View Full Version : mahogany bookcases

14th September 2002, 05:49 AM
I want to construct a bookcase in a mahogany type wood. The timber I purchased measures 8x1" p.a.r. but I need my cases to measure 10" wide when finished.
Should I reduce my 8x1 to 2 pieces 4x1 and put a 2x1" piece sandwiched inbetween?
Or would it be acceptable practice to use the 8x1 plus the 2x1 to obtain the 10" measure.
My corners I intend to mitre and use a biscuit jointer.

16th September 2002, 04:20 PM
My opinion would be that adding a 2" piece to your 8" will look exactly that - added on.
I can see why you want the 10"width for a bookcase/bookshelf, and to cut your timber costs, it makes sense to cut 4 lengths, each 2"wide from your 8" width,thereby minimizing the waste.
I would then be cutting each board into 4", and joining the two 4"s with a 2" in the middle. Again, wastage is cut. It also has the advantage for joining your mitred corners - three biscuits slotted in the middle of each of three sections of the final 10" would give the join solidity.

17th September 2002, 12:55 AM
Personally I would join the 2" to the 8" making the joined section the back edge of the board. Much easier to get a really good grain match on one joint than on two. If done well the joint should be almost impossible to pick unlike a centre joint that will most likely be very obvious because of the dificulty of getting a grain match across the 3 pieces of timber.

Just my humble oppinion. I hope it helps.

Cheers - Neil http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

17th September 2002, 06:13 PM
That's got you buggered now, hasn't it ?
Have thought about Neil's opinion. A number of things come to mind -
* Your skill at getting the edges of your timber straight
* Your skill at biscuit joining
*the grain on your timber
* what finish you are going to use
* if you can't get 10" timber, and money is no object, why not use 2 X 5's? Do you have a use for the left over 3's if you go down this path

[This message has been edited by Mick4412 (edited 18 September 2002).]

22nd September 2002, 08:55 PM
many thanks for all helpful advice .I am going for the narrow piece on the outside.
woody u.k.