View Full Version : looking for woodworking course in Hobart

20th October 2009, 11:50 AM
Hi All,

I'm trying to find a woodworking course in Hobart (or surrounds). I've looked at the Tafe courses, but couldn't find anything suitable. It's for my wife as a gift, so looking at something that will take her through furniture making basics. It's something she loves doing, and will really enjoy, but as it's not a career, it's not worth a thousand dollars in course fees.

Do any locals know of such a course? Sadly I could have contacted the mens sheds to see if they offer anything, but as she's a she, I don't see it as an option.

20th October 2009, 04:08 PM
Hi All,

I'm trying to find a woodworking course in Hobart (or surrounds). I've looked at the Tafe courses, but couldn't find anything suitable. It's for my wife as a gift, so looking at something that will take her through furniture making basics. .

Yeah, a lot of the TAFE courses were transferred to Launceston about 15 years ago. Adult Education booklet came out a couple of weeks ago - didn't keep mine - but they usually have something.



21st October 2009, 08:40 AM
Thanks for the pointer. Sadly the only woodwork Adult Education only offers is wood turning, so the search continues.

31st October 2009, 11:37 PM
Talk to the guys at Specialised Joinery Supplies in Burnett Street next to the piano shop. They'l be sure to know of a suitable course or even someone to give one on one tutoring.
There's also a wealth of knowledge (and some women) in the Woodwork Guild which operates out of the (I think) Goodwood Primary School. They used to be up at Flagstaff Gully TAFE Campus but they were in the process of moving last time I went to a meeting. One of the members is a (very) ocassional contributor here. Can't remember his name tho. Sorry!

2nd November 2009, 09:41 PM
Tasmanian Wood Guild (http://www.tco.asn.au/oac/community_groups.cgi?oacID=60&groupID=594)


2nd November 2009, 11:16 PM
Tasmanian Wood Guild (http://www.tco.asn.au/oac/community_groups.cgi?oacID=60&groupID=594)

Yep, that's the mob. Thanks Chris. Say G'day to that old leftie George from me. :wink:

3rd November 2009, 10:20 AM
Thanks Chris, that looks the ticket. Though it's late as a b'day pressy (it's today) it sounds perfect.:)