View Full Version : Z vises

18th October 2009, 06:31 PM
Got awfully close to buying one of the Z vises today at the Wood show. The demonstrator made it sound like it could do anything. After reading the posts here, glad I didn't take the bait, but it was a close thing.

Ben from Vic.
18th October 2009, 10:38 PM
Truth is that they can do a lot of things and the older original version is quite well made. If you have limited space and only dable with light things they can work as a stand in untill you get a proper setup. Their strength is also their weakness, they are designed to do almost anything, and nothing.

I'll sell you mine $100.:rolleyes::D

18th October 2009, 10:56 PM
Bit like those cloths that mop all the stains and spilt liquid, works great for the demonstator but when you get yours home, its another story. :)

19th October 2009, 07:24 AM
I bought one and use it regularly, in my case money well spent

19th October 2009, 10:13 AM
Interesting feedback, I too have been caught out by gimmicks that work well in demonstrations but then fail in the "real world". One interesting application was pulling fence posts out of the ground. Are these things really that strong? They don't seem heavy duty enough to do this but, if they can then I'll re-examine them.

19th October 2009, 01:59 PM
I first bought a Zyliss vice about 30 years ago and as a portable vice they are brilliant. They supplement but do not replace the bench vice. They are very well made and work quite smoothly, quite strong - the aluminium is thick.

Mine got stolen a couple of years ago and I replaced them (they come in pairs) at the next wood show - would not have done that if I had doubts.



Ben from Vic.
19th October 2009, 02:08 PM
I first bought a Zyliss vice about 30 years ago and as a portable vice they are brilliant. They supplement but do not replace the bench vice. They are very well made and work quite smoothly, quite strong - the aluminium is thick.

Agreed, they were designed to be portable and versatile and are very good at this. Think of them as being in the same category as the B'n'D Workmate.

20th October 2009, 12:13 PM
I also have one and find it terrific. No, it will not replace a "normal" vice but can certainly do the things claimed and if used in conjunction with other vices [even Super Jaws] it is good as it frees your hands for the tools not to hold the job.

I also have a 7" Carter wood vice which I have made portable and have used it and the Z vice in tandem when working on a long piece, have even used it for holding and cutting/drilling 100mm PVC pipe which allowed me to have 2 hands free. The drill holder I have also found to be handy on occasions.


20th October 2009, 03:23 PM
There are two types on sale the Z and the bench pro , I have a bench pro made by zyliss and its great , beware the z , i am reliabliy informed they are made in india as a copy of the bench pro :2tsup: