View Full Version : Need help !!!!!

19th October 2009, 12:55 PM
Hi guys,
I'm trying to build a cubby for the kids. Its approx 8m length by approx 7m deep. There's a tree in middle of backyard which I'm attempting to get rid of atm. in the back left corner is slightly elevated where another tree is in the corner which will be gone as well. Up against the back right fence is some left over pool fence which is now attached to the back fence to stop dog jumping over lol..

Well The whole cubby will be made out of steel not wood like I was going to do..so far hasn't cost me anything its all been at sites (helps when ex hubby installs patios for living exactly same as stratco ones so i've been getting all the leftover sheets & steel poles) so all been free - taken a couple of mths to get it all though - so darn long http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/images/smilies/actions/doh.gif I've got enough colourbond sheeting to do the whole cubby (3mx3m or possibly 2.5mx2.5m inc patio) going to the council tomorrow to find out how big I can make it without having to get approval.

Thinking of doing the floor timber or tiles not sure yet - any suggestions? The verandah is going to be steel (exactly like a house decking patio all round the cubby so they can play chasey & have table/chairs underneath. Slide will be on the front of cubby looking at house ladder on side.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to build it now with steel? lol i have no idea & don't want ex to build it instead - told him "My project, I'm building it on my own"... hmm not sure if good idea but "If a man can do it so can I" - that's my saying anyways but think I've bitten off more than I can chew... any help??? http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/http://cdn.woodworkforums.com/images/smilies/blush-anim-cl.gif pics would be great 2.

I've put a couple of pics of cubbies that I liked but not sure where to start lol...:B


19th October 2009, 12:59 PM
:o Poor kids ............I guess you never read them the story of Hansel & Grettel :no:

All that steel in such a small area is going to be like an oven in summer and an ice box in winter..........oh sorry your in Perth no winter.

As for the tree's what are they any good fo Perths wood turners.:;

19th October 2009, 10:34 PM
bags offf concrete ,tech screws,techdrill,drop saw,tape measure,

set up four main beams into the ground with concrete let set
then use your teck screws and attach your horizontial beams
and use your imagination and go from there

as you could imagine it would be very difficult to explain to you over the net a design on building a cubby house

if i was you i would get the ex involved as he works with stuff every day infact also get the kids involved as well

19th October 2009, 10:36 PM
oh yea the floor mabey use builders plywood you can paint it or stain it or varnish it or glue tiles to it

20th October 2009, 12:04 AM
Steel!!!??? Steel!!!:oo:

How do you like your children- boiled or baked?

20th October 2009, 12:12 AM
Steel!!!??? Steel!!!:oo:

How do you like your children- boiled or baked?

Not to mention slashed, gashed and minced! :2tsup:

20th October 2009, 01:03 PM
First off
Goodonya for even thinking about having a go at this. A lot of women wouldn't even think about it.
8M X 7M. thats not a cubby, thats a shed. I don't suppose you want to adopt a middle aged child do you? LOL.
Go along to some of the places that have garden sheds etc on display and have a look at how they are put together. Digital camera is your friend here.
As others have said it will be hot inside. sharp edges are fixable. you could probably line it with cheap ply or masonite. put insulation between the ply and the steel. you could collect foam veggie boxes and cut them up as a cheap insulation.
I wouldn't put tiles on the floor though. Stick with wood flooring. a lot more kid friendly. tiles will end up getting broken and then you have the problem of sharp edges on the broken tiles. even if you put some vinyl flooring down. If you keep an eye out you might find someone who is replacing some and you might get enough in good enough condition to do the cubby floor.

best of luck with it
