View Full Version : House tolerance dimensions

18th October 2009, 08:10 PM
Hi all,

I was wondering if any one on the forum would know the plus or minus dimenensions in metric for house frame and floor bearers / joists tolerances. What is considered good with these matters?

In the process of erecting a Kit style home with son and so far we have maintained a tolerance of 3 to 4 millameteres, sometimes hard to achieve due to the manufacturing process in play. (Steel tapes and a laser have been in use.) Level does not seem to be an issue.

Regards Mike:B

18th October 2009, 08:36 PM
3-4 mm seems reasonable to me, but don't let it drift much more than that, if you can help it. (IMHO)

18th October 2009, 08:50 PM
hi mike,
in the perfect world everything would be within .00000000001 of a millimetre.

however, working as a chippy for 20 years, i would say my tolerances are reasonable.

interior and exterior walls...plus or minus 3mm plumb.

floor joists.....5mm.

concrete floors...these days with lasers 5mm - 10mm. good old days...10mm - 25mm

roof trusses....10mm - 15mm.

structural posts, timber and metal. plus or minus 2mm

fixout....i regularly work to quarter of a millimetre. thank god for that laser eye surgery!

when renovating old houses, we have deliberately made frames out of plumb and out of square. it was more important to make the new work match the old work
sometimes aesthetics/cosmetics take precedence over making something millimetre perfect.
in new buildings, we try to get everything perfect, but sometimes it can be difficult .....

regards, justin.

18th October 2009, 08:57 PM
hi mike,
in the perfect world everything would be within .00000000001 of a millimetre.

Sorry even in a perfect world that's not physically possible because that is about 10 times smaller than the size of the smallest atom and no macroscopic object can have size differences smaller than that. :D

18th October 2009, 09:43 PM
If all the buildings I have worked on over the years were any where near 3-4mm I would have been real happy

19th October 2009, 12:43 AM
30 odd years ago I built my own house from a Kit that we had modified to suit our needs.

Got a fellow in to help with plastering the ceiling ( Gyproc ) and he was astounded when all bedrooms had equal opposite sides for the cornices. Said he had never seen it happen in hundreds of houses he had worked on.

Maybe owner builders are more particular.

19th October 2009, 08:09 PM
Thanks for the replys. It appears as if we are on song for a good building job. We are well within tolerances which were found on the net.Thanks all

Regards Mike:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: