 6 and I am 6.1 so have to discuss next visit, never know I may grow hair back.

24th July 2009, 05:17 PM
What about the man boobs; will hormone treatment take care of them too. If so, I'll order a drum of them!

Phil Spencer
24th July 2009, 09:20 PM
What about the man boobs; will hormone treatment take care of them too. If so, I'll order a drum of them!

Might sell you my man bras :o

24th July 2009, 09:48 PM
Might sell you my man bras :o

You mean a manseirre.

24th July 2009, 10:02 PM
Back on the original topic - according to a female, 3 certificate plus a couple of masters degrees, senior nursing sister - the answer is 'Yes'. And I'd put her medical knowledge ahead of most GP's and quite a few 'specialists'.

Different symptoms & effects for different people, the reproductive system does not shut down completely in most cases, osteo maybe, depression/mania etc etc. Extreme cases - about 1 in a few billion becomes female (strangely, we know one of the victims of this effect, who has a blog outlining the involuntary process).

Now just think how lucky you are to still have most of your marbles & still have an interest in doing things.

24th July 2009, 10:46 PM
Man I have all this to look forward to:oo: I was really unaware of the male menopause thing.

I don't know if anyone has tried this, it may be worth a shot but Tribulus Terrestris (ground up caltrop burrs) is one of the closest natural herbs to steroids and increases testosterone levels. You can get it in health food shops and the Mushasi brand has about the highest per capsual dosage. I use to take a couple of caps a day when I was fly in fly out and worked out at the gym everyday and I would never get muscular soreness, I also used them when I was laying pavers and limestone blocks every day to stop the soreness. Also makes your hair grow like crazy and gives you good wood, these are all signs of increased testosterone.

I still keep some handy and pop them for a week or so if I am feeling lethargic, been ill or have been doing alot of manual labour - they work.

25th July 2009, 12:34 AM
You might want to read this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus_terrestris#Dietary_supplement) first before splashing out on Tribulus.

Phil Spencer
25th July 2009, 11:11 AM
this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus_terrestris#Dietary_supplement) .

How do you do that? Give a link a different name. :dunno:

25th July 2009, 12:02 PM
Go back to the vet and let him feel your nose (to see if its wet) and take your temperature (where they usually take animals temperature),the result might surprise you:oo:

25th July 2009, 12:37 PM
How do you do that? Give a link a different name. :dunno:

Easy! Left click on which ever URL you want to link to (the URL is visible in the box at the very top of your browser) and a drop-down menu appears. Click on 'Copy'.

Type what ever you want in one of these reply windows, such as Look at this!, then double left click on 'this' to highlight it. On the toolbar at the top of the forum reply window, there's a little icon depicting the globe with a chain link at the bottom of it; left click on this button whereupon a text box opens. Right click on the highlighted text and another drop-down menu appears; click on 'Paste' (to paste in the URL you previously copied) and then click on 'OK". Job done; you've created a hyperlink to the page you want others to see.

You can also link to other hyperlinks (as I did with the link in Wikipedia) by right clicking on the link and clicking on Copy Link Location in the drop-down menu (at least that's the wording with Firefox browser - Internet Explorer and other browsers may have a slightly differently worded link copying option). When you've done that, just paste the copied link as per pasting URLs.

Others will no doubt employ variations for copying and pasting links, but this is how I do it.


Phil Spencer
25th July 2009, 02:30 PM
Easy! Left click on which ever URL you want to link to (the URL is visible in the box at the very top of your browser) and a drop-down menu appears. Click on 'Copy'.

Type what ever you want in one of these reply windows, such as Look at this!, then double left click on 'this' to highlight it. On the toolbar at the top of the forum reply window, there's a little icon depicting the globe with a chain link at the bottom of it; left click on this button whereupon a text box opens. Right click on the highlighted text and another drop-down menu appears; click on 'Paste' (to paste in the URL you previously copied) and then click on 'OK". Job done; you've created a hyperlink to the page you want others to see.

You can also link to other hyperlinks (as I did with the link in Wikipedia) by right clicking on the link and clicking on Copy Link Location in the drop-down menu (at least that's the wording with Firefox browser - Internet Explorer and other browsers may have a slightly differently worded link copying option). When you've done that, just paste the copied link as per pasting URLs.

Others will no doubt employ variations for copying and pasting links, but this is how I do it.


Look at This (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?p=1003186#post1003186), figured it out:)

25th July 2009, 02:37 PM


25th July 2009, 04:13 PM

You're freaking me out ma......an.

25th July 2009, 04:47 PM
You might want to read this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus_terrestris#Dietary_supplement) first before splashing out on Tribulus.

Read it, still will take it, studies be stuffed, have taken it and know it makes a difference, try it yourself, no warning as to it being noxious or having detrimental effects so no real issue.

Having taken it twice a day continuously for a couple of years previously the following was noticeable:

increased speed of facial hair growth
increase in acne
increase in energy
increased sex drive
little to no muscular soreness after doing intensive workouts and manual labour
Those points are enough to tell me that it makes a difference in my body and is benefitial when I need it.

Phil Spencer
25th July 2009, 05:24 PM
Read it, still will take it, studies be stuffed, have taken it and know it makes a difference, try it yourself, no warning as to it being noxious or having detrimental effects so no real issue.

Having taken it twice a day continuously for a couple of years previously the following was noticeable:

increased speed of facial hair growth
increase in acne
increase in energy
increased sex drive
little to no muscular soreness after doing intensive workouts and manual labour

Those points are enough to tell me that it makes a difference in my body and is benefitial when I need it.

Wouldn't mind points 1, 3 1& 5

Not sure about the rest

11th August 2009, 07:30 AM
BTW. The word to google is andropause :whistling2:

Phil Spencer
11th August 2009, 07:26 PM
Started the hormone replacement therapy, haven't noticed any unwanted hair yet, I have a little bit more energy, one thing is odd, my voice has gone deeper :?