View Full Version : Remving the bases of bowls

29th May 2000, 09:44 PM
Greets from WA
I love making bowls in my spare time and one of the problems I encounter is removing the spigot or recess left on the base of my bowl when it has been hollowed out.
I know there are a few devices available for the scroll chuck that can hold a bowl to help finish it off but I don't own one of these.
What if you have a bowl that has a convex shape on the outside?
Previously I have finished my bowls using a turned piece of wood that matched the inside bowl diameter. This way it could be jammed on but with the shape I have now it would mean only the top rim would have any contact, I can't see it doing anything but flying off.
Any ideas short of opening my wallet to buy one of those fangled things that hold bowls?
Thanks for a great Ubb board too, glad I found it.

[This message has been edited by Al (edited 29 May 2000).]

29th May 2000, 10:54 PM
you could have a go at making a compression chuck. Very simple,very cheap.
Go to the link below and all will be explained.




30th May 2000, 12:59 AM
Thanks a million, looks like the very thing I need.

16th June 2000, 04:19 PM
Hello Al,

I found this design for a chuck some time ago, but never got a round tuit. This may be overkill, but it looks pretty good. I hope I am not being redundant with this posting, but this is my "first time" here.

Hook, thanks for your response, I made something similar last year, but not nearly as good.

Oops, forgot to include the URL


[This message has been edited by wesseld (edited 16 June 2000).]

16th June 2000, 05:13 PM
Thanks Don.
I have just made the jig as offered to me previously and it worked fine.
I have seen that jig your url shows before but this one was easier to rig up, for me anyhow.
The only difference I made to the jig was to mount it onto a dovetail spigot so I can throw it into my chuck when needed, as opposed to a face plate.
Thanks again.

Tristan Croll
17th June 2000, 01:45 PM
That Longworth fellow was a smart guy. I've been toying with something similar for a while now, but never got a round tuit either. Now I'm glad I didn't - this design is much better!. My design involved running long threaded bolts along radial grooves from the centre of a disc, with rubber grippers attached to nuts that slide in and out as the bolts are rotated.

can go further in than the diameter of the faceplate,
can hold non-circular items (as in carving recesses for clock movements)


much more work (probably some tricky welding to attach the grippers to the nuts)
not self-centering like the Longworth chuck
probably others that I can't think of right now
