View Full Version : Stain or Varnish

4th October 2009, 11:26 AM
Hi, nearing completion of futon (featured in Aus woodsmith #38) was wondering what would look best between stain or varnish. I think i want to stain it, i want a deep colour like this Big Tree Big Daddy Futons (http://woodenshipsonline.com/Futons/Big-Daddy-Set.asp), also after i stain should i use a high gloss varnish. i have only ever stained before and that was a meatsafe, i used wattyl stain and varnish. Please reccomend products to use that are avaliable at local K & D mitre 10 and bunnings etc.

4th October 2009, 05:27 PM
Take a look at this (http://www.woodworkforums.com/f11/works-time-photos-105782/) for a finish. Good luck with your project.

4th October 2009, 09:13 PM
thanks for that, i like the high gloss, thats what i would like, but can you stain it before then use what you used

Honorary Bloke
4th October 2009, 10:35 PM
thanks for that, i like the high gloss, thats what i would like, but can you stain it before then use what you used

Yes. Be sure to read the directions on the stain to make certain it can be used under water-based topcoats. Most can. If not, lay down a seal coat of de-waxed shallac between the stain and the topcoat. Be sure to let the stain cure out well before starting the next finish.

12th October 2009, 09:08 PM
i got Wattyl Traditional Craftsman finish Contemporary Maple in a 500mL tin and Wattyl Estapol Gloss in a 1 Litre tin. These two products cost me a total of $59.21 ($36.23 for the stain and $22.98 for the varnish).

thanks for help all