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1st August 2004, 07:08 PM
A'salamu Alaikum

hye everybody

i'm a new member in these forumes

i cotact them bcoz i like them :)

would u say welcome to me :)

I'm a girl from Saudi Arabia and happy 2 b one of this wonderful family in this site :)

best wishes


1st August 2004, 07:26 PM
Hi Noora, and welcome. Look forward to reading your contribution to this site.


1st August 2004, 07:31 PM

Welcome. I thought that wood was rather scarce in Saudi Arabia. I hope that you are not risking punishment for associating with us.


1st August 2004, 07:47 PM
Associating with us is punishment!!!! :D

Ivan in Oz
1st August 2004, 07:55 PM
G'Day Noora,

Welcome aboard.

Where is KSA, ...............something Saudi Arabia :confused: :confused:
I'd guess, but I'd be incorrect for sure,
And be embarresed at my ignorance :o :o


Ivan in Oz
1st August 2004, 08:02 PM
Associating with us is punishment!!!! :D

Who said anything about ASSOCIATING??????

I'm judst picking your [collective] brains...............

Not much luck so far, things are scarce ;) :eek:


Robert WA
1st August 2004, 08:03 PM
G'day Noora.

Welcome to the site. Do you have an interest in woodwork?

Most of us know only what the media tells us about your part of the world. tell us about the place where you live and what you do there.


Have faith my friend. Here is a picture to prove that woodwork happens in Saudi Arabia.

Robert WA
1st August 2004, 08:07 PM
G'Day Noora,

Welcome aboard.

Where is KSA, ...............something Saudi Arabia :confused: :confused:
I'd guess, but I'd be incorrect for sure,
And be embarresed at my ignorance :o :o


My guess is "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia". Any other suggestions.

1st August 2004, 08:16 PM

BobR >>> Rocker >>> >>> Ivan in Oz

i'm tooooooooo happy
thnx for ur greeting


no one can punish me

I'm in a free country

the women in saudi arabia have the freedom

believe me :)

u have wrong ideas about our situation in arabic countries

but we have a lot of rights

i'm proud bcoz i'm from this zone

ectually i'm not from saudi arabia >> i live in a country near it

it's called Saltanate Of Oman :)

Do u know it??

it's a neighbor of saudi arabia :)

if u want 2 know more information about my country visit this link


a comment:

I dont speak English well

so so;)

I'm not native


1st August 2004, 08:17 PM
My guess is "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia". Any other suggestions.
thnx ur guess is correct ;)

1st August 2004, 08:19 PM
G'day Noora.

Welcome to the site. Do you have an interest in woodwork?

Most of us know only what the media tells us about your part of the world. tell us about the place where you live and what you do there.


Have faith my friend. Here is a picture to prove that woodwork happens in Saudi Arabia.

i'm happy to tell u the correct ideas about where i live


Ivan in Oz
1st August 2004, 08:21 PM
G'day Noora.

Welcome to the site. Do you have an interest in woodwork?

Most of us know only what the media tells us about your part of the world. tell us about the place where you live and what you do there.


Have faith my friend. Here is a picture to prove that woodwork happens in Saudi Arabia.

G'day Robert,
I was thinking Kingdom; but I'd be incorrect, sure as eggs :rolleyes:
everyone else'd be right :(

What's the photo................
Looks like it's from "The Life Of Brian"


1st August 2004, 08:36 PM

Yes, I know of Oman. I spent two months on Qeshm Island once, which is not far from there.

As I understand it, the situation of women in Oman is much better than in Saudi Arabia, where they are not allowed to drive cars, and may not go out unless accompanied by a male relative.

Perhaps this thread should be in "Nothing at all to do with woodwork" :)


1st August 2004, 10:07 PM
Perhaps this thread should be in "Nothing at all to do with woodwork.

Yes it should be and it shall come to pass. :D

1st August 2004, 11:16 PM
Yes it should be and it shall come to pass.

God at work.

2nd August 2004, 12:18 AM
All hail the god of woodwork and he is named :D :D :D

2nd August 2004, 12:31 AM
A"Salamu Alaikum


so u visited oman before
yeh , We can drive and do every that we want

the women in saudi arabia also have lots of rights

maybe they can't drive but even they can do a lot of things

the driving is not impotant that much .. theire relatives take them to every where .. the most right as i see is 2 protect the women from violence which is so widespread in countries like UK or usa or ur country but it's low in saudi arabia as the reports say ..

i'm to sad bcoz u have this idea about a free contry liks saudi arabia :(

i can ivite a lot of girls from ksa .. but they can't speak english well

any way i'm here to tell u a lot about the arabic countries and about the freedom in arabic countries

just take me a chance th do that and i'll be very thankful :)

2nd August 2004, 12:53 AM
G'day Robert,
I was thinking Kingdom; but I'd be incorrect, sure as eggs :rolleyes:
everyone else'd be right :(

What's the photo................
Looks like it's from "The Life Of Brian"


it's an old arabic house which our ancestors lived in houses like this house


2nd August 2004, 12:58 AM
... Saudi Arabia, where [women] are not allowed to drive cars...One thing they have got right. :D

2nd August 2004, 02:39 AM
Mmmm..interesting post. Still making my mind up on this one.


2nd August 2004, 02:45 AM
u have wrong ideas about our situation in arabic countries

Thats a very bold statement youre making there Noora,

You might be surprised when you discover what we _actually_ think of your "situation" in arabic countries.

2nd August 2004, 05:37 AM
ectually i'm not from saudi arabia >> i live in a country near it

it's called Saltanate Of Oman :)

Hi Noora,

Im a little confused.

In your first posting you said that you live in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but then in a later posting you said that you''re living in the Sultanate of Oman. I notice that you have "KSA" as your location beside your log in name on this forum.

Am I missing something or maybe its just that I dont quite understand your english..... and thats ok.

Are you trying to tell us that you were born in Saudi Arabia but now youre living in Oman or maybe its the other way around....you were born in Oman and now you're living in Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia and Oman are seperate countries arent they?


2nd August 2004, 07:00 AM
Maybe she thought we would not know where Oman is?

2nd August 2004, 07:07 AM
Maybe she thought we would not know where Oman is?

I certainly know where Oman is....its the place where a couple of mates of mine drove out to an oil rig one time and when they got there they noticed several large bullet holes in the back door of the landcruiser. I suspect it was all part of some ancient Omanian welcoming ceremony

2nd August 2004, 07:13 AM
Maybe she thought we would not know where Oman is?
I guess it would kinda like me telling someone in Queensland I was from Sydney because I was afraid that they might not know where Adelaide is??

2nd August 2004, 09:20 AM

You mustn't disparage the geographical knowledge of us Queenslanders. Why, some of us even know there are two cities in South Australia - Adelaide and er, er, ......Coober Pedy.


2nd August 2004, 09:54 AM
something is fishy about this thread - I dont buy it.

I hate to be the one that says it but I think perhaps noora is tying one on here and isnt who she says she is..

If im wrong I apologise... but there seems to be too many anglocised idioms in the posts.

2nd August 2004, 11:16 AM
I second that.

2nd August 2004, 12:14 PM
My guess is that Noora works for the Saudi Department of Foreign Affairs, who want to persuade us that all those stories about chopping off the hands of thieves and stoning adulterers, beating the **** out of people caught drinking alchohol, and the government funding of madrassas which preach jihad against the US and its allies, have no truth in them. However, my view is that they have a very long way to go there before they can be said to have a free society.


2nd August 2004, 12:33 PM
I'm afraid that I have that old sucked in feeling. Might be something I ate, might be something I read. Bull Rectum Ejectus.

journeyman Mick
2nd August 2004, 12:38 PM
I guess it would kinda like me telling someone in Queensland I was from Sydney because I was afraid that they might not know where Adelaide is??

Adelaide? Adelaide? never heard of it, is that in Australia? :confused: :D

Mick (the Queenslander)

2nd August 2004, 01:35 PM
Adelaide? Adelaide? never heard of it, is that in Australia? :confused: :D

Mick (the Queenslander)

Yep... I think it's near Ryde.

Contributor: Go See Australia.


2nd August 2004, 01:41 PM
My guess is that Noora works for the Saudi Department of Foreign Affairs, who want to persuade us that all those stories about chopping off the hands of thieves and stoning adulterers, beating the **** out of people....... (snip)

Or she's a security guard.


2nd August 2004, 01:58 PM
I second that.

Me three, sus from first post in my opinion.

2nd August 2004, 02:10 PM
... sus from first post in my opinion
Good, so I'm not the only one.

Ben from Vic.
2nd August 2004, 02:30 PM
any way i'm here to tell u a lot about the arabic countries and about the freedom in arabic countries :)

:D :D

Noora, just wondering if you could tell me how you came across this Forum?

Boy I'm glad I'm not a moderator.

"Danger Will Robinson, Danger!!!!"


2nd August 2004, 03:22 PM
ben What is your avatar a pic of ? it certainly aint a sombrero...

2nd August 2004, 03:50 PM
Perhaps she's an ex member of the board come back to have a lend of us :confused: :rolleyes: :cool: :) :p :o :eek: :( :mad: :D

Ben from Vic.
2nd August 2004, 03:52 PM
Zed my avitar is a .50 cal rifle, which I'm not alowed to have, of course. :o

It certainly doesn't offer much sun protection!


2nd August 2004, 03:56 PM
What would you use it for if you could have one? Wouldn't be much good for rabbiting ;)

2nd August 2004, 04:12 PM
Maybe 'hook line sinker wharf'=KSA in arabic.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/icons/icon10.gif

2nd August 2004, 04:36 PM
Apparantly Adelaide is "the **** end of Australia"..... i knew something smelt funny.

Nope just went past Boliver( treatment works)

2nd August 2004, 05:09 PM
Apparantly Adelaide is "the **** end of Australia"..... i knew something smelt funny.

Nope just went past Boliver( treatment works)

Adelaide is absolute proof that Tasmanians can swim ! :D :D

2nd August 2004, 05:34 PM
If "Noora" isn't a troll then I shall eat my saddle, camel and all..... youse lot have been had I reckon. :mad:

As fer youse anti-Adelaide coots, I shall sic the ghost of Donny Dunstan on yers..... may all yer Safari suits get moths! :D

2nd August 2004, 05:38 PM
As fer youse anti-Adelaide coots

Ahhhhh so ADELAIDE "is half way between here, and there!"
Now everything makes sense!!

:D :D :D


2nd August 2004, 05:42 PM
For the interest of the cynics, Noora is from Oman, her IP address shows that her service provider is Omantel (http://www.omantel.net.om/).

:rolleyes: Way to make a new member feel really welcome. What ever happened to our world famous Aussie hospitality. Some of you should hang your head in shame.

No wonder we have so many lurkers out there. Half of them are probably too scared to stick their head up for fear it will be blown off by a .50 cal. Reality check folks, this is Australia. Give the girl a break and the benefit of the doubt.

Neil :mad:

2nd August 2004, 05:52 PM
Thanks Neil,

Do we need a thread for the perpetually paranoid perhaps?

Can anyone please explain how anyone can plant themselves on a WWW forum and gather anything useful (in a subterfugal (new word) sense!!).

And a Troll?? Trolling for what?? Moreton Bay Bugs??

I would have thought if one was engaged in some serious intelligence gathering, this forum would not be a good place to start!

:D :D :D


2nd August 2004, 05:58 PM
"Trolls" hide under bridges and bight yer goats when they trip trap acrost the aforementioned bridge.... and I also reckon they are bods what hang around places like this just waiting to stir up trouble...............Oh my GOD! I'm a TROLL!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

As for Nora, I don't reckon she/he/it knows where bluddy Adelaide is either :mad:

2nd August 2004, 06:22 PM
Hi Noora,

Im a little confused.

In your first posting you said that you live in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but then in a later posting you said that you''re living in the Sultanate of Oman. I notice that you have "KSA" as your location beside your log in name on this forum.

Am I missing something or maybe its just that I dont quite understand your english..... and thats ok.

Are you trying to tell us that you were born in Saudi Arabia but now youre living in Oman or maybe its the other way around....you were born in Oman and now you're living in Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia and Oman are seperate countries arent they?

a'salamu alaikum


i'm happy to hear ur comments :)

yeh i thought that u don't know about oman
when i went to UK and the people asked me where r u from?
i said i'm from oman
no one knew where is oman??
but all of them knew KSA
my city is too near to Saudi Arabia

but i know a lot of saudain people
they r our neighbors and we have a lot of relations with them ...
and we have the same customs

that's all

I'm really sad that all of u r surprised bcoz an arabic girl contacted this forums :(

i didn't read all of ur replies

i'm going to read them after writing this reply


2nd August 2004, 06:36 PM
My guess is that Noora works for the Saudi Department of Foreign Affairs, who want to persuade us that all those stories about chopping off the hands of thieves and stoning adulterers, beating the **** out of people caught drinking alchohol, and the government funding of madrassas which preach jihad against the US and its allies, have no truth in them. However, my view is that they have a very long way to go there before they can be said to have a free society.


I'm sorry to hear that !!!

u have to know that i'm 17 years old
i don't work in Saudi Department of Foreign Affairs
ur guess is wrong

our society is against drinking alcohol so the Foreigners have to respect our consums and our region ((Isalam))

2nd August 2004, 06:38 PM

Apologies for my doubts, your original posts were a bit strange though, perhaps it's just the language barrier, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Let me speak honestly for a moment. In Australia, we currently have a small, but decent sized muslim minority who live happily beside everyone else.

Unfortunately, due to the 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq etc, Muslim culture is constantly in our faces on TV, radio, newspapers etc etc. We have many different cutlures here from all over the world, yet for the past few years all we seem to hear about is Islam, and I frankly, am tired of it. I'd love to see or read something about Bhuddism, Shinto, Hindu, bloody Paganism!, anything except Islam and Judaism.

I work with a number of Muslims, and I hate to label then like that. I'd love for society to see them as just people, rather than muslim people.

There is no general ill feeling towards arabs/muslims here, so please don't think that. It's just that there is nothing unknown or mysterious about a female from a muslim country anymore. If you actually have something interesting to say/offer, great, I'd love to hear from a person, not a muslim female.

[Sorry other's, I didnt meen to speak for y'all, just myself!]

Ivan in Oz
2nd August 2004, 06:44 PM
a'salamu alaikum


i'm happy to hear ur comments :)

yeh i thought that u don't know about oman
when i went to UK and the people asked me where r u from?
i said i'm from oman


Arh! Huh!!
Let me guess;

When you said Oman,
The Poms thought you said " Oh! Man!!"

as in "Oh! Man! Not another stupid question?"

Now, what about Yemen............Yea! MAN!..........that's cool! :cool: :cool:

Without foot in mouth ;)

Hey Noora, check out the SWMBO jokes; you need a braord SOH

SWMBO.......She Who Must Be Obeyed
SOH............Sence of Humour

2nd August 2004, 07:22 PM

I am sorry to have been a bit cynical about you, if you are indeed a 17-year old girl from Oman. It is just that most of us here are 'older' men who have nothing better to do with our lives than to make furniture out of wood, so we were a little disconcerted to find someone like yourself amongst us.


Ivan in Oz
2nd August 2004, 07:53 PM

Let me speak honestly for a moment.


There is no general ill feeling towards arabs/muslims here, so please don't think that.

[Sorry other's, I didnt meen to speak for y'all, just myself!]

Mostly for me as well :)
Crumbs Lefty,

Someone will call you a ah,ah! Woodworker.................
or even worse, a WOODY................... :eek: :eek:

[Thinking, Thinking]


2nd August 2004, 07:57 PM
The avatar doesn't add up. That's more of a harem type belly dancer than what law abiding females wear in Saudi Arabia. Maybe the IP is from where Neil says but it just doesn't fit. 17 year old girls aren't interested in talking to old *farts like us :D

2nd August 2004, 08:04 PM
our society is against drinking alcohol so the Foreigners have to respect our consums and our region ((Isalam))

I agree with that. When I came to this wonderful country I assimilated too.

That is why it really p*****s me of when muslems who come here won't do so. Perfect examples are Christmas and Easter where Christmas carols are banned in kinders. :( Or their insistance of wearing veils.


2nd August 2004, 08:32 PM
Okay weve established that Noora is actually from Oman and maybe some of us (me included) didnt exactly roll out the good old Ozzie welcome mat........apologies from me if and where they are appropriate.

The conflicting localities did have me a bit puzzled but Neils verification of the IP address clears that one up. A bit perturbing though that Noora was worried we wouldnt know where Oman is......its been my experience that Ozzies and Kiwis are pretty "üp there" when it comes to knowing where countries are.

Anyway welcome to the forum Noora.


2nd August 2004, 08:35 PM
Hei Noora,
Welcome to this mad place, and don't worry about not speaking English too well because no one here speaks it too well either.

Hei guys, I must say that women not being able to drive sounds like a damn good idea :D


2nd August 2004, 08:38 PM
a'salamu alaikum

yeh i thought that u don't know about oman
when i went to UK and the people asked me where r u from?
i said i'm from oman
no one knew where is oman??

Hi Noora,

I think you'll find that in general Australians are pretty good at knowing where other countries are.....

Sometimes you might find our sense of humour a bit hard to understand but I think youll find that we're generally a friendly bunch.

Cheers and welcome


2nd August 2004, 08:43 PM
Adelaide is absolute proof that Tasmanians can swim ! :D :D
Okay I was holding off on telling you guys too much about myself but it has to come out at some stage:

>>>Im an expat kiwi living in Adelaide and I work for a Tasmanian based company<<<<

Okay let the jibes fly.


Robert WA
2nd August 2004, 08:49 PM
From Sturdee:

"That is why it really p*****s me of when muslems who come here won't do so. Perfect examples are Christmas and Easter where Christmas carols are banned in kinders. Or their insistance of wearing veils."

I am old enough to remember the influx of people from eastern Europe, Greece, Italy etc in the 1950s. People said exactly the same thing then about failure to assimilate. Look at us now, 50 years on.

Assimilation comes with the 2nd and 3rd generations and it involves both sides adapting. We will adapt and be better for it.

2nd August 2004, 08:50 PM

I hereby undertake to make no jibes about sheep at all, tempting as it is :)


2nd August 2004, 08:58 PM
Hi Noora
welcome to the board.
I should just warn you that it is part of the Australian character to make fun of things and people that they like (thats why we joke so much about New Zealand).

Add this to the fact that most people here seem to have the attention span of a 3 year old child (myself included), hence the way this thread has diverted from its original path so quickly.

We are really a very friendly bunch and dont take offence at anything that is said it is meant in fun


Ivan in Oz
2nd August 2004, 09:14 PM

I hereby undertake to make no jibes about sheep at all, tempting as it is :)


What about having TWO heads?
On their shoulders............. :rolleyes:


2nd August 2004, 09:21 PM
>>>Im an expat kiwi living in Adelaide and I work for a Tasmanian based company<<<<


Then you are beyond help. :D :D :D

2nd August 2004, 09:27 PM
I agree with that. When I came to this wonderful country I assimilated too.

That is why it really p*****s me of when muslems who come here won't do so. Perfect examples are Christmas and Easter where Christmas carols are banned in kinders. :( Or their insistance of wearing veils.

My setiments exactly Pete
Pete (another assimilated Euro import)

2nd August 2004, 09:56 PM

Apologies for my doubts, your original posts were a bit strange though, perhaps it's just the language barrier, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Let me speak honestly for a moment. In Australia, we currently have a small, but decent sized muslim minority who live happily beside everyone else.

Unfortunately, due to the 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq etc, Muslim culture is constantly in our faces on TV, radio, newspapers etc etc. We have many different cutlures here from all over the world, yet for the past few years all we seem to hear about is Islam, and I frankly, am tired of it. I'd love to see or read something about Bhuddism, Shinto, Hindu, bloody Paganism!, anything except Islam and Judaism.

I work with a number of Muslims, and I hate to label then like that. I'd love for society to see them as just people, rather than muslim people.

There is no general ill feeling towards arabs/muslims here, so please don't think that. It's just that there is nothing unknown or mysterious about a female from a muslim country anymore. If you actually have something interesting to say/offer, great, I'd love to hear from a person, not a muslim female.

[Sorry other's, I didnt meen to speak for y'all, just myself!]

it's true

the channels , newspapers give u wronge ideas about us
when i watch i become sad bcoz all of their news r lies
belive me
i never heard abuot killing forieghners just in tv

i respect u and i want 2 tell u the truth
just the truth

there r few people who kill foreighners

do u know what's the meaning of our main greeting ((A'salamu Alaikm))
it means in english peace for u

our islam is a peaceful region

my problem is that i cant speak english well to give u the right idea

most of u r older than me >> 17 !!!

coming back

2nd August 2004, 10:16 PM
Hei Noora,
Welcome to this mad place, and don't worry about not speaking English too well because no one here speaks it too well either.

Hei guys, I must say that women not being able to drive sounds like a damn good idea :D


mad place??

oh my god :D

i drive a car but belive i didnt want to drive .. bcoz my father will say if i want him to take to somewhere

noora .. u have a car . i cant take u :rolleyes:


the men r tooo lazy .. and their excuse is .. u have a car .. i'm tired now :(

the women in saudi arabia r toooooo lucky :( .. believe me :D

ur young sister

anarchist noooooooora ;)

2nd August 2004, 10:26 PM


Are you intrested in woodwork at all?

Do they teach woodwork at schools in Oman?



2nd August 2004, 10:49 PM


Are you intrested in woodwork at all?

Do they teach woodwork at schools in Oman?


Do they teach woodwork at schools in Oman?

nooooooo never !! :D

but i'm going 2 learn alot from these forums

is any body here is 17 years old?? :confused:

i'll make alot of noise here ;)

sorry .. u have to bear me :D ;)

ur young sister

anarchist noooooooora :p

2nd August 2004, 11:18 PM

me thinks it becomes curiouser and curiouser..........I stand by my original post.

John Saxton
2nd August 2004, 11:25 PM
Hi Noora, welcome to the BB there are quite a few women who keep us guy's honest by their being forthright or direct. :D

You will get used to Aussie humour bit it will take time and in due course you'll be takin' the mickey as is known for lowering someones shorts in quick time.In other words as a well known politician was wont to say you'll keep the Bas*^rds honest. :eek:

Take all the comments lightly and you'll also see that there a lot of true & real people who'll take time out to help you with a problem mostly if it is connected with woodwork. :cool:

We are well aware of where you live in the Gulf States because of the media coverage over the last 14 years but which as been stated treat the area with doubt because of all the troubles that are apparent in that region.

Hope you enjoy your woodwork experiences.
Cheers :)

2nd August 2004, 11:43 PM

me thinks it becomes curiouser and curiouser..........I stand by my original post.
looooooool :D

Gumgy .. what's the meaning of ur name?? :p
it's toooo cute

2nd August 2004, 11:43 PM
is any body here is 17 years old?? :confused:

anarchist noooooooora :p
Not 17 but I used to be.

2nd August 2004, 11:49 PM

Not meaning to be rude but....do you think its a good idea posting your private email address at the bottom of your posting?


2nd August 2004, 11:54 PM

I hereby undertake to make no jibes about sheep at all, tempting as it is :)

Was reading a fascinating news item about sheep the other day. Apparently somwhere in Britain some sheep have learned how to get across the cattle grating barring them from access to a village green and theyre now busy demolishing the green. To negotiate the grating the simply lie down and roll across it.....pretty smart for a sheep I reckon.

After reading that item Im now proud to be associated with sheep.

2nd August 2004, 11:58 PM

Not meaning to be rude but....do you think its a good idea posting your private email address at the bottom of your posting?


Um...guys, hate to point his out but read the email addres again - slowly.
You've been had. I think Neil should terminate this now, I've had enough.

3rd August 2004, 12:00 AM

Not meaning to be rude but....do you think its a good idea posting your private email address at the bottom of your posting?

what's matter?? :(

ok !! i'll change it :(

3rd August 2004, 12:02 AM
looooooool :D

Gumgy .. what's the meaning of ur name?? :p
it's toooo cute
GuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyA gumby:

Definition 1: a little green man shaped object made from Fimo. Speaks in an outrageously high pitched voice and whos associate is a Fimo pony called Pokey.

Definition 2: one who doesnt drink Grange Hermitage and knock back caviar by the truckload.

Definition 3: One who spends most of his/her life with feet planted in a pair of gumboots.

3rd August 2004, 12:04 AM
what's matter?? :(

ok !! i'll change it :(
Nothing "wrong"......but if you publically display your email address you might find youll start getting lots of spam and emails from weirdos (other than the ones on this forum).

Its your choice :)

3rd August 2004, 12:08 AM
Nothing "wrong"......but if you publically display your email address you might find youll start getting lots of spam and emails from weirdos (other than the ones on this forum).

Its your choice :)
thnx mr / kiwigeo

i'm happy to hear ur opinions


Ben from Vic.
3rd August 2004, 12:45 AM

I'm very curious to find out how you come accross this particular forum? :)


3rd August 2004, 01:51 AM

I'm very curious to find out how you come accross this particular forum? :)

A'salamu Alaikum Ben

by coincidence :rolleyes:

i have to thank google (http://www.google.com) .. :D

i wrote ..((australian forums))

then i entered this site :)

3rd August 2004, 04:54 AM

I'm very curious to find out how you come accross this particular forum? :)


Hey dont scare her off Ben....I think I like this "Mister Kiwigeo" stuff.....havent had that sort of respect from a young person for ages.

Ben from Vic.
3rd August 2004, 12:33 PM
:o I don't mean to scare anyone off.

I was just wondering how a non-woodworking young person from Oman came to find herself on an Aussie bassed (mainly) woodworking forum, thats all. ;)

I must admit I'd never heard of Oman before. :)


3rd August 2004, 02:27 PM

I worked with an Iranian woman a couple of years ago, she taught herself english by watching pirated American satellite TV. Her family was quite progressive despite being from Iran, this is too long a story and too involved to put up here.
I would guess the mixture of odd english with enlgish phrases would come from the satellite broadcasts. Also how many of us as teenagers (I resisted the term "kid") did something to get a reaction. Sending odd emails to a woodworking buletin board populated by (generally) old stick in the mud men, could be seen as a bit of fun. The fact that this has got so many replies in such a short period of time probably indicates that as a strategy it worked.

Anyway congrats Noora on the response and welcome.

3rd August 2004, 05:50 PM
A'salamu Alaikum Noora,

Welcome to our little online community.


3rd August 2004, 06:56 PM
Sending odd emails to a woodworking buletin board populated by (generally) old stick in the mud men, could be seen as a bit of fun.

Hey I am old, but not really stick in the mud. I was going to ask Noora to do a belly dance for us, but then I thought I would be accused of being a sexist pig, so I refrained.


Ben from Vic.
3rd August 2004, 08:57 PM
I was going to ask Noora if she has a veil on the lower half of her computer screen when talking to us guys.

But I figured it may get me into to much trouble. :D :D


Ps. yes, thanks . :D

3rd August 2004, 11:09 PM
:o I don't mean to scare anyone off.

I was just wondering how a non-woodworking young person from Oman came to find herself on an Aussie bassed (mainly) woodworking forum, thats all. ;)

I must admit I'd never heard of Oman before. :)

She could have done worse..she might have stumbled into a National Action forum. Nope shes done pretty well stumbling across this forum and the top notch woodies that populate it. We just have to get her to convince her Dad to build her a workshop and buy her some tools.

4th August 2004, 01:56 AM
:o I don't mean to scare anyone off.

I was just wondering how a non-woodworking young person from Oman came to find herself on an Aussie bassed (mainly) woodworking forum, thats all. ;)

I must admit I'd never heard of Oman before. :)

No mr //Ben from Vic
u didn't annoy me

don't worry.

it makes me happy :)

don't listen to mr//kiwigeo ;)

noora :)

4th August 2004, 01:59 AM
A'salamu Alaikum Noora,

Welcome to our little online community.

Wa Alaikum A'Salam Mr // himzol

u r tooooooo polite :)

thank u a lot :)

4th August 2004, 02:01 AM
Hey I am old, but not really stick in the mud. I was going to ask Noora to do a belly dance for us, but then I thought I would be accused of being a sexist pig, so I refrained.

a comment

Mr // Rocker

The arabic women never dance except the dregs women :)
who dance in front of the men in the bars to get money

4th August 2004, 02:04 AM

I worked with an Iranian woman a couple of years ago, she taught herself english by watching pirated American satellite TV. Her family was quite progressive despite being from Iran, this is too long a story and too involved to put up here.
I would guess the mixture of odd english with enlgish phrases would come from the satellite broadcasts. Also how many of us as teenagers (I resisted the term "kid") did something to get a reaction. Sending odd emails to a woodworking buletin board populated by (generally) old stick in the mud men, could be seen as a bit of fun. The fact that this has got so many replies in such a short period of time probably indicates that as a strategy it worked.

Anyway congrats Noora on the response and welcome.
She's Iranian woman not an omani or saudian woman

and she didnt represent all the women in Iran ;)

4th August 2004, 02:07 AM
another comment

I'm not a student in a school .. I'm a student in a university

It's sommer now .. we don't study during Aug and Sep :)

4th August 2004, 03:44 AM
i invited my friend from bahrain :) I'm going to persuade het to participate ;)

4th August 2004, 03:49 AM
another comment

I'm not a student in a school .. I'm a student in a university

It's sommer now .. we don't study during Aug and Sep :)
Sounds like you have great universities in Oman....when I was at university I had to study during my holidays.

4th August 2004, 03:53 AM
Sounds like you have great universities in Oman....when I was at university I had to study during my holidays.
u mr .. not me :)

why do u talk to me like that mr kiwigeo??

what did i do to u ?? :(

i respect u and i hope u tp respect me plz :(

Can I ???

4th August 2004, 08:33 AM

There are huge cultural differences between what is socially acceptable in our societies. I was quite surprised to hear that dancing iregarded as immoral for arabic ladies.

I went to a friend's 65th birthday party a few months ago. My friend, who is Scottish, played the bagpipes, and his wife, who is a few years younger than he is, danced. We all admired her energy and fitness, but we did not consider her immoral :)

You need to take these cultural differences into account when you read our posts on this forum. For instance, you seem to have taken offence at something Kiwigeo said, about his having to study at his university during the vacations. But I can assure you that, in our eyes, he did not say anything offensive. Remember also that much of what is said here is said as a joke, and is not intended to be taken seriously. If you see something that seems to you to be offensive, it was probably not intended to be so.


4th August 2004, 11:26 AM
i respect u and i hope u tp respect me plz :(

Thats courtesy, not respect. Common courtesy is paid to someone you dont know. You can't repsect someone until they've earned that respect.