View Full Version : an interesting sticker inside this table....

25th July 2009, 04:00 AM
hello ladies and gents
i dont think i have posted in any section of this forum other than the musical instrument section... lol :wink:

hopefully i have put this threead in the right spot....

so, my neighbour, a good mate of mine,
he grabs old furniture and bits and pieces for me to fix up or recycle the timber etc....

the other day he asked me to come over and check out a little table he got,
so i went over and sitting on his porch is this cute little table with awful paint on it...
after a quick look i asked what he wants done with it,
he told me his missus wont let it into the house... LOL!!!
so he said i can take it or he will have to move it on....
after a bit of umming and ahhhing he said, oh yea, the interesting thing is in the drawer...

opened up the drawer and saw a little sticker....

now i dont know if this sticker means anything... or if its nothing at all....
but i thought i would post a picture and see if theres a story behind it or anything :)
never know...

also the table is really light... and the paint is everywhere so i cant identify the timber...

anyways, enough yapping, heres some pics....





Andrew B :)

25th July 2009, 09:16 AM
Andrew, by the looks of it, it could be cedar. Strip that dog awful paint and it may turn from ugly to respectable and your mate's missus might regret banning it:U

25th July 2009, 09:48 AM
I agree get rid of the paint for starters think she'll be envious then

tea lady
25th July 2009, 10:43 AM
The handle might not be "original " either. :doh: (Not that I'm an expert. :rolleyes: ) Maybe someone in the 70s has tried to modernise it.:oo: Will look good striped.:cool:

25th July 2009, 06:28 PM
thanks for the replys guys :)

i had a feeling its probably cedar....
its seriously feather weight.. lol

the paint will have to go then....

might do that next week,
not sure what kind of paint it is so i need to decide whether to sand, or scrape it, or use paint stripper....

i doubt the handle is original... its pretty damn ugly!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
i reckon a nice little knob will look good on it...

we shall see what i decide to do :wink:

Skew ChiDAMN!!
25th July 2009, 06:35 PM
Will look good striped.:cool:

What colour stripes? Purple & Lavender? :innocent:

I reckon it'd look better just stripped and left wood colour. :p

25th July 2009, 06:36 PM
Andrew, it's probably a lead based paint so anything you do will have to be done outside and with a decent breeze over your shoulder + decent airway protection.

Heat gun and scraper if it isn't lead based.

25th July 2009, 08:39 PM
What colour stripes? Purple & Lavender? :innocent:

I reckon it'd look better just stripped and left wood colour. :p

wood colour is good colour :D

Andrew, it's probably a lead based paint so anything you do will have to be done outside and with a decent breeze over your shoulder + decent airway protection.

Heat gun and scraper if it isn't lead based.

yea probably lead based... will try and chip off a bit and have a look see... :wink:

just hope theres no surprises waiting for me under the paint :doh:

cheers guys :2tsup:

tea lady
25th July 2009, 11:34 PM
What colour stripes? Purple & Lavender? :innocent:

I reckon it'd look better just stripped and left wood colour. :p :grumble: Did I ever say I was any good at spelling?:p

25th July 2009, 11:51 PM
What colour stripes? Purple & Lavender? :innocent:

I reckon it'd look better just stripped and left wood colour. :p

I read it as that Tea Lady liked the idea of seeing it naked. :o (read that anyway you like, it might be that i didn't mean it that way) :D

On the label, maybe AlexS might have an idea :shrug: