View Full Version : Lufkin LLS1 Laser Square: Has anyone got or seen one?

30th August 2009, 09:29 AM
Dear Chaps,

I'm looking to pick up some sort of a Tiling-Setout Laser, and the LLS1 by Lufkin (photo below) is on the shortlist:


Only trouble is, their website says very precious little whatsoever about the unit :?. So if any of you have either got one, or have had a close-up gander of one, might you kindly address the following questions for me:

1) Does the thing shoot two proper vertical lines at 90deg to each other, or just a couple of useless dots?

2) If you look closely at the photo, you can see a little thumbwheel on the unit's side. Does this indicate that it actually has adjustable levelling-feet?

Many Thanks,

30th August 2009, 09:46 AM
Most tilers square lasers shoot a line i havent seen one that shoots dots in that configeration. Did you get this photo from overseas site or australian as alot of the overseas models are not available in australia

30th August 2009, 01:42 PM
Dear VEK,

She's Australian-market alright; I saw one in a box somewhere a couple of months back, but never bothered to have a closer look at the time. Here's a link to a page that you can get to it from at their website:

(click on "Laser Levels" under the general sub-heading of "Levels")

What you say about the Tiler's Lasers generally shooting lines is true, but the only thing is - Lufkin aren't specifically calling it a Tiling Laser (so Buyer beware...:cool:). The possibility that it has adjustable levelling-feet has got me interested...

Best Wishes,

31st August 2009, 02:11 PM
Dear Gents,

Cooper Hand Tools have very kindly and promptly e-mailed some info about the unit to me this morning, and it appears that it does indeed shoot "lines" rather than just "dots". It has an adjustable levelling-foot (as in singular?...) for use on a tripod, and the little bubble-levels are back-lit. Comes with a pair of those red laser-enhancing goggles.

Best Wishes,

31st August 2009, 02:55 PM
You beat me to it i sent an email to them too & got the same responce:doh:

31st August 2009, 03:50 PM
But it's not self leveling which means you would be better off using a ordinary level and straight edge.

I have the LCL4 which is self leveling and has the x beams as well as a dot up and down. It also will screw to a camera tripod which allows you to adjust the hight with the tripod hight screw.

I checked mine with an optical dumpy level and over 12m (6 each way) it was +/- 1mm which I thought was pretty good as over that distance the laser line was 4mm thick.

31st August 2009, 04:25 PM
info sheet for laser from cooper tools