View Full Version : Aluminium faceplate

24th August 2009, 08:32 PM
In the Australian Woodworker June 09 issue from memory, there is an article about using a 6 mm disc of aluminium glued to the workpiece with hot melt glue. It mentions a household iron but I am using a video head which is 12 mm thick and a heat gun. At any rate the glue, even though I have used quite a bit is not adhering well to the workpiece. I have heard that a hair dryer is sufficient to melt hot melt glue then surely a heat gun should be able to generate enough heat to melt the glue. Has anyone used this technique as explained in the article or for that matter video heads with hot melt glue and can you shed any light on this?

24th August 2009, 09:21 PM
I have used plywood and blocks turned from scrap wood to hot melt a blank. Went well. Never used aluminium. The heat gun was how I did it.

24th August 2009, 09:26 PM
When an article came out in Silicon Chip a cupla years ago, I dismantled a cupla video heads to try. The hot melt glue wouldn't work on the heads until I hit it with some wet/dry 100 grit, and after "dobbing" the glue on the head, I used a heat gun to get it to stick properly.

24th August 2009, 09:46 PM
G'day Tiger

Which type of glue stick are you using? I have found that the translucent ones don"t stick to a lot of materials but the yellow ones work well on most surfaces. We use them a lot at work to hold larger electronic components on to circuit boards when they are to be used situations where this a lot of vibration, so they have to stick well for a long time.

PM me if you like and I will send you couple to try.


24th August 2009, 10:06 PM
Hi Tiger
Bruce Leadbeatter (of the Leady Lathes) has been selling aluminium disks that work well with his keyless expanding chuck and showed me how to use them.
..Firstly he stressed the need to use quality glue sticks (ie not from the 2 dollar shop), then with the hot gun, place a ring of glue on the wooden workpiece and put the cold disk onto it in the right position. The disk being cold will cause the glue to set almost immediately.:D
..When finished use a hot iron to remove the disk.
I bought a disk off Bruce and have used it once, but it is still a WIP and I have not removed it a yet. :)
Hope this helps,

24th August 2009, 11:15 PM
Thanks for the responses so far. I found that when I let the aluminium cool down after applying the heat gun that it did stick a lot better. It seems to need at least 10 mins for the glue to adhere properly. The big benefit of using aluminium with hot melt glue is that it releases easily after applying heat without marring the workpiece and can even be re-used without having to apply more glue.

25th August 2009, 03:29 PM
I may have to give this a try.

25th August 2009, 11:09 PM
Guys Guys turn an electric iron upside down to heat up the alley . put on the glue smooth around with wooden stick ( don't know were you will find one of thoughs ) . take off iron with pliers or multi grips . then put on blank with weight on top . If having trouble sticking use the iron as weight , when melted turn of iron leave till cooled . Tadah .